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Messages - Mythrim

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thank you so much!!

I'm glad you like her <3

Art Gallery / Re: Doing Free Art Portraits for a Day o3o (05/05/17)
« on: May 05, 2017, 06:36:48 pm »
Ahhh I love your art so much<3 If you don't mind, I'd love to request! And of course Potatoes<3

Here is a ref -- >

Thank you for the oppurtunity!

I'm honestly so surprised that I filled up this fast? I just think my art is "okay" at best,
but I'm glad so many people want it. Makes me feel like a decent artist xD

However, chur accepted!

*clears throat*


Here's Cosmo all done and cute. Enjoy :D

Art Gallery / Re: Doing Free Art Portraits for a Day o3o (05/05/17)
« on: May 05, 2017, 05:44:38 pm »
Oh my gosh! Thank you so much, Mythrim!<3

You're very welcome <3

Art Gallery / Re: Doing Free Art Portraits for a Day o3o (05/05/17)
« on: May 05, 2017, 05:38:22 pm »

Love love LOVE your art btw!!! Azura must finally be drawn! :D
Mm Toast loves >Potatos<
And also loves your art , she wants to know if ye could draw her :3

Thank you so much, both of you. Both are added! <3

Art Gallery / Re: Doing Free Art Portraits for a Day o3o (05/05/17)
« on: May 05, 2017, 05:34:29 pm »

Dey go, Reg! I drew the face a bit longer since her breed is like a Dane. <3

Art Gallery / Re: Doing Free Art Portraits for a Day o3o (05/05/17)
« on: May 05, 2017, 04:26:30 pm »
*clears throat*


Accepted! |D

Art Gallery / Re: Doing Free Art Portraits for a Day o3o (05/05/17)
« on: May 05, 2017, 04:20:05 pm »
I'd love one of Ari! 

Uhp uhp! You're forgettin' something xD
It's in the reference pic!

Oh, you're sneaky! I just now saw that xD
Request accepted!

Art Gallery / Re: Doing Free Art Portraits for a Day o3o (05/05/17)
« on: May 05, 2017, 04:16:36 pm »
I'd love one of Ari! 

Uhp uhp! You're forgettin' something xD

I'm in the mood to do some artsy stuff, so feel free to take advantage of that to get something for your charrie~
Preferred art program: SAI for drawing, GIMP for editing.

Style: Cartoon / Semi-Realistic Anatomy

Free Portraits:

so no body or anything like that... just a bust image (shoulders and up). Like dis:

If you want a portrait, just post a screenshot or reference of the character I'm drawing, and in bold letters somewhere type the word "albuquerque".
Like... I'm not kidding because, if you don't, I won't do your request *evil laughter*.

I'ma leave 3 slots open for ye floofs, and I'll be checkin' here every few hours or so.
(P.S. It might take more than a couple days to complete all the drawings).

SLOTS (05/05/2017)
1.) Regularities --- Sakari
2.) CosmoFursi --- Cosmo
3.) Azura --- Azura
4.) Chipz --- Toast
5.) Kynvuu --- Kynvuu

SLOTS (02/12/2018)
1.) Accailia — Accailia
2.) Valar.Morghulis — Grace

Btw, you can ask me to do something more specific with the portrait, but if you don't I'll just let my brain do its thing and I'll do whatever.

References will work the best if you have some for your characters!

Last thing: NO REMAKES

First come, first serve. I usually spend 2-4hrs per piece (coloring takes up most of that time) so
I don't want to get too many pieces for me to be able to handle.

Just a flat, full-body image. I may or may not add shading, idk.

It doesn't have to be a wolf or lion!

If you want a full-body drawing then post a reference for me below and in italics somewhere type the word "blubber"
(yes, like from a whale). And again, I'm not kidding xD

I will open just TWO slots for this, as I mentioned before, because these pieces take a while for me to complete
and I don't wanna give myself a huge workload or anything. However, if I finish in a timely enough
manner, I might be willing to take a 3rd request. We'll see how the day goes ;P

1.) Ms. Tea --- Ms. Tea
2.) Dallas --- Roman
3.) Accailia --- Accailia I owe you one!

Again, these may or may not be finished within one day.
If you want poses or certain expressions, you better specify or I'll just do what I want >:D

If you have artistic references, those would work best for me as the colors are easy to grab and use.
FH screenshots will work, but take several different angles so I can see the character clearly.

I will not be offering remakes or corrections!

She said the "C" word!

That is right my floofs, I will now be offering cheap commissions outside of what I offer for free.
I don't do these kinds of things for free often, so these types of occasions will be rare.
On top of this, this thread will become a commission thread once the free stuff's over.

That's not to say I'll never do free stuff again, though! ^^

In the meantime though, all art I make will never exceed 5 USD.
Payments will be via PayPal, or you're welcome to pay me with deviantArt points! <3


 Portrait line art: 0.50 USD or 40
 Flat color portrait: 1.00 USD or 80
 Shaded portrait: 1.50 USD or 120

 Full-body line art: 0.75 USD or 60
 Flat color full-body: 1.50 USD or 120
 Shaded full-body: 2.00 USD or 160

Are you interested in commissioning me?  Wonderful! Just shlap some info onto this form--
Code: [Select]
Request: (Line art? Portrait?)
Payment: (PayPal or dA Points?)
dA User: (Only fill if you're paying with Points)
Reference: (Images or links to images would be fantastic)
Specifics: (Anything special you want done like poses, props, etc.)

may or may not be interested in art trades if you'd like to ask. Just PM or post with links to some of your examples
and I'll let you know whether or not I feel like agreeing to a trade. (I so sorry, I are picky ;-; )

BY THE BY, I  will do corrections and remakes for commissions so you get the most bang for your buck!

Presets & Markings / Re: Skap pap's preset shop (FREE)
« on: May 05, 2017, 03:39:33 pm »
 Picture of your character:
    Species: Wolf
    Specific texture you want: The texture was edited and such by me, so I'm sending the link to your PMs .D.
    Basic color: A darkish brown
    Minor Colors: Tan, a darkER brown, grays, magenta, etc.
    Any defects?: Robotic right hindleg and a robotic right eye.
    Realism: Semi-realistic, please.
    Mane added?: Yep!
    Eye type: Just FH's "Contracted Slit" will be fine. (feyeMask1_16).

Thanks so much btw, and just let me know if anything seems too difficult or what-not.
The leg has the foot missing I realize, but I leave that up to you, whether or not you want to use transparency there. xD
(P.S. You're siggy gif is frikkin' hilarious xD )

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