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Messages - lillyp03

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Presets & Markings / Re: lillyp03/Xiallia's Presets!
« on: June 24, 2016, 08:08:35 am »
D'aw thanks and, those names are really neat! :D
Her design isn't done/really in mind. But, with some testing I'mma most likely have darker swirls n stuff. [You can see a little on her muzzle]
But overall, thank you! :D I'll keep these in mind!

Presets & Markings / lillyp03/Xiallia's Presets! UPDATED!
« on: June 24, 2016, 08:04:41 am »
All of my presets will go here! Along with any WIP presets as well!

Here's one I'm currently working on. Still deciding on a name for him/her. If it was a girl, I had in mind the name 'Darcia' [Darr-see-uh]. For a boy, 'Dire'. Tell me your opinions! :D NOTE: She's not done but, I'm leaning more on Darcia, but OPINIONS on his/her name is gladly accepted! I'll keep ya'll updated!
Here it is! vvv

Game Discussion / Re: What brought you to FH?
« on: June 22, 2016, 07:56:15 pm »
I too, found myself finding Feral Heart through YT/Videos. This video wasn't a music video but was a series of 2 videos. One, was a 'My Family Story' video: Another was a music video, but, sadly the people who made it stopped playing Feral Heart: I personally thought at first that Feral Heart was nothing but a REALLY GOOD animation.. xD But soon I looked into it after seeing more and more YT videos. Now, I saw myself making my first character who is actually heavily based off of the female mate in the first 'My Family Story' video. lol

Site/Forum Help / Re: Finding Addons/Mods, etc Help
« on: June 14, 2016, 11:14:25 pm »
Ahhh yes! It is all good! Thank you both so much again!

Site/Forum Help / Re: Finding Addons/Mods, etc Help
« on: June 14, 2016, 11:10:37 pm »
It just got finished downloading and I just finished editing some textures to my likings. About to go see in game how everything is. Thank you both so much!

I like a lot of mods to my FH. cx

Site/Forum Help / Re: Finding Addons/Mods, etc Help
« on: June 14, 2016, 11:01:14 pm »
Both of these were helpful so far. Even though I've already checked there in the same section. But with some extensive looking I managed to find legendary items that I wanted. The only other thing is [it's downloading right now], that I'm unsure if it contains the scarves/colored piercings. If anyone has a direct link to either of these I'd gladly like to see it!

Thank you!

Site/Forum Help / Finding Addons/Mods, etc Help
« on: June 14, 2016, 10:21:54 pm »
Edit: When I'm saying items I'm more referencing some of the scarves, COLORED piercings, or goggles that I keep seeing in many screenshots. Did one item pack update?
Alright, might be posting this in the wrong section, if so, you may gladly move it.

Anyways, I can't seem to find where people are putting/posting their mods that THEY made. Not requests or what people are wanting to be made such as 'I want this item' or, 'this marking'. But, where people are actually being able to download some of the main mods on here such as Legendary Items, Markings, textures, etc. But I can't find the 'mods' section. I've checked all up through 'Addons and mods' of course but under there I've notice some posts relating to this [just player made mods] have been moved to the 'mods' area. Which overall confuses me as I can't the mod's area.

On the other'paw' [lol], I could just be blindly passing over it and if that's the case, I'm so embarrassed and sorry for wasting your reading this.


I've only really been around the media/help/art sections of the forums, not much of the addons and mods.


Art Gallery / Re: lillyp03/Xiallia's Art! *UPDATED 6/7/16*
« on: June 13, 2016, 08:26:54 am »
Little thing I'm working on rn.
A ref/doodle thing of a new character. I was inspired to make her following the new update because of the BEAUTIFUL maps.

EDIT: I also notice when I draw all calm and relaxed, my style changes into this pretty style I like but, I can only do it when I'm relaxed I notice.. xD If only I was relaxed 24/7 ;u; that'd be sweet
Edit#2: I just had too. XD

Game Discussion / Re: How easy is it to make new friends nowadays?
« on: June 11, 2016, 02:20:43 pm »
I personally do a mixture of both!
Joining role-plays is fun because you can directly be placed with people who have similar things in common to you, [aggressive rps, passive rps, mapped rps, nonmapped, depends on the group!] But, not all role-plays are active and some will die out.
On the chit-chat side of things I like to talk about what's going on and what's currently happening. Most likely relatable topics and noncontroversial things. I myself, have trouble talking to others so I just post something random in chat like: 'That moment when you realize, you forgot to add a marking on your character's preset after you exported it.' Something like that, most likely starting with 'That moment when'.. I'm that person. lol.

But overall, yea, that's just what I do.. cx

Game Discussion / Re: What makes a grand leader?
« on: June 11, 2016, 12:53:53 pm »
Unsure of how old this was first posted, but, being a person who has had several decent groups [Hopefully;;]. Would like to say my thoughts on what a grand leader would be.

For me I would say interaction is BEST. My old group BV [Broken Vengeance] and SP [Scarred Paws] was quite big and had some of the larger packs talking until I got a little stressed out over small things and went on a hiatus, etc. But, I made sure to make sure members not online had updates on our site, activity, making sure being active was fun and appealing, the role-play wasn't so boring. Talking out some big decisions with my members, allies, enemies, etc.

Another good quality would be your dedication and kindness. I myself, is little too kind.. like, you can be kind for a good relationship with your members but, don't let anyone stress you out or stomp on your group. You must be able to be respectful, kind, polite but, also be able to clear possible rumors of your group, keep any misbehaving members in order, or else you might get a bad reputation if that misbehaving members causes something big and, big drama = no fun for everybody.
Going alongside with A LOT of the people above,  is to just overall be respectful and make sure you listen to what your members are saying, take into consideration ideas, let them help out in development, make sure you all are having fun with what your doing.

Soon you'll have a happy group that's having fun getting on to chat, play games, have fun and, role-play. This'll influence your role-play A LOT. People won't be the usual, 'sitting in the background, sigh' type of deal. You'll all be excited to meet one another, actually contribute and act as a family in the role-play. This will also make people more keen to join your group by just watching the role-play. All of this just from basic good, interaction merely OOC. Making friends with your members I have to say is KEY, for a successful group.
Like really, name one group that hates their members that's active and has lasted for over a month with occasional role-play.

Hope this helped! :D
Also if you'd like, here's a few screenies of my two groups I named above. ^^
Scarred Paws [SP]:

Broken Vengeance [BV]:

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