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Messages - akimra2622

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Hiya, could I join?
Name: Kaze
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Personality: Kaze can be quite shy and try to distance herself from other dagons, but if you make an effort she can be a loyal friend
I am able to get to Sky's Rim

Accepted. I will PM you your dragon type soon. We can meet up in game at some point, which we can arrange later.




Two packs with one wish: to kill the other.

One of the packs is of the night. The other of the day. Both are sworn enemies of each other. Both have different characters.

Mylez - This is the daylight pack. Strong, ferocious and fast, they are the best of warriors. They are strict with new members and will put them to the test to see if they are good enough to be part of the pack. They are merciless in battle and have very messy meals. From the moment they learn how to walk, the pups are trained as warriors. However, though they play rough games, they have the sweetest hearts when it comes to friendship and they will die for their friends and family without hesitation. The Mylez are usually larger in size and have dark colour with fierce markings.

Seyfus - This is the mysterious night pack. It is very small and it likes to keep to itself. The Seyfus can pass unoticed if they wish and they never show their full emotions except when they are in love. Every full moon, they go to some kind of holy place where they worship the moon. On these occasions, they go into some kind of trance. They call their Alpha Saeyra. She is the one who communicates with the moon and occasionally she can see visions into the future. She is a young wolf but is very well respected. When her visions start to fail her, a newborn female pup is chosen to become the next Saeyra as it were. The Seyfus have either dark fur with light markings or light fur with dark markings. The Seyfus are excellent hunters and spies.

The only rules are these:

No god modding
Be nice and polite
No wings

Also, I am looking for an Alpha for the other pack. To apply, fill in this form:

As an after note, I am looking for a mapmaker for this RP. Please PM me if interested and I promise to give you full credit for it!!!

At the moment we are sited in the South Pole.

Hope to see some new faces soon!!!!




Why you think you'd be a good Alpha

To all the people who have already applied - If your wolf's personality fits in t=with the Mylez pack, you will be a Mylez wolf, and the same goes for the Seyfus pack.


I'd love to join!! This sounds great!! Just a question though, how do we get the map and the presets? And do you have a website?

Okay! I'd like to thank you both for joining, me and Raines really appreciate it ^^

Also, I'd be glad to let you character be Klieds' adoptive daughter. It'd make a cool add-on to the story!

Thank you so much!!! That sounds great!! Shall we meet up in game some time?

Wow! this roleplay sounds amazing!! I would really like to join!! Could I join as Klied's adopted (or not) daughter?
If I could that would be great!!!!
Thanks and I hope I can join!!!!

Name: jonathan
Age: 17
Gender: male
Personality: Shy
Are you able to get to Sky's Rim? no

I'm sorry Jonathan but your personality description has to be more detailed and you MUST be able to get to Sky's Rim because that is where it is set.

Hello and welcome to Sky's Rim! This is where the dragons dwell and you may, if you wish to, join them. You see, these dragons have many different personalities and love new people!! They all live together and are known as the Mixaliquis dragons (meaning mixed characters/people).

All you have to do to join them, is this:

Are you able to get to Sky's Rim?

There are different groups of dragons in this group and each type has a different personality. If you apply, I will tell you which type matches your personality and what they have to look like.

The only rules are these:

No god modding
Be polite
Stay in character
Accept your given type of dragon

The leader of the Mixaliquis dragons is a young female who only just became the leader (that's me) but you must respect her because although she may seem small, she is a right little furry when she is angry.

However, she loves new people and would be happy to let you come into this group of dragons at Sky's Rim.

This sounds amazing!!!!! Hope I can join!!!

Username- akimra2622

Subjects Number(Subjects Only)- 09 (pronounced Oh Nine, not Zero Nine)

Age - teen (in wolf years)

Gender - female

Background/History- 09 can't remember her past life but now and then she gets a few seconds of feeling a very strong emotion or smells something or even hears something she can't explain but she knows it has something to do with her veiled past.

Personality- 09 is quick-thinking, witty, bright and cunning. She is fast to make decisions (sometimes not always the right ones) but she also has a 'professional' side, which doesn't often make an appearance. Although she is young and small for her age, she is, at heart, like a little devil when it comes to fighting. She is quite naive and easily trusts people, which sometimes leads her into trouble. However, she can be really mysterious when she wants to. She loves meeting new people and is very sociable but though she seems happy on the outside, there is a darkness in her heart that comes from her unknown past and that she can't explain.

Picture/Description- is there any particular appearance we need to have? Otherwise 09 is black with a few hints of white in her fur (I don't know which markings I will use because I am waiting to know if I am accepted before creating my character) and she is small for her age. She also has wings (which the doctors added to her when she first arrived.

RP Sample- 09 held her breath as the doctor walked past her cage. Every time their footsteps came close to the metal bars that held her captive, she dreaded to hear the sound of their footsteps stop. It had happened once before, two days after she first arrived. After her life became an unescapable Hell. They had bound her and had taken her to a room where they had tied her to a cold table. Of course, she had struggled but it wasn't enough. Before she knew it, knives had cut into her shoulders and the pain had started. She had screeched for hours, even after the wings had been attached but the noise she made could only be heard within her heart. Although the pain had gone by now, it still hurt. The memory still hurt. Ever since, she had made a vow to get out of her cage and make the doctors feel the same pain they gave her.

Other- 1) How do we get the map?

2) This may seem like a weird question that has nothing to do with this, but how do you get the 'new' symbol next to a new topic?

Hope this is good enough!!!

Name: Anaba-meaning "she returns from war"
Age: 2 1/2 years
Gender: Female
Personality: Anaba is fierce, loyal, kind, smart, fast, and strong. She would give her life for her pack and her family.
Port: Mylez
Description: Dark grey/black pelt, light blue/green eyes, and tall. If I could I'd add a picture.
I do need to know if the pack is mapped cause I can't download maps. If there's anything else you need to know about my character just let me know. Hope to see ya soon :)

Your character sounds great! You are accepted into the pack!!! I wanted to have a map at first but I decided against it so we will stay in either South Pole or Sky's Rim (I will be holding a vote to decide which one later). In the meantime, you can add me in-game (akimra2622), just PM me to meet up at a specific time in-game.

when are you on

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