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Messages - kahara

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Map maker makes map.
Therefor map maker has right to kick whoever they want out because it is their map.
As long as it IS NOT a public map.

Seems fair 'nuff.

 LOL<3 Yes Sly. :]  & Yes you are Wudiin<3 And no I'm not kissing her. D8! k illshup now. (:

If you wanted me to lower my cursing, you could have kindly asked such as 'Can you please stop cursing so much? :3' Don't ever tell me to chill or calm down, and don't call me nuts darlin'. LOL Such thick heads in this community. :'c Kenta, if you want to continue this, PM me, as this thread was not made for our personal little 'arguement' here. ^^<3 ~ Many thanks, dear. ;P I'd like to see more thoughts on this, however I don't think I will, not now anyway. I'm talking with Sly about it all. Feels good to get truth off of ones chest, aye? <3

 I couldn't understand half of what you said, but I take it you don't speak English. And respectfully do not tell me to take it easy, I'm voicing my thoughts. Do you see me telling you to take it easy? No, so kindly, with respect, back off. <3 I stand by my opinion

As nice of a fantasy thought that is, Haruki, does sitting on ones ass to wait out a war 'settle things down?' No. Sure in the end things have been done and there's a 'winner' or final solution, HOWEVER if you did that, the forums and game could end up.. ick. Don't. Sit. On. Ass. Bad idea. give a -Removed by moderator- if this crashes and burns. But I do care about this community, at least, to an extent anyway. If you all care enough to -Removed by moderator-, care enough to try helping out. It isn't impossible to get new members to work with you. I've - HOLY -Removed by moderator- GUYS - done. It. Before. And remember we were ALL new members, noobs/newbs, at once. So get over yourselves and HELP each other you stubborn - censorship 8D -'s. >____>

Edited my post.
& The only beating of a dead horse going on here are the constant wave of people who complain but don't DO anything. They sit on their -Removed by moderator-, this thread is giving answers, solutions, final ideas and helping bringing members together for a better place.

The community won't improve unless the community gets it's lazy ass up and does something for itself.


« on: May 11, 2011, 12:40:25 am »

I'm on my period and it's MAKING ME MOODY DDDD8<> djabdwabd ;___;

Discussion Board / Re: YAY!! - Celebration Thread!
« on: May 11, 2011, 12:39:59 am »

I've been sleeping more. (:

Is it odd that just this morning, after complaining to my wall about this stuff, I thought about doing something like this as well? Helpful, Sly. I just hope it gets through the thick heads of some of our community members. :/ There's a lot that needs fixing, in my opinion, and working together would solve a lot.

Although we've quite a few members who lack humor and a helpfulness trait. Oh well, work with who and what we have, mhm? :3

Hm, well. What else to say.

Actually I've a LOT to say and ANYONE who knows me well enough knows exactly what I see wrong with this community. I know how to fix a lot of these things, but just because of how strongly I tend to come off with my opinions, people tend to back away, and the only way I can ever get things done is by BEING so harsh. I've got friends in staff as well, and I know my opinions would hurt them.

I just wish they'd realize that I've two sides to me.

Professional side.
Friendship side. :/

I'll consider making a much large post soon, depending on how this thread goes. If I do voice it, be aware that I will come off strongly and I will not hold back how I feel.

Edit: So I decided to put a BIT of information here. Not my full blown out rant.

1. The forum. I don't care how lazy, tired, or whatever excuse you have. It took me a DAY to do EVERY single board on my fan forum over at Impressive Hearts. I manage my life and dealing with at least four to five forums a day, not all administrated by me, but when I'm asked to do a job, I do it right the first time. Theses boards look half-assed and lazy. It would take maybe an hour, MAYBE at that, to fix these properly, give them more proper titles, proper grammar, make it look like a PROFESSIONAL forum. Not some kids fan site. Hell, my FAN forum looks more professional then this. :/ No offense to whoever did it, and I love my friends on the staff, but would it honestly kill to take.. maybe ten minutes each day for seven days, IF that, to fix these boards and give the forum its RIGHTFUL professional appearance that it RIGHTFULLY deserves? Look at the Aro'kai forum. It's a proboards forum. I think it took them.. a week or so to do that. Look at it. It's beautiful. Why does this forum give me a headache to look at. No wonder new members get mixed up in areas and post in the wrong sections. Sure they would anyway, but not as often as I've seen here. =|

2. It's hard not to point fingers, but I have to ask. What's up with two of the administrators on here suddenly having like, 17236128931212 karma and posts? I know they're staff and TO AN EXTENT they deserve the privilege of messing around with their own accounts and what not, however, act professional for the good lord in me. >___>

3. Noooow, I'm not one to be all.. 'hey, do this, do that' but sometimes someone has to be a bossy ass where their nose don't belong to see something done in a community they love. Harsh. Love.
I'm NOT SAYING that any staff should be fired. But; why aren't staff applications ever opened? Why do I only see friends being hired? I'm guilty of it on my own forums, but I also gave others I didn't know well a chance, why? Because there are others out in this forum that have potential to do great for the forum and I feel they're COMPLETELY tossed aside because they're A) Not friends B) The administrators don't like them. Don't say I'm wrong or I'm bashing, hear me out here now. :/ I've observed a lot in the past.. months, now, year maybe, of this game being made and how the hierarchy works here. People are lucky I'm not saying more. Just consider that, you don't even have to answer it.

4. Why are the administrators so seemingly HARD TO CONTACT? I know they've all MSN's, yet they're either appearing offline or refuse to talk to people. NOOOOT quite sure about this, I don't have that strong of an argument for it, but I feel the staff should be within easy reach, not so hard to find. :/

5. Deleted o3o

6. This one is aimed at the actually community itself, partially the staff. Why all the -Removed by moderator- and ranting and -Removed by moderator-? I see a whole lot of stuff going down, but it's nothing but whining and people being too damn stubborn to actually act upon anything, it's super frustrating. 8D! Impressive Title's early community was way better, I mean no offense to you guys, but it's so damn pathetic. :/

What can we do to make the community better? Things like this.
My post isn't bashing or aiming to make anyone look stupid or otherwise. I'm not saying the staff do a bad job. They do their jobs as they are told, I assume, and life goes on. But one must listen to others and attempt to think on an outsiders view. See it from another point of view, what I give is my point of view. My judgement has not let me down before, and I know it isn't letting me down now. What I've said is only a small portion of things that I feel really need to change, and trust me, this isn't me being mean. If I was being mean, I would've said a HELLUVA lot more. In fact I deleted at least half of the things I said before editing this post. (;

The start to a better community is through good staff examples as well. So I guess this is MAINLY aimed at the staff. Show the community how to behave, what to do, and give them a better place to post in for the love of god.

Much peace and love, Kah. <3

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