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Messages - RedRedRose

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I know I've not been accepted, but it's been a few days since I posted my app and I even tried PMing Soulstar_the_Dark, so please just ignore my post if there's something wrong with my character :3

Rayna Branwell

The monotone drone of the teacher's voice would have sent most to sleep this early in the morning, in fact, it did. Rayna sat with her head resting on her crossed arms, chewing on a price of bubblegum and gazing out the open window. A sharp bang just inches away from her head caused her to sit up straight, flattening down her hair as she stared uncomprehendingly at the teacher in front of her. "Ms. Branwell. Perhaps you could tell us at least one thing you have learned today?" The redhead didn't even blink, "Of course, miss. In fact, would it be alright if I stood at the front of the classroom to...clarify it?" Before the teacher standing before her could reply, she was already up and sauntering toward the front of the classroom. It took her a few second to reach the chalkboard, but that was enough time to let snickers and giggles erupt around the room. For a worrying second, Rayna thought they were laughing at her and she faltered. "Keep going." A girl behind her hissed as she grinned.

The screech of the chalk on the chalkboard caused a few to flinch, but Rayna kept writing. Her looping, cursive writing clear as day to read. 'Today, Miss Collins has taught me that it is better for people to think you are an idiot rather than to open your mouth and prove it.' Standing back from her message on the board, she waited the few seconds it normally took for the class to react. It started with only a few nervous laughs until someone started to clap and it developed into an uproar. "Rayna Branwell. Get out of my sight this instant!" The teacher's face was bright red with fury and Rayna spluttered, reaching down and picking up her bag before making a hasty exit.

As she walked down the empty corridors, the redhead pulled out her phone. She knew Charlotte was bunking, so she made the decision to text her. 'Where are you? Miss C went ape-sh*t on me!' Pressing send, Rayna picked up her speed down the twisting corridors until she reached the main doors, miming a salute sign towards the secretary, she opened the doors and walking out into the sunlight. Closing her eyes for a second and leaning her head back, she breathed in the clean air. Glancing at her watch, one of her perfectly-kept eyebrows raised. She had lasted just about two hours. That was a record.

What she's wearing:

Thank you! I can't wait to start!


Selene, The Servant Girl
"She who considers herself the servant of her fellow beings
Shall find the joy of self-expression.
She who seeks self-expression
Shall fall into the pit of arrogance."

Age: 20 years old
Gender: Female.
Rank: Lower Class- Servant of the Royal Family.
Description: Long, red-brown hair tumbling down to her mid-back in loose waves. Her bright sapphire eyes draw the most attention, so she normally keeps them averted. She is slightly shorter than average height and she is very slender, although not skinny. She walks with a grace that only a servant could have and is often seen with as many as four trays glancing on her arms at once. It is rare to see her without dark circles under her eyes, but a spark of curiosity is always dancing wound her features.

Personality: Being a servant, Selene has been taught to not speak before spoken to; to only show emotion when alone; and to never stand out. She is very much a mystery to most, but many view her as the strong-silent type. Underneath her servant's manners, she is a stubborn and curious soul that can't help but get involved with things. She often does 'accidently' overhear the royal family's conversations and finds herself very much involved in their many trials and tribulations. If one would get to know her, she would be found to be fun-loving and daring with a surprisingly good sense of humour. She does have a dark side, where she can be snappy and insulting. She has received a good education unlike most servants and is very intelligent, often thinking of people's next move before it happens. Sometimes, although she normally does bite her tongue, she cannot help but speak out and express her opinion, leading to multiple occasions in which she has been very close to being 'sacked'.

History: Will reveal throughout the Roleplay cant be bothered coming up with one right now :3
Relations: None of particular significance. She is often seen as someone to listen to be the royal family; but would not be quite classed as a friend.

- Humming as she works. She secretly has a lovely singing voice.
- Speaking out when she is not permitted to.
- Breaking the rules.

Power: Selene can teleport short distances. For instance, she can 'bounce' from one room to another with ease. Although she can only teleport herself and whatever she is wearing; if she is holding something it will be dropped and left behind.

- Would she live in the castle or in the lower class part of the town? ;3
- Unlike most servants, she speaks properly with the tongue of someone expected to be upper-class.
- The majority of her wings are a dark grey colour, although the tips gradually turn purple. She has so far kept this hidden in the way she folds her wings and few know of her mutation.

Ask Me / Ask Me ANYTHING Pwease
« on: January 01, 2015, 11:55:23 pm »
WARNING: The reading of my awkwardness may cause some mild side-effects such as: coughing, sneezing, itching, moaning, groaning, crying, screaming, hallucinating, blushing, slamming-head-on-the-table-ing, meditating and possibly dying. Oh, and I must add that my fangirl-ness does show a lot. So I'm sowwy   :'(

Okayalrightokayalright *deep breath*


Hehe I don't know what to say. What do I say? This is some stressful stuff...


Okay, back to the subject :3 I've posted this thread in this section in this forum on this site because I am brave enough to let you ask me ANYTHING *ground shakes* within reason
Please, let me first introduce myself. I am Concern, but my friends call me Conny. Well, at least they would if I had any friends *slaps reader with wet sandal* I am a complete fangirl of basically everything under the sun EXCEPT Supernatural because I've not watched it yet and my life is a misery and IM SORREH. pleasedonthurtme

So feel free to ask me whatever you want! Things fandom-related are especially welcome because then we can form a special bond of love and shipping and meadows full of poppies and happiness ^^

Art Gallery / Re: Tani does art
« on: January 01, 2015, 11:03:30 pm »
You have a real gift! Wishicoulddrawlikeyou I can't wait to see more :3

Would it be alright if I got a quick recap too? :3

Rayna Branwell

Age: 17 years old.
Year: 12th Year. She is one of the youngest.

Personality: Rayna does certainly like to blend into the background of things. Although she does tend to stand out of the crowd so she often finds 'blending in' quite difficult. She is not used to a lot of attention being aimed toward her, but certainly is not shy. She has a healthy amount of confidence that does not always shine through, especially when she's around guys, but she is very charming and charismatic once you get past the outer wall of her quietness. In school, to say the least, she does not like being told what to do and is often cheeky and rude to the teachers. She is bright, but also fun-loving and daring. Most of all, her loyalty is very fierce and no matter how hard it is to gain her trust, she certainly will not lose it easily. Her sense of humour is surprisingly sassy and she can be sly when she wants to be. Most people find Rayna very beautiful in her own odd, abstract way and you will find her to be actually quite popular in the school and not many would dare to hurt her.

Shape shifter form: A small red fox. She is much more sly and more of a trickster when in her shifter form.
Shape shifter gender: Female

- Block.
- She has three younger brothers that are not shifters in the school, so not many dare to mess with her as they are all pretty tough.
- And, would it be alright if Rayna and Charlotte were both friends?

I've been casually stalking this thread for a while and I was wondering if you are still accepting apps? I would love to join!

Human & Humanoid Roleplays /
« on: December 24, 2014, 09:30:49 am »
Sorry I've not been able to post, guys :3 I've been really busy in the lead up to Christmas. I don't think I'll be able to manage two characters, so would it be possible for someone to 'adopt' Damien xD So sorry!

 Allanah Keirnan

"That's absolute bullshit." A sceptical voice caused Allanah to turn, her long mahogany hair blocking her vision for a moment before it settled into place. Her eyes sparked at the challenge. "You wanna bet?" Her soft voice held much more confidence that one would expect from a girl like her. She addressed a male slightly older than her, one that she was familiar with after meeting him the night before, that had questioned her earlier statement. "There is no chance that you would have the guts to hang off of that." His eyes darted to a place behind the girl, but she didn't need to look to see what he had been gesturing to. Besides, she was that one that had announced the fact that she could hang, upside down, off of the railing overhanging the lower deck of the ship with ease for a whole minute. The drop was at least a hundred feet.

It took her only a few seconds to skip over to the railing, glancing behind her once to smirk at the worried looks on her friends' faces. Placing one steady foot on the middle bar, the brunette swung her leg over, followed by the other. Now that she was directly above the deck below, the first spark of fear flipped her stomach, but she kept a determined face and adjusted her position so that her legs were bent over the top bar. Satisfied with the few gasps below and in front of her, she let go of the bars completely with her hands and swung backwards. Her legs remained hooked onto the railing, but she still let out a joyous cry, her hair hanging down and softly swinging in the breeze. She laughed as the adrenaline pumped itself through her veigns and her arms stretched out wide. "Start the timer!" She called out, her soft Irish accent high with excitement and breathlessness. She remained swinging dangerously, her grey eyes scanning the now-upside down deck for anything interesting. A familiar accent caused her head to turn towards a nearby balcony. She gazed in interest as two seemingly Irish men discussed women, one of the short and reasonably unattractive. The other was tall, dark and certainly striking. Well, at least upside-down he was. She was about to call out to them when two strong hands grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up and over the railing.

"That was a minute." The guy from before's voice was gruff with embarrassment as she pushed past him, running a hand through her hair to return it back to its usual position. In a few seconds, she was surrounded by laughing and whooping friends, giving her high fives and awed looks. "Let's go down to the pool." She announced, untying the ribbon of her throw-over, and began to lead the large group to the pool. It took them only a few minutes to get there. And when they did, they received a lot of pissed-off glances. Allanah's stunt with the railing had not gone unnoticed. Delving into her over-sized beach bag, she pulled out a small bottle of sun-tan lotion, dumping all of her stuff at a nearby sun lounger and letting herself fall back on it.

After applying a light yet safe layer of lotion, Ally turned onto her front and closed her eyes. "Wow... You've not even had one drink yet, Ally?" An amused voice caused the Irish girl to open one eye and scrutinise the person that had disturbed her peace. "I'm just saving me'self for tonight, sweetie." She purred, closing her eyes once more to feel the sun's rays soak into her skin. Her mind couldn't help but wander back to the Irishmen on the balcony, speaking of a party they would be attending. She sighed, Check it out later.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays /
« on: December 08, 2014, 04:15:13 pm »
I'd be happy for us to start! :3



The silence was deafening, causing the Ghost the walk even faster down the twisting alleys that provided a seemingly endless amount of shortcuts. A distant car alarm was set off, but then silenced after what seemed like hours of the unimaginably infuriating wailing. Wiping the remaining blood from her blade, Cassandra's pace significantly slowed down as she reached the meeting point. Twirling the blade around her fingers, she held her breath as two figures came into view, one clearly being Lucifer. She stayed out in the shadows for as long as she could bear, listening intently to the man's speech. An almost-silent scratching sound caused her head to snap up and her icy gaze to land on two huddled figures watching.

 Letting out a clearly audible chuckle, she sauntered from her hiding place with her heels crunching against the gravel beneath her. "Good evening." Cassandra smiled, now twirling a small strand of hair around her finger. Now that the second figure had fully come into view, the brunette's gaze slid over her. A woman, maybe slightly older than her age, not nearly as smart, although surprisingly tough. Flashing a cold smile in the woman's direction, she turned to Luce, who seemed to look just as smart as before. Slowing to a halt a good few metres away from the pair, she turned and glanced at the roof in which the two figures had been hiding. A small head appeared, peering over at the meeting. Sighing, Cass turned back around, shaking her head as if disappointed.

-sorry for shortness- :3

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