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Messages - peete

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Forum Games / Re: Rate the Signature
« on: February 12, 2014, 06:38:43 pm »

I'll still watch out though X3

Game Discussion / Re: Violence against pregnant characters? Why?
« on: February 05, 2014, 12:21:59 am » me it sounds like these players just want something to happen to make the Rp more interesting or whatever. I mean come on....violence is the one key thing to drama or suspense in rps, especially rivalry. Kind of like how in some roleplays the cubs and pups are always getting in trouble (sneaking out, fighting, etc.). They'll go out, do something dangerous, and the whole group is jumped up and things get crazy.
If killing pregnant characters (or their unborns) is done correctly without powerplay and with a legit goal/reason (can't think of a word...), to me personally it's not a bad thing.

Now... if they see some random preggo and start attacking them for no apparent reason whatsoever, that player being attacked can either:
1. Tell them to stop.
2. Roll with it (just play along with the scenario)
3. Block them if all else fails

Game Discussion / Re: Your favourite TLK character?
« on: January 28, 2014, 03:58:24 pm »
Ed, the hyena lol. The derpy guy needs some fans too, XD

Other Mods/Creations / Re: FeralHeart+ : Preview
« on: January 27, 2014, 01:58:29 am »
How have I not heard of this sooner? Oooh, can't wait X3.

The edge of a rural town or city, for sure. I mean, yeah we animals rule Feral Heart, but what about for the humans? And the stray pets? Don't tell me you got a bunch of stray dogs that just wandered around for a few minutes and ended up in the desert lol

Game Discussion / Re: How bored can you be when there is no one online?
« on: January 25, 2014, 05:52:28 pm »
Now that I think of it, Sky's Rim isn't really a challenge to get to anymore. :U

Isn't that the truth? XD But it's like even when you go to Sky's Rim there's only like 10 or 20 people there, even when there are a lot of players online.

On the bright the mornings I can run around on my sparkletard Ballzee and no one cares :D

Game Discussion / Re: Do you RP?
« on: January 25, 2014, 05:45:22 pm »
I use to LOOOVE Rping, but nowadays it's kind of hard finding a good Rp that I like...I might join a short term rp or something like that, but rarely.
Not to mention the fact that it's not like I have all the time in the world to roleplay. I find more interest in hanging out with friends and just being random c:

Game Discussion / Re: Magically poofs on someone elses account
« on: January 12, 2014, 05:40:40 am »
Wow, this use to happen to me sometimes...except I never lost connection o-o
Either I would glitch through a portal (probably going in the EXACT time someone else does), or the game would freeze for like 20 seconds. As far as I remember that's how it went XD

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Feral Heart Yearbook(Need Opinions)
« on: January 12, 2014, 04:45:44 am »
Oooh, interesting :D. Are you going to have pictures of players in the yearbook?
...And what about adding groups? Like you know in real high school there's band, clubs, organizations etc. It would be cool to have like a Liberal Arts club or something like that, for those who are really good at roleplaying and writing c:

My school does this thing where pictures from earlier in the year were taken and put in the back of the yearbook...You could have screenshots of parties and put them there too maybe?

Game Discussion / Re: POLL: Preferred Item Pack?
« on: January 11, 2014, 12:12:59 pm »
Thats a good poll.
I will give you pros and cons about.

Ringos and delay items packs, and items packs based on this one, used to be the most common item packs until pawsome arrived. For a short time my own item pack were the most used, but now i started to work, to be busy and to forget it. My item pack still having issues with mac computers, so probably isn't the best one.

I haven't tested Pawsome much time, because at getting online i crash often, and i has been lazy to find why.
Pawsome v4 its a nicely organized item pack, but at the cost of being uncompatible with ringo and delay item pack and sightly more laggy than ringos one.

For now im trying to think on a way to fastly switch between item packs, or a way to make a single one for everyone, because this item situation stinks a lot, no matter if im using pawsome or my item pack i often get people saying that i wear wrong items.

I really dont know wich one to use, and i hardly get time and patience to make mine to be better since pawsome is here. im not sure if its worth to continue my item pack or i shall give up. Help!

You should keep your item pack. The reason I don't use Pawsome Pack v4 is because yours is smaller and has the more common items players use. PP4 made everyone look funny to me lol.

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