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Messages - Nyla

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I'mma go explore it RIGHT NOW. 8DDD


It means the map is full of cool stuff.

Game Discussion / Re: How do you handle your RP fights?
« on: April 14, 2011, 03:35:05 pm »
Deciding the winner beforehand usually helps. If you're roleplaying with someone you know is literate and doesn't godmod it's usually not a problem, but it's nice to know where you're going with a fight. And like Foxfang said, I only RP with friends. :| Saves a lot of trouble.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Bonfire Island
« on: April 13, 2011, 03:58:32 pm »
This has been bugging me for ages- What's the point of Bonfire Island? More specifically, what's the point of having it as the 'Default'? It's small, it's boring, it's frankly rather ugly, the only portal goes to Ficho Tunnel, which is slightly more interesting, but really REALLY long, if you're trying to get to Fluorite Plains. Once you get to Fluorite, it's another run acoss the map and through the water (beware the headless lions!) to Cape of Distant Worlds. NOW you can get places! Of course, you probably don't have the same maps as your friends, but that's okay! You can always hang out in Fluorite with the wolfaboos and noobs and rapists! No? Oh well, your loss. But wait, what's this? Map glitching? Fell down a hole? No portal out? Never fear, Home Point is here! ...Aaaaand you've neglected to change it to Fluorite or Cape. Back to Bonfire Island we go! Better hope you didn't leave your friends in that map. You did? Oops! time to run back through Ficho and Fluorite and Cape once again. Maybe this time you'll remember to set your home point.

So let's face it. Does ANYONE like having Bonfire Island as Default? Raise your hands. I'd like to see your reasoning.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Huge complaints
« on: April 13, 2011, 03:49:48 pm »
  Missy, the PM glitch is simply because there is probably another account with the exact same name as yours.

See, that SHOULDN'T be a problem. There shouldn't be people with the exact same name. Heck, the forums shouldn't even let you sign up if you use the same name as someone else. Have you SEEN how many 'Krystal's there are? Or 'Luna's? And half of them never even use the forums. I don't know about them in-game, but I'm willing to bet several of them have forgotten they even signed up.


As a cub, Mheetu was known mostly as 'Nala's brother'. He had a huge sister complex, looking up to her in all senses of the word. He was considerably younger than most of the cubs, born almost six months after Nala and the rest. His mother referred to him jokingly as her 'little surprise'.  Because of the age difference, Mheetu was left out of most of the cubs' friend circles. Even Nala refused to play with him or take him along on her and Simba's 'adventures'. Out of this, he developed a stubborn streak, and with some practice, even managed to be more or less accepted by some of the nicer cubs. Although he had made his place amongst the pride's youth, he never really lost his stubborn streak.

After the death of Mufasa and the rising of Scar, Mheetu finally got what he had wanted so much as a young cub. His sister Nala now doted upon him. Their mother, Sarafina fell ill and passed away only a few months into Scars' rule. With no parental figure left, Nala considered it her duty to protect him from their leader's wrath. For that reason and others, it took her far too long to decide to run for help. In fact, it was Mheetu who convinced her to so so in the end. Growing up under Scars' reign, he had become a bitter, rebellious teen. One fateful day, when the Pridelands had just reached it's limit for sustaining both the Pride and the Hyenas, Scar called Nala to his den. Fearing for the safety of his sister, Mheetu followed. He arrived in time to witness Scar forcing himself upon the now mature young lioness. Rashly, thinking only of Nala, Mheetu attacked. He fought fiercely, shouting for Nala to run, but he was only an underfed teenager and compared to Scar, incredibly weak. Nala escaped, but Mheetu nearly lost his life. The return of Simba was what saved him, for Scar had beaten him and left him for dead, assuming that the hyenas would finish him off. With the care of Sarabi and the other lionesses, he survived, but was scarred for the rest of his life. Both on the outside, and inside.

Following Simba's rightful claiming of the throne, Mheetu had become somewhat subdued. His injuries left him weakened, and unable to properly win a fight. Scar let him stay in the pride both because of his closeness to Nala, and because he knew that he would never challenge Simba's place as king. Though he is happy to be able to stay, Mheetu often feels like a nuisance. What few friends he made as cub are now gone, dead, or grown apart in the time since his childhood. His stubbornness remains though, and he is determined to find his place in the pride once again. With little use as a hunter or fighter, he often hangs around with Rafiki, in the hopes that he can learn something from the wise old baboon. He has no social skills, and he generally feels awkward around others, but he does try to talk to his pride-mates on a regular basis. With a little time, who knows, maybe he'll make some great friends.

Why pick me?
I admit, at first I applied to this on a whim. But as I began to research, design, and write up his personality, I think I may have fell in love with him a little bit. |D The Lion King has always been one of my favorite movies, and I even spent  few years as a member of TLKFAA. I eventually graduated on to DeviantArt, but the love and intrigue I feel for the world of the Lion king has never faded. I suppose this isn't really a good reason to pick me, but anything else I have to say on the subject I've already written into the 'RP experience' section. Please consider me well. <3

Roleplay experiance
I started roleplaying at the age of 10 (no, I'm not kidding!) on Neopets. From there I went through a variety of sites, from Warriors roleplay forums, pokemon forums, adoptable sites, a place called Hidden Crossroads, and another called Evelon. Six years later, I'm still learning. I joined Impressive Title about two years ago, on a suggestion from a fellow member of HxR. I'd seen it before on TLKFAA, but never gotten around to downloading it. And that's when I was introduced to the amazing world of 3-D RPing. I was a member of Majuu Kiwanja before too, playing Vitani. Since the shutting down of IT, I've been carefully stalking the forums, awaiting it's return. And finally, here it is! I can't wait to start playing with you guys again, whatever character I end up with.

Extra notes
I played around with Mheetu's design a lot, and I'm still not entirely happy with it. I think I'd like to make a preset for him, if I am chosen. It'd include brown inner-ears, ear rims, a proper TLK nose and fading, as well as his scars of course. I do have my own design for him, which is a LOT different from this one, but you said this was what you wanted, and I don't mind it too much. |D I did try to make him less... neon though.

Also, please excuse the MASSIVE TEXTWALL. I really didn't intend to write that much, but I kinda got carried away... XD

Anyway, good luck to everyone else, I hope I win, thank you for (hopefully) reading all the way through, etc. etc. Insert conclusive sentence here. <3

News Archives / Re: Presets on the Server?
« on: April 11, 2011, 02:25:52 pm »
Here's a solution, Saffy; Don't use Firefox. Use Chrome, or if you must, IE.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement /
« on: April 08, 2011, 08:39:26 pm »
We do, we do, indeed we do. Roleplayin' is fun. o3o

On another totallyrandom note, I'm thinking of dropping Erik. I love him, but a) I cannot for the life of me get his design right, and b) I don't know what to do with him. x3 I mean, if someone would like to adopt him, that's be great, but otherwise... Muh. :|

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement /
« on: April 07, 2011, 05:25:28 pm »
Din, if you had read carefully, you would have seen that Blade said 'from here on out'. She also mentioned that you /can't/ have a back tuft, and I don't think Atoza/Ayona has a winter anyway. Either way, it defeats the purpose if your character's image doesn't look like their ingame model. Since you have a screenshot as your siggie, I'll assume you know how to take and upload them. It only takes a few minutes, so it would be appreciated if you got a proper screenshot.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement /
« on: April 04, 2011, 07:11:12 am »
Yes I am. XD

Atoza map, yay! Can't wait to start RPing in-game~ 8D

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