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Messages - Bad Luck

Pages: 1 2 [3]
« on: April 18, 2011, 11:54:41 am »
iPod software updates make me rage.

I had to restore my iPod last night thanks to that thing. Made everything crash. It wiped out my apps, made it impossible to load the library, and the iPod was insanely slow all-around.
.... Well, at least I had all of the music backed up. Didn't get me this time, iTunes!

Oh and I'm still mad at DA for killing WALRUSFETUS about a year ago. That computer was my best friend.

I'm bad at raging. I'm sorry.

Presets & Markings / Re: Frog's Tolerable and Repulsive Presets
« on: April 18, 2011, 11:50:02 am »
Your presets are such win, Frog. I wish that I had the motivation to actually work on some.


Discussion Board / Re: Your views about love?
« on: March 05, 2011, 04:43:19 am »
If anything, I agree with your side of the argument the most, Aroxy.

Love is only a "choice" in a case such as mine. I don't get involved with the romantic sort of love since I choose not to, but I'm pretty sure that I'm capable of feeling it (Never have though). The only "love" that I care to feel is that which is felt toward family and good friends; it's obviously quite different from what's being referred to here, but I wanted to throw that out there to make sure that no one thinks I'm saying "I have a black heart, I cannot love." xD

Love itself is a feeling. It's an emotion. Really, I can't say too much of this on the subject of romantic love, but I can say plenty regarding what you feel toward family. I never CHOSE to love any member of my family; I simply love them by nature. And I'm sure that the same love was lodged at the back of my head from the moment of birth; it's an instinct for a child to love their mother/family.

Are they saying that we all have a set path with who we love? That's a little extreme.

Game Discussion / Re: No more lions D:
« on: March 03, 2011, 01:36:27 am »
I don't think that any of my characters are of a normal species. I always throw in something weird to make them less boring. Take my primate-canine-type species that I use for two characters (*Coughtheuglythinginmysignature*) for example.

But the canine mesh does seem to be used more often than the feline one, I think. And it seems like the only RPs you ever see much of are wolf ones.

I have way more characters who use the feline mesh than I do the canine. In fact, I think that my two primate-canine-things are the only "serious" characters of mine that use the canine model. And it doesn't even fit them all that well since they're more of primates. It's extremely annoying when people run up to me while I'm using either of them and say "OMG A WOLF GET OFF MY TERRITORY" or something along those lines. All wolves are canines, but not all canines are wolves. I wish that people would keep that in mind sometimes.

Discussion Board / Re: Writing, Character, & Storytelling Discussion
« on: March 02, 2011, 02:20:10 am »
I had begun writing a story for my main character, but I sort of gave up on it.

I may pick up on it again; try to make it more organized than it was before. No part of it is very adventurous though. So this isn't exactly the kind of audience that the focus of it is directed at. It's a little more confusing and just bizarre. However, I'd have to do that some time in the summer since I have enough things that are set as a "work-in-progress" to worry about.

I only finished  two chapters, neither of which felt long enough to me.


That would just be amazing.

Or Primate to be more broad. They're amusing and interesting animals. Not exactly something that you see in many games, since the majority generally doesn't like them for some reason. Plus, I'd benefit a lot from it seeing as how my made-up species is really more of a primate than anything.

Bears are also an interesting choice. o3o

Game Discussion / Re: IT people
« on: January 29, 2011, 03:23:26 pm »
I joined IT some time around either December 2008 or January 2009. I played the game for about five minutes then got bored; never bothered with it again until the spring of 2009.

So I'm from IT, of course. 

Game Discussion / Re: What's your preferred character size and shape?
« on: January 29, 2011, 12:27:37 pm »
I always set the length to be low. The size itself varies with characters, though most of mine are either mid-sized or sort of small. Weight varies too much, as does every other trait.

Introduction / 'Allo
« on: January 07, 2011, 03:42:30 am »
Yep, same title that I use in every one of my introduction threads for all forums.

I just thought that I may as well try and get active on this forum now that I'm able to log in and such without any issues. I never was active on the official IT forum, so I figured that I may as well try to change that with FeralHeart. And this is a pretty nice-looking forum.

So hello! I'm the same Bad Luck from Impressive Title, a variety of Impressive Title fan-forums, and some other stuff of equal or less importance. Not all that active with other communities.

Like so many others, I look forward to playing FeralHeart online.

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