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Messages - GekkanibakaOfWoW

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Awwwww now they can creep together X3

LOL Razek needs to bring his forbidden cubs, and love to the tribe so day can be a happeh family .3.

I love anime, Susrugai is like my creeper neibor that peeps in my winder every other mother -Isn't jokeing- >:I

X3 Daw and lol my mom watches preety little liars it's the stupides show i have ever watched XD sorry for the fans but it's stupid to me. Oh well... Kinda for got to say this, but zena died D: (Oh an unknow ill ness >D) I'll send out the pic when tinypic loads D<<<

Razek maybe you need to ask adi -hehehe- >3> jkjkjkjkjkjk................................... maybe >)

Name:Chi(Meaning blood in japanese)
Gender:Female thats why it has purple >U
Rank: Minon
Rank Job:Fighter
Personalty: Kind, carwing, aggressive, isn't afaried to speak her mind, fearless, and I LOVE BEING PURPLE
Pet: Gonna find a hellHound and name it chubacka >lD
Image/Froum UserName: GekkanibakaOfWoW/Gekkani  


Name: Rei
UserName: GekkanibakaOfWoW
Rank: Warrior
Age: 2.5(wolf/dog years) 13(Human Years)
About Character: Rei,(meaning Ghost in Japanese) never talks to anyone that much, she's brave, shy, fearless, loyla, speaks her mind, and is Aggressive, but with a kind side. She has a scar that makes her left eye blind.

did you read the note that said READ ME?

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