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Messages - AlphaWolfForever

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Request Other Mods/Creations / Feline lion tail for canine model?
« on: December 29, 2013, 06:42:23 pm »
Hi :D.....I was wondering if its possible for someone to make the lion tail for the canine model? or if there's one out there already?

Request a Preset/Marking / Preset Request,Anyone up for a challenge?
« on: December 29, 2013, 06:22:28 pm »
Hi floofys :D .Could someone please create me this weird interesting strange preset for me?  :)

I don't have a picture, but im very confident I can describe her thoroughly. This canine is realistically textured and colored with a black pelt but its not too dark in where you cant see its texture. Its left eye is blindly slit and obtains the color of dark red, and its right eye is completely missing leaving a parch of hairless(texture less) skin. The nose on this canine is realistically colored. One ear is completely missing and the other is not(back ear).Inside the ear is red as well as the paw pads(red).Its tongue is grey black shaped like a snakes tounge+ looks like one and the canine only has the first 4 fangs , the rest are missing. Its left back leg is missing like a three legged dog....the legs  missing all the way up to the hip. On the right left should be a dark demon like marking, let your imagination flow. All over its body id like there to patches of missing fur.

Take your time im in no rush...but if possible id like it to be completed fairly soon. Thank you :D

Animal: (Feline, Canine, etc) Canine

Base Color: (What will the main color be?) A light black

Side Colors: (What the socks, markings, ears, etc colors' will be) red,and tanish

Basic Description: (Give me a detailed description, so that it helps with visualization) The pelt is black but not too dark in where you cant see the fur texture at all.This canine has a dark red like orbed right eye and its left eye seems to be missing completely.One of its ears has a hole in it(Like a pirceing) and if  you look at it you can see right through it(doesn't matter if its the left or right ear).Its nose is a light grey black like an actual wolf nose.Its tounge is black and red striped and is shaped like + looks like a snake tounge(not sure if this is possible).Inside its mouth is only has the first 4 sharp fang like teeth and no others.Ithas two markings one one the left front shoulder the second on the left back hip.inside its ears are red.

Mane: (Yes or No? And which type? Describe how it looks) Yes,backward Mohawk that is red and black

Paw Pads: (How're they colored?) a light black grey

Fur Texture: (1, 2, or 3? If not provide a link) 3

Symbols: (Are there any special markings I need to add?) A red raven(bird) that's connected by red swirls on the left front shoulder.On the right back hip a green king cobra snake or rattle snake.
Publicly : Private

Please message me if your able to do this....its just easier for me if you do..thank you

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