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Messages - Rangeranger333

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Haven't had many issues with this however, I remember a wolf that said he ran me over with a segway that killed me instantly?

Game Discussion / Re: When and how did you join FeralHeart?
« on: March 12, 2016, 04:05:27 pm »
I joined about two years ago roughly. Ah, I fondly remember as my eyes lit up when I saw that registration was open. I had waited a long time for that moment, so it felt rewarding. I think I heard about from Transformice at first.

Yep, I'm in the preset maker. It also may be from my computer. It has issues exporting items sometimes.

Well I must of done something wrong, because it just shows up as the basic starting preset.

Does this look correct? I assume I delete the image of the preset being shown off or do I not?

So I've seen a lot of free presets on Deviant-art, and I was wanting  to use them in game. The problem is, I don't know if you can. If you can, can someone post a quick tutorial on how? Thanks in advance.

Game Discussion / Re: What was your first character?
« on: January 31, 2016, 01:16:55 pm »
My first animal was a black lion with a white underbelly and yellow stripes. The name was Nightshade.

Game Discussion / Re: Moons and Suns
« on: January 30, 2016, 07:14:58 pm »
I just have the lame normal moon. I don't download textures or anything for Feral Heart. I'll proably just mess everything up.

Game Discussion / Re: The Liger Apocalypse
« on: January 30, 2016, 07:12:19 pm »
I haven't noticed any Ligers, or maybe I'm not looking hard enough. I have seen lots of "horses" though.

I'm sorry this happened! Hackers just ruin everything, and this is a great idea to slow it down.

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