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Messages - ammy01

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first of all ,thx angel :)
good question btw ^^,
usually i wanted to start a rp with my friends in a fantasy world we came up with ,
well it turned out that i thought it would be cool if there would be real people running around, and not just in our imagination...and because of this i wanted to make the map public.I hope many peeps want to join,
the more the more fun and the more realistic it will be.What i wish is that one day LP will be a home for all species and where everyone can rp.It should be a place where everything is like in "real live", what i mean is that every human in there has a house, can have a job ,a family and so on.I just hope to create a world as realistic as possible for all of the species :3
What i can already say about the main rp of me and my friends:
In the castle lives a princess with servants(which are playable) and there is a village too.(There also is a storyline, I will post it when the map is finished)
i hope you understand what i want to say and i answered your question ^^"
...and sorry for my bad english ._.

LOL xD you always come up with the best ideas

Jacob from twilight o.O? ...

^^ rocko, right?

please read the edit in the main post and comment

alright ;P


^^ ill see what i can do :3 i already finished with your comission for him, i added his bow and the arrows, do you want him to have a crown as well?

kewl char ;P
im sorry to say but LP already has a princess as leadress (an elf)
but if you start your own rp there, just look for a nice den and you can be the leader of your group ^^
(btw in the tunnels are great dens with crystals :P, maybe post a screeny soon)
and i make you an offer:
if you have a special wish for a den, tell me where it should be placed and how it should look like and youll  get your personal rp den where you can perfectly rp with your species (but this place will be also open for others though, just houses are claimable :3)

good to hear that :3 i soon have vacation, then ill have time to re-texture everything back to default,
cause the new texture i downloaded causes me major lag ._.
and i decided to link a tunnel-map to LP, so be prepared for a giant tunnelsystem >8D

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