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Messages - Skull Kid

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Filling her lungs with air, she tried to slow her breathing. Chase went limp in a bid to ease the pain. Her eyes frantically searched for something to aid her as her body ever so slightly swung from the tree. Before she could get the chance to exhale, a blow to the body forced out the air, winding her. She hit the ground hard and before she could pick herself up there was no one in sight. She hesitated before setting off in the direction the strangers scent went.

<Sorry! Must have accidentally skipped a page or somethin', my baaad.>

Lowering her brows, she concentrated, trying to make sense of the information she was absorbing. She didn't believe it. Not one word. How could it be possible? She shook her head, amused at the wolves stories. She decided she was done for the night, it was time to find a safe place to rest.
Inhaling, she prepared to make her way down the tree. She got up onto all fours, her claws clutched the branch. Her limbs were wobbly as she tried to swivel herself around. She was unsuccessful. She lost her footing and plummeted to the forrest floor but a forked branch grasped the black wolf by her right hind. She was mere inches from the floor.
She yelped and screamed as the tree grabbed her by the leg.  Howling with pain and fright, Chase wriggled and squirmed in a bid to free herself.

The coal black she-wolf shifted up the tree sharp-ish, disturbing snow from every branch she touched. Although she was a good climber, for a dog, she was no where near discrete. Perching herself on the first sturdy enough branch she sat and listened to the two females conversation. She craned her head and pointed her ears forward, intrigued by hearing 'eternal life'. She widened her eyes softly as she listened to the rest of the story.   

The young female kept her body low to the ground as she peered ahead of the commotion. Her eyes widened in amazement as she witnessed the silver male disappear into thin air. "Impossible!" she said aloud. She shot her ears back and lowered herself even further to the forrest floor realising she gave her position away. 'It's alright, Chase. They're more interested in the magic wolf more than you... Don't worry you're little head. Don't. Worry.' the voice in her head was condescending, patronising sometimes. As if she had a split personality, as if someone else only she would ever know about lived in her head. She curled her lip at the voice, forgetting to keep aware and alert of her surroundings. She was, after all, rather vulnerable.
She felt as though she could feel someone or something else's eyes on her. She felt uneasy being watched, not knowing what it was that could be watching her. Before she could fully turn her head another being flashed passed her at great speed. It had the scent of yet another wolf, female too. So she only assumed by her nose that that was what it was.

Chase's ears shot forwards as she picked up a wave of aggression coming from nearby. She squinted her eyes and stood up onto all fours. Her eyes shifted, trying to find the direction it was coming from- she wanted to investigate. She hadn't seen or had contact with any other wolves in a long while which heightened her curiosity all that bit more. 'Chase, it's more than likely that you're just gonna run into troub-' She quickly shook off the voice in her head, rolled her eyes and swiftly trotted back into the accumulation of trees. She moved at a quick pace, yet her presence was inaudible.
As the pack of wolves came into her sight she screwed her face up, trying to muse over what was going on without being detected. She shifted herself behind a large tree and surveyed the situation from afar.

The dark coated female trotted quickly through the thicket of trees until she came to a meadow like clearing. She slowed herself as she emerged from the darkness of the trees. A cold, chilling wind brushed passed her thick, dense coat as the trees no longer protected her from the harsh winter winds. Her nostrils flared, her nose twitched and she picked up many unfamiliar scents in the surround areas. She had a quick survey of her surrounds before padding through mid-lengthed grass.
She slowly made her way into the middle of the clearing, but stayed just on the borders of the trees. Her paws made not a sound for any other creature to hear. Chase's ears flicked back and forth as she kept an ear out for anything that could be near. Her jaws sat agape and she held her head low as her orbs still keenly scanned the seemingly empty clearing. She neared a small rock and gently sat onto her haunches before letting out a tiresome sigh.

Name: Chase
Age: 3
Gender: Female
Pic/Description: The majority of her coat is a dull coal colour, with lighter shades of her main pelt colour mixed through. Her belly is a dirty, pale white that fades off as at begins to climb her chest but continues its consistency as it runs up the underneath of her bushy tail. Her coat is dense and fluffy except for where her facial features sit. She has a white dot above each eye and each iris of her eyes are of a different colour. Her left is a pale brown with a hint of yellow, the other is an aqua kind of blue/green mix. Under her unusual orbs, a white rim outlines them, but only the bottom half. Running down her spine she has a black dorsal stripe which starts faded in between her ears and stops at the top of her dock. Her ears are slightly bigger than the average wolves and each ear has a black tip. Her nose, paw pads, nails, inside of her mouth and the inside of her ears are all a variation of a black/blue colour. She's smaller than your average female and has a very slim yet athletic frame. She's very delicate looking but she's also very agile and fast. Her back legs are noticeably longer than her front.
Crush/Mate: N/A
Others: Extremely fast, agile, light on her feet and unusually good climber.
Rank: N/A

Okay- update your application and add a head shot and a rp sample please. c:

AFRICAN big cats/feral cats only pleasel. :)


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