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Messages - marvelsterian

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Game Help / Re: Preset List not Appearing
« on: May 17, 2015, 02:19:18 pm »
When you are in the preset maker, you need to click export. As said above, you first need to log in before you go to the preset maker. If done so, it should appear.

Game Help / Re: Help I can't log in
« on: May 13, 2015, 06:25:11 pm »
Please make sure your username does not contain more than 16 characters or special characters such as <, > ect. If your username has numbers, do not use the numpad.

This may has caused the crash.

Game Help / Re: Crashing Help (for my friend)
« on: May 05, 2015, 09:36:03 pm »
I am crashing when I open the game but all it says is "FeralHeart is not responding". Is it the same with his/her friend? Please help me!

If you look for further help, I suggest you to create your own thread. That way it's easier for other users to provide their help.

Game Help / Re: In-Game Account Issues
« on: May 02, 2015, 11:31:13 am »
As already mentioned above, is your username not allowed to have more than 16 characters and it can't have any special signs. In this case, you'd need to make a new account.

If it's not the username itself, then it could be possible, that it won't accept it, due to not being activated within 24 hours ( not entirely sure if it's up to 48 hours, I apologise ).

Hope this and the other posts can help you ^^

Game Help / Re: Need Help
« on: April 30, 2015, 01:36:15 am »
This is a tutorial I found, though I never tried it myself. I hope it works out ^^


Game Help / Re: Map Loading Problem
« on: April 26, 2015, 12:35:25 pm »
Make sure you have put everything in the right folders.

You could also try to re-download the map, it might have clitched while downloading and this could cause the crash. I had this before

Game Help / Re: Urgent: Mass Markings download problem...
« on: April 21, 2015, 10:32:58 pm »
Is it possible that your firewall is blocking things from downloading? You may check on that. If this ain't working out, I hope for you that someone will create a dropbox link cx

Game Help / Re: 16 characters rule
« on: April 14, 2015, 07:54:32 pm »
Sixteen characters rule? Oh no, as "characters" we mean "letters/numbers" in that context. xD As in if your username/password is over sixteen letters (for example), the server will fail to recognize it. Now if you mean literal, playable characters, that must be a rumor floating around, otherwise it would be listed in the official game rules & guidelines. No need to worry, Marvelsterian, in fact, I believe you can create up to one hundred characters without a problem. You will not be penalized from the game for having over sixteen characters.

Now, if your username or password was over sixteen characters, you would have to make a new account. More information on the registration can be found here: [link]

(Edit: Also, if you'd like to read more information on the game and forum rules for reference, you're free to look at the rules and official information board.)

I feel like a retard <-> -crawls into corner- Though I thank you x'D

But yes, I was actually told more than once that they mean the playable characters in game. Though for the other times it was surely for the username cx

Game Help / 16 characters rule
« on: April 14, 2015, 06:38:14 pm »
Hola there

So this isn't like the most important question ever, but I'm just veeeeery curious ;-;

I know there is a 16 characters rule, meaning you shouldn't have more than 16 characters on your account and I always keep it below 16, actually below 10 but that doesn't really matter.

The question is, what happens if you have like 20 characters? Is this gonna cause your game to crash or does it bans you or does it deletes something? I just would like to know ^^

Game Help / Re: Downloaded but Stopped Working?
« on: April 14, 2015, 03:25:48 pm »
Well I have Windows 8 as well and it works fine for me. Make sure when you downloaded the game that you did it correctly. Your user can't have special signs like > < or something so this may caused the crash, not sure though.

You could try to download it again, maybe it's simply a glitch and it causes to crash. Not a big help <->

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