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Messages - RainbowTea

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Art Gallery / Re: Le Cup of Art (Late X-Mas Gifts for Some Floofs)
« on: December 29, 2013, 12:26:54 am »

So here are the gifts. I'm sorry they took so long. I accidentally smudged Jim's entire chibi face and had to start over. And then I drew until midnight, and I forgot how to art. It was so bad. I couldn't even art chibi Oreo's sleeve. And then something went wrong with chibi Kaos' butt. Ugh haha. I hope you like your gifts, floofs. ;u; Merry Late Christmas.

Art Gallery / Re: Le Art in a Coffee Cup (Late X-Mas Gifts for Some Floofs)
« on: December 29, 2013, 12:26:38 am »

I posted your gift first, Oreo, because you come first in my heart. <3

Haha no. I'm kidding. In fact, Oreo, I never smile at the thought of you. Instead, I laugh at the thought of you.

In this gift, you're smiling (duh) because . . . you're smiling. That, and you have a good sense of humor. You know how to make people laugh, and you need to make more people laugh. You've been blessed the ability to make people smile, and maybe you'll be the next Tim Hawkins. I would've made your manga character dude laughing, but that would've looked awkward.

Thanks for the good times, man (cough cough that Mario video game cough cough). Even though we sometimes fight (haha, our fights are just hilarious), I'm really glad you're my sister. I'm glad you were born - erm. This is getting awkward. - awkwardly pats your head - So, um, you go enjoy your gift, okay? - huggles -

Jim, you were one of the first people I met on FH (if my memory is correct). You were hilarious, and you knew how to make me feel welcome. You were the one who encouraged me to post my art, and now I'm slathering the Internet with it (jk). You're a good person, Jim, and I'm really glad I can call you my friend.

Hopefully, I did a good job of making you appear fun in this gift with swag. You're a very funny person, and you know how to liven up a roleplay with your witty and sassy characters. There's no meaning in the scarf. The scarf is just there, sitting there like an inanimate object. I hope you like blue scarves.

This letter (I don't even know what to call these things) is probably one of the hardest to write. Fox, you are one of the most sophisticated people I've ever met. Your air of sophistication is so thick that I can barely - blah. I can't even describe it. It's so complexy and sophisticated omg. I admire it.

We don't know each other very well. But I really wanted to draw you this picture to express my gratitude. When I first stained the FH forums with my art, you were one of the floofs who encouraged me to keep drawing. However, you said it in such a way that it stuck with me (other floofs that encouraged me: don't feel like you didn't help. I really appreciate everyone that supported me). Before that, I used to have a bad habit of putting myself and my art down. Even though I recognized my strengths, I still put them down for years.

However, when you asked me why I "negated my own ability," you really made me realize what I was doing. I was literally killing myself in a slow, process pounding with terror. Because you took the time to say a few words to me, my whole life changed. I stopped putting myself down, and I watched myself grow and improve in so many different areas. It's really wonderful, and I'm now so much more confident like I used to be. Thanks so much for that.

Ugh. I want to cry now. But I won't.

I gave you a simple outfit in the gift because simplicity can be peaceful. You're a peaceful person, Fox, from what I see (when I occasionally stumble upon a post of yours). Your kind words are calming, and I'm sure people are happy to have you as a friend. Oh, and sorry about your right eye. The stupid pencil smudged and wouldn't come off or something. Sorry, man.

Kaos, I can never get over your awesomeness. You come up with amazing roleplay plot lines, and you're a pretty good roleplayer who is good at expressing the right amounts of emotions. It's honestly fun to roleplay with you (and getting into cat fights with your characters once in a while. cough cough Jinx and Rak cough cough). You're also a fun, great friend - not just a good roleplayer. You make me laugh so hard sometimes.

Originally, in the gift, I was going to draw a male character in a chaotic world, since your name was Kaos. However, I thought about it and decided to make him appear peaceful instead. Opposite day, whoo.  

Purple used to mean royalty, since the color was so expensive and rare. Rich people (usually kings and queens) would wear purple, if I'm correct. I decided to color his shirt purple because I thought of you as royal and rare. You're a unique individual that no one else can ever copy, and I'm truly glad to call you my friend. You're a priceless friend.



As I ran through the FH forums while causing further doubts on my sanity (heheheh), I realized how much of a family FH was to me. I know I don't appear very much in the different parts of the forums becausei'malazybutt. However, that doesn't stop me from wanting to give people Christmas gifts.

Late Christmas gifts. Some of you might hate me for that ("OMG, Coffee, why couldn't you have thought of this earlier" Yeah, yeah, I know, sorry ;A;). But I'll still love you, so hate on me as much as you want.

Basically, I went through the forums and chose the people on Santa's naughty list chose the floofs that were an encouragement to me. That doesn't mean all you other floofs weren't encouraging - I still love you all (yeah, you probably hate me even more now haha). <3 Anywho, I decided to become your fairy godmother and (bibbidi-bobbidi-boo, however you spell it) turn you all into dashing male characters that reflect your wonderful personalities. So don't ask why you all are males.

Wait, Fox Philosopher, you're a guy, right? You don't have to answer this question, but yeah ;A; Maybe I won't have to bibbidi-bobbidi-boo you.

Anyway, enough of the chit-chat. Let's do this thing. Oh, and if this isn't in the right section, I deeply apologize. You can move it if need be o3o


The Form

Appearance: (eye color & hair color) Note - you don't have to do your real eye/hair color.

Personality: (a few sentences describing yourself - doesn't have to be too detailed, just the basics of what you want me to know)

It bugs me to death when people only put like...a sentence or two when I type a whole paragraph that is full of detail. D:<
Hopefully they'll find this and change! ^^

I feel you D: It happens all the time to me, which is why I'm so careful in which roleplays I join haha! Fortunately, there are many awesome roleplayers on here. Oh, and thanks for the floof. c:

The amount of work put into this leaves me in awe. You seriously deserve a floof for this detailed guide.

Thanks, Rii. - chokes up and runs away crying - jk. But it wasn't a lot of work. It just took a bowlful of experience and a dash of insanity to concoct the guide of chaos haha.


Nicely put, Coffee! A nuzzle for the lovely guide.^^
D'aww, thanks, Oreo hun. <3 I feel like floofs are going to be questioning my sanity after reading this though haha.  It honestly was really weird. I have no idea what I was thinking. Ech, the price of mad typing skills. I'm sure you get me.

Le End

All it took was a bowlful of experience and a dash of insanity to concoct the guide of chaos.

[You mean this guide of cringe because I'm dead. The FDA needs to put a warning label on this thing.]

Thanks for reading this strange guide. May the roleplays be ever in your favor.

You may now post.

Life Draws Near

Memory is always faulty. Emotions are always true. ~Author Unknown

[Thank goodness you can edit posts years later. I don't know what I would've done if this was permanently engraved on the thread.]

Reacting to Character's Emotions

When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion. ~Dale Carnegie

Your character is affected by emotions (duh) - it's not rocket science. It's only natural for him to react to his emotions in his own way. Depending on his personality, he will either react to them in the right or wrong way. However, we live in a fallen world where no one is perfect. That means your character can't be perfect either. Of course, he will have to make mistakes once in a while and react the wrong way.

Your character may also react to other characters' emotions. If he happens to stumble upon a girl crying, he may stop to comfort her, awkwardly stand there, or ignore her. He might seize the chance to steal her backpack or look around for her parents. His actions will depend on his personality, but remember that
people can change.

I'll shut up for a moment, and you can read an example. Maybe one or two, depending on how lazy I am.

[No, we are not reading any examples because judging by my level of incompetence, I had no business writing guides.]

That was a lame example, but it was still an example. - huggles Rick and throws him back into his house -

Personifying Emotions

Let's not forget that the little emotions are the great captains of our lives and we obey them without realizing it. ~Vincent Van Gogh, 1889

[Removed for the sake of my sanity.]

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