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Messages - TheOneAndOnlyy

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Game Discussion / Re: RPS Conflict
« on: May 14, 2016, 09:45:38 pm »
I have no problem with the roleplay samples, in fact I like that they are a big thing in FH. I know some people have that negative mentality about roleplaying samples and the people who ask for them. I for one am not very strict with samples, and when I do reject someone it is very rarely, and I am always polite about it and give them some pointers if they ever want to try again. I did experience some people who were quite rude after I rejected them, or simply left after I asked them to give me a rp sample without saying a word. It doesn't affect me though, but as person who asks for them myself, here's how I see it.

Roleplaying is a skill, and when you are in charge of a roleplaying community, one of the main concerns is making sure that all members of said community have close to the same roleplaying skill. Note I'm not saying that only certain roleplaying skills are better than others, but if every member roleplays using similar styles, then it's easier for everyone to feel involved. I believe that with the same roleplaying skill in a group, there is less of a chance that people will feel left out, or that there will be any delays or problems that would arise while roleplaying with a large amount of members. Of course, those that may have a harder time with roleplaying can learn from roleplay samples, if they only take the time to acknowledge the good behind them.

Game Help / Re: Front Page Error Occuring
« on: May 06, 2016, 01:52:28 am »
i want to feralheart DX, when may this be fixed?

Just be a little bit patient floof. The problem seems to be clearing up for some so it's only a matter of time ^^

Aye, it seems that depending on certain areas FH users live in, the servers is having a few problems. Don't worry though, it should be working for you sooner or later

Game Help / Re: Front Page Error Occuring
« on: May 05, 2016, 08:59:30 pm »

I am able to log into the FH webpage via my iPhone, and log into the game just fine in that method. While i do understand the concept the the phone carrier's Ip vs Wifi, i can simply verify which IP is currently being used by simply going to on the phone itself..
Which reflects the IP address of my home router as opposed to the mobile carrier's IP.

That is the reason why i say it is confusing. But hey at least it works C:
Suppose i should feel lucky since others don't seem to have this luxury.. including friends that i come online to see :(

Ah, yes seems very strange. It also seems strange that you can log into the tab on your phone and still access FH. I've tried to do that personally along with a few other people I've talked to before and it didn't work xD

Just a little update, I'm in the Connecticut area and I'm actually able to login. I'll see how long it lasts and then update this. ( Might not be useful and all but who knows ). ~

EDIT: Yes, It's working for me now as well, thanks for updating, I would have gone the whole day without trying XD Because of this I do believe my theory of the Cloudflare having problems depending on the area is correct.

Game Help / Re: Front Page Error Occuring
« on: May 05, 2016, 08:46:36 pm »
From what I've seen so far, it seems like a good amount of people having this problem are apart of the EST time zone. I'm from Connecticut and I am still experiencing this problem. For those people all around the world having this problem it seems like it is most likely the Cloudflare is having the problems depending on the area. I'm not saying this theory is correct, just a theory xD

I have a similar issue where i cannot login from my house via the FH login page, i will get the 500 internal server error. HOWEVER, if i drive 2 miles to my girlfriends house, their network seems to be unaffected from the error and i am able to get on Feral Heart.

Now let me complicate the matter just a little bit. Within my own home network, i am unable to login via any PC of mine (multiple desktops, laptops, All in ones, etc...) without getting the 500 internal server error. HOWEVER on the same network, i can log in via my iPhone on wifi. Weird much?

I don't think you are able to use a mobile device to log into FH through the Play Game tab and still be able to log in through the game log-in, so even though it works on your phone, I don't think it will allow you to log into the game itself. However, maybe a reason why it allows you to log into the Play Game tab onto your phone without a problem is because your phone uses a different IP than your computer. I'm not sure, yet again another theory.

Game Help / Re: Front Page Error Occuring
« on: May 05, 2016, 06:40:59 pm »
I was just curious if anyone else had the issue suddenly arise, I've used every browser I have(Chrome, Firefox and Edge) and have gotten the same HTTP Error 500. I had been online an hour before the issue arose. I thought it was strange because my internet was just fixed. x3 just yeah.... adding to it.
-coughcough- have you seen the first post they have the same problem try reading it or making your own thread. ;)

Actually, I think they were just stating that they were having the same problem, if you read the post carefully. XD

But I as well have been having the same problem, and I'm glad to know it isn't only me. Hope this gets fixed soon :D

I'm gonna add onto this a bit and hope it helps with some answers, for I am the friend that is being referred here xD I downloaded the map and put all the files that I received into exports. I was told that was what I was suppose to do because all the files are fho files. After doing that, I logged onto FeralHeart. I did not crash at all, and was able to enter the map perfectly fine. However, upon entering the map, loads of meshes were missing. I had seen the map being created before, so I knew most of the meshes that were meant to be in the map, however many that I knew of were not there. Even to the simple default Mount mesh was gone. The problem I'm having isn't so much as the crashing like my friend is having above, but just that many of the meshes have just disappeared. Although from what I can tell, the files for them were in the download I received.

I may not be an expert on this , but do you think some of the object files has become unusable or have became corrupted by chance? Maybe you accidentally put some files in incorrectly ( unless it worked for you perfectly and not the friend ). Another thing you can try is perhaps going through and making sure that all the files are in correctly and seeing if it works for you and then try and making sure that your friend is putting the map in the correct place in the folder.

We did theorize that there was a file that had become corrupted somehow, which is why many meshes have vanished, although we are hoping we are able to recover the map in some way so we don't have to start over.

Note however, because my friend above is crashing without being able to even get to the login screen, we do not know if this is just happening to the files I have, or to the map all together.

Game Discussion / Re: akward moments in fh...
« on: April 21, 2016, 08:57:59 pm »
Wow, I was literately reading through these posts thinking that I have nothing to post here, and then all of a sudden when I log onto FH, the weirdest thing that ever happened to me on the game happened. xD

So, I was sitting near Stone Bridge with my common character Blu, and then this person comes up to me, and lays down in front of me. I screenshot the whole conversation, so this is word for word.

Person: hy
Me: Hello there
Person: whats up?
Me: Nothing much. You?
Person: nothing.... I guess :o
Person: maybe
Me: Ah. Is there something I can help you with?
Person: uhm... of course you can... you can help a lot but...
Me: ?
Person: its kinda weird... Im almost sure about that you dont want to help me with that kind of weird stuff
Me: Well tell me and we'll see xD
Person: well
Person: I need someone who holds her pee til I'd like her to hold it

At this point behind the screen I was like o.o Whaaaaaaat.....

Me: Wait what?
Person: I told that ist weird...
Person: and its just the basic o.o
Person: as I said, need someone who gonna hold her pee as long as I'd like to
Me: Ummm... First of all, I'm not quite sure exactly what you mean by that. Second of all, no I don't think I can help you.
Person: yeah... Im sure about that you dont want to help me then
Person: well, its ok, nwm.

And then they ran off, and I was still like o.o

Game Discussion / Re: Bad Parents?
« on: April 20, 2016, 01:13:04 am »
This happened to me today

Me: -minding my own biz in a fluorite cave a a pup walks in and stands in front of me-
Pup:You are a terrible mommy you left me to starve:
Me:Sorry I do not know you have we met before?
Me: 0_0 What did I do?
Random wolf: -walks to pup- I'll adopt you and I can get you away from this horrible wolf.
Pup:Thank you New Mommy -looks at wolf (me) and cry's-
Random wolf:Hush I'll protect you -Snarls at me-
Me:WHATEVER -table flip-
(what I actually said)Me:I'm not her parent. -walks off like a  baws-

XD I just.... wow.
I've never experienced this nor seen this happen to someone before, but if I did, I think I would start laughing. I wouldn't be able to take it seriously.

Game Discussion / Re: "Go back to Bonfire" Vent warning.
« on: April 18, 2016, 12:17:00 am »
Recently, I haven't really seen people like that, but it saddens me to know that this supposedly welcome community has some bad apples.

Well, there is always bad apples in a community, that's what makes the world what and who it is, and will most likely never change. It's our job as the welcoming members of the community to make everyone feel at home nevertheless. One random act of kindness can make someone's whole day after all.

Game Discussion / Re: "Go back to Bonfire" Vent warning.
« on: April 17, 2016, 05:47:47 am »
I have read every single word of your post, and I got to admit I'm rather impressed that you had the guts to make this a discussion. I myself tend to stay in Fluorite most of the time, however I like to roam around every single map FH has, including Atlantis and Last Cave. I enjoy observing and speaking with all types of people, so roaming from one map to the next to see what everyone is doing is something that I like to do. However, there has been many times, not just in FH, nor the matter of "Go back to Bonfire" where I see people discriminating others because of the way they are. I myself have been one of those victims many times in school for many different reasons, and I know once when your stuck with people looking at you with an already made up preference of you, it is hard to break away from that.

I myself do not do such things, nor specifically ask people to "Go to Bonfire" just because of the way they speak or roleplay because I know from experience that it is unfair. For example, I was sitting near Stone Bridge with my OOC, when a user with a pup character came and asked if anyone would like to adopt them. Not many people replied, and those that did seemed to look down on them. I spoke up and said something like "I think you'd have a better chance of getting adopted in Bonfire Island, they have Adoption Centers there all the time."

Note I did not specifically ask them to go to Bonfire just cause they wanted to be adopted, I was only trying to help them get what they wanted. However, then they said something like this.

"Why does no one here want a child? You're so heartless."

This kind of made me sad, cause from other situations I have seen, some people in Fluorite do seem heartless cause they ignore or mock people that "belong in Bonfire"

This is where I explained to them that people in Fluorite enjoy to get mates during Roleplay, and then have children in Roleplay as well, however this didn't seem to particularly get through to them, causing them to say a few rude things before leaving.

I do find this rather sad however, cause even though I was trying to help, it didn't seem to break away that preference that "Fluorite is only for literates, and they are mean, etc etc." to that particular person.

Anyways, so I don't end up going on my endless rambles xD I'm glad that someone like you put this thread out there for people to talk about, cause I've seen things like this happen way to many times before. I know for certain that things such as degrading others and bullying will not stop, cause well... kids are mean XD But those like me that do not think anyone is better than anyone else, or bully and look down on those who are not exactly like them, I admire and appreciate.

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