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Messages - Infinity117

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Game Discussion / Re: If you could change things in the game
« on: September 25, 2014, 08:02:25 pm »
I believe we all share many great things that we'd want to see changed or added to this game, even if this game remains fairly the same as we go back years from now we still wish things were different and maybe even wait and hope that it would be one day. Everyone can probably more or less agree on that a game like FeralHeart has potential in so many ways to become something jaw-dropping.

My mind has played around with this thought more times than I can remember now, and just like many others I could probably make up a massive list of just things I'd want to see added, I even think there's a thread somewhere dug down in the big amount of oppinion and ideas threads listing just this that I made a few years back now. There's a few things I really wish was different however, things that might seem a bit boring and pointless but would've really been a complete game changer in how this game and community would've played out in the longer run. I hope someone might have some understanding to my reasoning since the things I mention here I consider quite severe.

-No sense of travel or size of worlds-
A big problem(or flaw if I may even call it that) is general movement in the game. Characters running or moving between areas and even maps just do this too quickly and there's never that proper sense of travel or actually going somewhere in the FeralHeart world. The sizing of characters doesn't add up with the running speeds even when it comes to the biggest characters, if running speeds were a bit slower and suitable the game would automatically feel a bit bigger without necessarily being so. That we also have an unlimted dash in the game that has no other purpose than to make you fly through maps, it didn't exactly help either. If anyone has played Impressive Title you know that moving around takes time, and it just has a greater sense of travel, but also a more suitable size for meshes such as trees and shrubs placed around you. FeralHeart's worlds is usually bigger than they need to be with empty plains and over sized trees and meshes, this is yet another thing that is a problem. If you just moved around a bit slower, maps could focus a bit more on details that you would need to travel past. Impressive title is a good example here because it's one of the things it has right while FeralHeart don't.

-Adapt the chats for the game-
One thing that is clear to me now, is that the chats we have in the game were never really designed or thought about much on how they would perform in a crowded map of 100+ people, or in general would end up working as time goes on. In a game being mostly about socializing. I also know that due to the chats not working well, people end up clashing more than needed, something that has ended up on staffs paws to clean out or stand to answer for even though it shouldn't need to be that way. If you take local now, the local range is a lot bigger than it needs to be, if we use Bonfire Island as an example, text written from almost half the map fills one's chat box. The local range is too big in this way and anyone that take in consideration that they are not the only one playing the game understand why this is a problem. If we actually had to be a bit closer to see within the local range the same "spam" people see wouldn't be spam, chats wouldn't be flying past in more populated maps and areas. The situations where "HipsterBlogger" get's annoyed at "lion m cub" for using caps in their roleplay posts or doing something silly would be reduced. I have seen people complain about so many things in this game without putting out something constructive that would fix the problems. I don't want to stir up any issues here but general chat is a prime example of a chat that never worked well with the game and people only pointed fingers at the people that actually tried to keep things in check. It just went on with constant spam or offensive and rude behavior that would bloat up anyone's screen trying to just play the game. A world chat is a good tool to get around, but if there's nothing filtering how people use it, it will be abused. Everything cannot be fun and games and what one individual sees as fun, it must work for the masses. If the chats were tested a bit and maybe thought through a bit more everyone would've been a lot happier in FeralHeart today, since the game weigh so much on chatting and socializing the chats play an important role.

-Some more content-
People like when things go on or just have things to utilize, one thing that personally get me to think back on the Impressive Title days was all the actions(or animations) you could do or small details that you could see people and even yourself occupied. I miss the tailflick, I miss the head tilt, I miss the nuzzles, I miss it all. These actions helped you express yourself as the character you were but also have fun with other people doing so. Things like having a "/roll" command in the chat to play dice games helped too. Many players out there just come out with these extreme things they want to see, story modes, player versus player, Prey and pets, more animals to play as. But the smaller things are easily left behind that would certainly change how we communicate in the game. Just getting an update with a few extra items and animations to use would keep people very happy for the time being, just remember when Wings and a christmas hat was added to FeralHeart, people went crazy over it, just because it was new to them or maybe something they missed from the other game.

-A community, not a game and a site-
We have the site button in the game from the main screen, and we have a facebook button(one that we never properly got use of). But beside this it is a game, and then a site. Even though you do register here on this very site it feels like a bit of a long shot at times when it comes with things like rules or important notices or even updates being posted. I am not fully certain what would be best in this case, but I always wondered how things would've played out in the longer run if rules could be read and accessed directly from within the game, such a thing like an extra button when you press the esc key, because just knowing it would be there would help to some extent. Things like having the game broadcast events that take place throughout the server such as fun little parties or roleplay days would also help strengthen the unity in this game among players for those who wish this to be something special. There's literary people going on the game and think they can do whatever they please with no consideration of other users, and I'm sure you the people have seen this with your own eyes. But being in a position as a staff trying to do the best possible for the game and those who play it, you can only do so much.

These are just some things I personally felt like pointing out. It feels like many things that made a game like Impressive Title a great game was forgotten or left behind in the progress of this game, and a structure to maintain this game and keep it interesting from the outside is rough around the edges. There's many things I wish were different, because I will be honest with you, some days feel really gray and dark because you try so hard making things better or just happier around here but many people never understand the time and effort that goes into a community and game like FeralHeart. I just think things like those mentioned above would eventually lead to people being able to get along a bit better, understand each other better and consideration, instead of pulling their hair off in frustration.

I did not intend on stepping on anyone's toes if I did, but I can see and feel where certain things pinch in the game.
I suppose I just wish people were a bit more happy in the game and got along better, and in general was just a little more informed.
I agree with all the ideas of stuff to add. But really, you know what would be great? To be able to select more than one markings for each body parts AND to be able to choose the color of each.

If it wouldn't take up so much space, I would quote all these ideas and agree. Red, I especially agree with yours, and FallenStarOxO, I've faced that problem so many times! Sometimes I'm like, (Example Number One) "Okay, my character's fur is gonna have Toeless Socks, and its gonna be a scarred charact- Oh great! I forgot I can't do that!" or (Example Number Two) "Okay, her head markings are gonna be black and her body markings are gonna be dark gray.... Great. Forgot I can't do that."

Ohoho.... Don't think I'm done!!
You should be able to get more than just ONE Mass Markings Pack. And Item Pack. MM because some people want a LOT of markings, more than most of the packs can offer. And, some people end up wanting more than one MM pack because of the variety without abruptly switching packs. Same with Items! This problem has happened to me. I still can't decide which MM Pack to download, OR which Item Pack to get!
I cannot emphasize this enough:
I think everyone will agree with me on this. Some people just need a bigger bio to fit everything, but hafta fit quite a lot into quite a small bio!! IT. REALLY. SUCKS.

STILL not done yet! It'd be AWESOME if there was some king of "Promoting" feature for groups. Like, if there was a Clan and their leader died, lost all 9 lives, all that stuff, it'd be cool if the leader could click a button saying "Promote" and then a list pops up with checkboxes. That way they could promote their deputy to leader without having to disband the group and recruit all the members again. And it'd be REALLY cool if you could promote multiple people. The "promoted" people would be able to recruit too, and invite people, if the leader isn't on. That'd be helpful. Though they shouldn't be able to kick people. Just a few ideas...... Ish.
Didn't mean to anger/annoy/irritate anyone, sorry if I did.
Agree with you too, AlphaEclipse and ~Stargazer~


There are actually a lot more parties than ya'd think. There's a Halloween Party coming up, and there was FHORD about a week ago. I think there might also be a Christmas party, but I'm not sure, since I wasn't around in December. There's probably a few more in spring too...

But I myself am HUGE on online parties. I'm really looking forward to the Halloween party, and I also hope that there'll be a few more.
The parties have different maps for them, right?


Game Discussion / Re: Canines or Felines?
« on: September 25, 2014, 07:15:35 pm »
Well, pretty hard to decide. I guess canine, since it's sorta... Better-looking. I like the muzzle of the canine better than the feline in FH. Maybe that's part of the reason? I dunno. Plus, there are many prides, but they don't have many members. There are a lot of packs that frequently recruit and gain a lot of members, so I tend to create more canines. The canines sorta look more.... Elegant than the felines. And if you wanna make a housecat, you'd usually use Neko Ears instead of Cat Ears (Neko doesn't look right for a housecat, but Cat Ears look worse...)


Game Discussion / Re: Those timezones though..
« on: September 25, 2014, 07:02:18 pm »
Well, if you're in a group and you're REALLY bored, and there's literally no one online (Friends/group members) to talk to, you could just bio stalk your group. xD Once you're done with that, F3 people and bio stalk them! Or just browse the internet til' they come on. Or troll the MC. Or try to get to Sky's Rim within a certain period of time. Any of these things work. I'm usually doing these things xD


Game Discussion / Re: Character Theme songs
« on: September 25, 2014, 06:39:19 pm »
Well, my characters basically only have a few. Here they are:
Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day
Holiday by Green Day
Viva la Vida by Coldplay
Dark Horse by Katy Perry
Back to December by Taylor Swift
Trouble by Taylor Swift
Romeo by Taylor Swift
Here We Go Again by Demi Lovato
Holy Shine from Fairy Tail
And all dem other anime songs! *CoughCoughJapaneseVersionsCoughCough*


Other Games / Anyone else want FreeRealms back?
« on: September 25, 2014, 06:33:20 pm »
Anyone else want FreeRealms back? I wasn't very lucky... I only knew about it the day it closed, and I didn't even know it was closing. All I got was 10 mins. before the servers were shutdown. I know there is FeralRealms, the maps that were created to match Sacred Grove, but it doesn't feel the same...

AlphaEclipse, I LOVE the starry preset in "Presets" It just looks so cool! <3

Game Help / Re: Item Pack
« on: September 12, 2014, 09:52:14 pm »
It has :3 Thanks!

Poems / Re: Lone Wolf Poem (Random)
« on: September 12, 2014, 01:11:11 am »
Thank you, Sherlockian :3 First time writing a poem. I have added more.

Find me in-game as Infinity117.

Poems / Eternal's poems!
« on: September 11, 2014, 10:27:46 pm »
Lone wolf I be
Lone wolf that's me
Lone wolf I'll die
No one will cry
I've stalked the earth
Since my birth
But you don't see
Through me
To you I am "nothing"
I know you are bluffing
What do you see
When you see me?
A loner
A no one
But here's some knowledge you don't own:
Not all loners like to be alone
Lone wolf I be
Lone wolf that's me
Lone wolf I'll die
No one will cry

Lone wolf who sings alone tonight,
You have no need to cower alone in fright.
For there lies a place that welcomes all,
No matter how large,
No matter how small,
Come join our pack,
We care for all.

Deep within the night,
You hear the lone cry
Of a wolf...
One of sorrow and pain,
Calling out to others
Of her kind...
She searches for a home
To call her own,
Somewhere to belong...
Maybe one of these days
She shall find
What she is searching for
And is welcomed...
Into the arms of her own kind...

Lighted by the waxing moon,
On mountaintops, white and green,
Light and shadow comes and goes,
Early he hunts and stands serene.
Wild he wanders,
To and fro,
Out about the timber wood.
Listless does he live his life,
Fighting to survive all he could.

I walk slowly through the forest,
Rain pounding on all surfaces,
The ground moist beneath my paws,
The wind gusting through my teeth,
My ears keen and ever listening,
For the sound of my prey.
The pitter-patter of rabbit feet,
Then the soft rustle of a deer,
Its scent fills my nostrils,
Its heartbeat all I can hear,
The ground rushes beneath me,
The thrill of the chase,
Closing in for the kill, I jump,
My fangs sink deeply into its flesh,
Sweet blood rushing in,
A satisfying meal for me,
I pull the carcass to my den,
And wake the pups so they can dig in,
A lone wolf in the wilderness,
Exiled, for the alpha male was killed,
There's no room for the old Queen B
For her alpha was maggot food.
So, alone in the forest, with only my two pups,
Exiled from my pack,
The only family I've ever known,
The rain  falls all around us,
Our small pack of three,
Simply because there was no room for me.
My head is raised high, howling into the night,
I am a wolf, and I shall never cry.

Darkness breaks,
Moon awakes,
Night now brings the stars it makes.
Moonbeams fall,
Lighting up all,
From silvery woods, there comes a call,
Grayish blur,
Shaggy fur,
Food is this night creature's lure.
Brown deer,
Very near,
It is brought down, full of fear.
Deadly bite,
Very tight,
Every wolf shall feast tonight.

Find me in-game as Infinity117.

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