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Messages - ArctosAnima

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Miscellaneous Tutorials / Re: How to Make An Avatar/Signature
« on: June 21, 2014, 11:18:23 pm »
I know this isn't a help thread, but maybe try uploading it to TinyPic or another image host site? To upload to tinypic, go to, but you might want to go on a mobile device because of the ads and popups. Then, click on "Select an Image" and select an image from your folders. Then, select the size if you want to resize it. From there, click "Upload", and you should be greeted with either something that verifies that you're not a robot or a screen with the image and codes. For an avatar, copy the very bottom code, saying "Direct link for Layouts". On FH, select "I have my own Pic" and paste the code from TinyPic. It may take a few tries to change though.

Hope this helped a bit, even though this isn't a help thread o,o
Also, this is a fairly old thread. Try not to bump old threads  xD

I'm so sorry! I didn't see the dates! I know it's not a help thread, but I thought it'd technically be related considering the topic >_<
Thank you for helping though! I will try that!
I actually tried pasting the link of my deviation into that bar too, since the avatar is also in my dA Gallery, but that didn't work either.
Thank you! I'm sorry for disturbing something I shouldn't have T^T

Game Help / Re: Skye Needs Help With a Couple Things, Please!
« on: June 21, 2014, 11:11:04 pm »
Greeting, Skye.

Reading through your list of issues, it sounds like something is causing you to miss certain textures.
As well as possible important files.
It may have been a wrong placement of the files, which causes things to collide with each other.

May I know where exactly you placed the item image files?
As in, all the files besides the items.cfg

Basically, they're supposed to be put in this folder below.
I do hope you haven't placed in the 'Textures'. ^^

Excuse my Swedish pc. x'D

For Mass Markings, I put the markings.cfg in the MAIN FeralHeart folder, and the rest of the files into Media>Textures, as I was told to do by tutorials.
MM works fine. A FEW markings here and there don't show up, but they weren't ones that seemed important or like I'd use them, so I don't care. Everything else was fine.

As for Pawsome Item Pack, I placed the items.cfg in the MAIN FeralHeart folder, like I was supposed to, and I put the rest of the files into Media>Items.
The items DO show up in the list on Panel 4 of the Create/Edit screen, like they're supposed to.
The only issue is that, if I go to "Add" an item, the game freezes upon clicking Add, and crashes.

That's all I got :/

Thank you for responding and helping!

Miscellaneous Tutorials / Re: How to Make An Avatar/Signature
« on: June 21, 2014, 10:43:29 pm »
OMG yes, like everyone else, thanks so much!

As you can see from my comment, however - my icon doesn't show :|

I was, for NOW, planning on using the same icon as on my deviantART.
I had my own pic, clicked on Choose File, went to the folder of my computer with the avatar I drew, waited for it, clicked Change Profile and waited for it to load...I've tried a number of times, but instead, I get this blank box with a little icon inside it...and, if I check the profile again, the Choose File box, instead of having the name of the picture file, says No File Chosen...I've tried like 5 times..any idea why it does this?


Game Help / Skye Needs Help, Please!
« on: June 21, 2014, 10:06:33 pm »
Hey, all. Skye here.

So, I've decided, after seeing wayyyy too many marshmallows, and being curious, I decided to download some packs.
Of course, I got the typical Mass Markings Aug22, and Pawesome Item Pack V5 - both from the MediaFire download links given in some forums.

Well, I did everything properly. MM works as it should, the lists are there, and the markings show up (they didn't show the first time, just the lists, but that was a small mistake on my part. I fixed it quickly).

However, Pawesome Pack..I'm unsure. I did exactly as forums/tutorials said to do, which is basically the same process as MM, but with the Items instead.
When I go into Edit/Create, the huge list of items appears on Panel 4, like they should. I figured I'd test the items with my simple white wolf avatar, Skye.
Now, being the butt I am, I wanted to start from the top, and see what each item looks like, going down the list one at a time.
The list started with HEAD on the top, and "Ace Hat" as the first item. I clicked on it, and hit game froze, then went white and I got the error about "FeralHeart.exe has stopped working. Windows is trying to find a solution"-yadda-yadda. Then, of course, it'd prompt me to Close Program (I consider this as the game crashing).

The very first time I played the game I got a Bad Token. Second time, it crashed. Last night, it crashed a couple times TOTALLY randomly.
Well, I re-opened the game, signed in, clicked onto Skye and Edit, then went to try the same item a second time..crashed IMMEDIATELY.

Is there something I can do? I feel like, if I try more, it'll just keep crashing if I try an item. It doesn't even add the item. As soon as I click on the Add button, the button darkens like it should when clicked, then freezes and I get the crash error.
I highly doubt it's the Pack itself, and my computer runs this game perfectly fine, to my surprise (this laptop has a history of being bad with games).
So..what could it be? Should I keep trying to try on the items? Should I just play the game as usual and forget the items?

I already uninstalled and reinstalled the game a second time, for another problem, that I'd actually like to ask about as well:
I know what certain maps look like. For me, however, South Pole's snow is YELLOW instead of the normal white-gray-blue. Also, Ficho Tunnel's floor and walls are the same icky dull yellow color. Its ceiling however, is the normal brown-gray color it should be.
I was suggested to redownload the game just in case there was an error, but it obviously changed nothing.
Is it just a texture failure on my computer, or what?

I would GREATLY appreciate help on these two issues, everyone! Thanks so much! I'll be having dinner soon (it's 6:05pm, Eastern Time as I type this sentence), so I teeeechnically don't need an answer RIGHT AWAY, though soon is appreciated!


Introduction / Re: Hiya! New and Excited to Be Here!
« on: June 19, 2014, 05:59:39 pm »
I have been online, just not super amounts because I was busy with other things around my house. I also switched characters a lot cuz a couple people wanted me to show off my grizzly bear made from a lion, my Toothless, and my character Jaih.

As for the icon thing, I did go to having my own, and when I clicked to upload the file, I went to my pictures folder and chose a drawing I did - the same icon as my deviantART account.

Also, if anyone can tell me why South Pole's snow and Ficho's floor and walls are yellow, I'd appreciate it!

Thank you all again for your kind welcoming! :D

Introduction / Re: Hiya! New and Excited to Be Here!
« on: June 19, 2014, 03:04:36 am »
Haha, yes, Oreo, the past few times I've logged in, I went to Ficho Tunnel. I like it there. A nice space without being too open..Not easy to get lost (like South Pole...which, the snow is yellow for me, btw. The tunnel too, for some reason.), and not overlypopulated like Flourite or Bonfire (neither of which I will even TRY to visit for fear of my game crashing like it's done twice already..very first time I signed in, bad token..laughed my ass off).

Love your avatar art! I like the style.
Speaking of which, if anyone can tell me why my icon isn't showing on here, I'd appreciate it. I made sure it fully uploaded. :/

Introduction / Re: Hiya! New and Excited to Be Here!
« on: June 19, 2014, 01:29:25 am »
Haha, like I said before, thank you to everyone! You're all so kind and welcoming, and I love it!

You guys can see me around as any of my many characters:
~Skye/SkyeWing (white wolf/white wolf with black-blue angel wings);
~Jaih/JaihWing (dark blue, gold, and silver Anubis-like hound, with or without wings);
~Grizzly, my lion avatar I made to look like a bear;
~Brightfire, a lion character I got on deviantART. Was looking through adoptables, and the owner wanted to do a trade instead of points or other payment, so that was easy. He's a white lion with a black mane, and sun/fire colored eyes and nose. I don't have a full ref of him yet, just the headshot drawing I saw originally;
~or, even the Toothless I made out of a lion avatar!

I'll be making many more, especially one based on the custom Fanzyir creature I got as a gift from MamaELM on deviantART. If you wanna see him, look for her Nordic Nebula deviation. He's beautiful! I was patient for a few weeks, and finally got my gawgeous fluffy baby today! <3

Remember, my user is ArctosAnima, if you wanna find me, too! User is the same as MY deviantART :D

Introduction / Re: Hiya! New and Excited to Be Here!
« on: June 17, 2014, 08:35:54 pm »
Thanks so much for all your replies, everyone!

It might sound silly, but I actually explored all those links at least twice each while waiting for registration to open hahaha

But thank you very much!! You're all so kind! :D

Introduction / Hiya! New and Excited to Be Here!
« on: June 17, 2014, 01:23:10 am »
Hi everyone!
So, I discovered FeralHeart just a few days ago while scrolling through YouTube videos. I was watching a cool animation series called Alcatraz, actually (by JudgePikachu - it's pretty awesome :3 )

Anyways, after many lost hours of sleep, registration finally opened!! I had to stare at the "Create Account" button for a sec before it hit me hahaha.

My username, ArctosAnima, is also my deviantART! I'd love if you checked it out :D
I'd like to be known as Skye around here. It's a nickname I've had for a few years.

I hope to have tons of fun with everyone here! I'm patient, kind, and respectful; I see the good in all people. So, if you wanna talk, go right ahead! I'm happy to answer any questions and just have fun!
I do have to make a note though, while I LOOOVE to read and think roleplaying is pretty awesome, I actually...kinda can't do it. I have my own characters and stories..none are fully developed, and well..I just don't really have any descriptive/writing skills >_<''
All you literate, creative peeps out there: I worship you. xD

Oh, despite having to wait a while, I find the server lockdown rule to be pretty smart. Servers are very expensive, everyone knows that. Especially with this being a free game, it makes sense that it'd be hard to manage sometimes. I honestly think coding the server to be random with openings was probably one of the smartest ideas I've seen game runners come up with ;)
So, to the Admins/Mods, kudos to ya! Not just for the server, but because you guys created this awesome game and community! I respect you and promise to be a good player.

So, uh..I guess that's it for an intro...of sorts..>_>
I'd love to get replies from anyone and everyone! Glad to meet you all!


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