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Messages - echelon666

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5
Leaving / Leaving game, staying on forum
« on: July 17, 2011, 02:38:00 pm »
Well, I guess another user has decided to jump on the "leaving" bandwagon. Many things have fueled this decision, lack of good roleplays, lack of maturity in game, and the fact I can't use it right now.

So... as of right now, echelon666 has quit FH in game. I will stay on the forums, but from this moment on, all packs and prides I own are disbanded. I'm sorry to you guys, but I just can't. I had fun with you guys and hope your next groups are as epic as ours was.

Game Help / Re: missing base.material?
« on: July 15, 2011, 07:42:57 pm »
Kay, thanks. Time to go reinstall

Edit: and that did not work

Game Help / Re: missing base.material?
« on: July 15, 2011, 07:27:48 pm »
That didn't work... If I reinstall FH, is there any way to save my characters?

Game Help / missing base.material?
« on: July 15, 2011, 05:14:17 am »
"OGRE EXCEPTION(6:FileNotFoundException): Cannot locate resource resources/ogre/scripts/base.material in resource group General or any other group. In ResourceGroupManager::openResource at C:\Ogre_161_tag\OgreMain\src\ResourceGroupManager.ccp (line 753)"

Uhhhhh... what is this telling me?  o.o; This happend after adding a forest to one of my maps, closing FH, then reopening... Can I fix it without having to reinstall FH?

Game Help / Got it. Please lock
« on: July 15, 2011, 02:49:52 am »
I got it to work XD

Now open for apps!

?Required Downloads;?

~Markings and presets~


?Accepted members;?

~Alpha Male~
Male Leader of the pack. Mated to Alpha Female
? Name of wolf: Red
? Age: 3 years
? Gender: Male
? History: Red was kicked out of his pack by his brother the Alpha, so he's looking for a pack to rule over, doesn't like to talk about it that much, unless you're close to him.
? Personality: Brave, belives he's the boss of everyone else, and will attack anyone who says different
(Possible, need to rp with first)

~Alpha Female~
Female Leader of the Pack. Mated to Alpha Male

? Name of wolf: Brea
? Age: 2 years
? Gender: Female
? History: Was born in another pack, but left because her brother was a bit more dominant and got the alpha role. She knew she could handle a pack, and left.
? Personality: She can be very dominant at times, to ensure the safety of her pack and pups. She's a very caring mother, and will sometimes join the Hunters on their hunts.

~Alpha's Current Litter/Pups~
Pups of the Alphas

? Name of wolf: Jay
? Age: 1
? Gender: Female
? History: Fairly a new-born, not much to say.
? Personality: Adventurous, loud, funny, kind, caring, loving, Likes to cuddle.

~Beta Male~
Second in Command to the Alpha Male. Mated to Beta female
Needed, Apply and I will choose through rp

~Beta Female~
Second in Command to the Alpha Female. Mated to Beta Male

? Name of wolf: Zerria
? Age: 5 in doggie years
? Gender: female
? History: Abandoned as a pup, she practically raised herself. she taught herself how to hide from predators, & how to hunt & fish.  She is used to being alone, & will usually stray away from large crowds.
? Personality: quite, but kind, mysterious, but compassionate. She is the black sheep, the odd one out. She's awkward around males sometimes, & is usually uncomfortable around large groups of others.

Heals the wolves of the pack. Usually female, may not have pups under any circumstances. May take on apprentices.
Needed, Apply and I will choose through rp

Looked up to for advice. Either wolves too old to battle, or wolves permanently injured in battle or in hunting
Apply, or you will be placed here if needed

Hunt for the pack
Needed, Apply

Keeps an eye out for enemies and marks pack boundaries
Needed, Apply

Sole duty is to protect the pups
Needed, Apply

~Lower Ranking Pups/Pups Taken In~
Pups from the Betas, Scouts, and Hunters, or ones the pack took mercy on and took in
Will only be filled if numbers are low

Future Healers, Hunters, Scouts or pupsitters
None yet, apply

Take the blunt force from the pack. Often scapegoats for tension
Needed, Apply

Those wolves who have went against the pack and have been exiled. Hope not to be put here
None. Good

~Lost or Deceased~
Members of the pack who have gone missing or have passed on
You will be placed here

Code: [Select]
[image here]
? Name of wolf:
? Age:
? Gender:
? History:
? Personality:
? Desired rank:

?Thronus Pack?

~A realistic wolf pack~


~General Rules~
?This is, above all, a MATURE roleplay
?Please be at least Semi-Literate. Type in full sentences. No textspeak except brb and  g2g in OOC
?No fighting in OOC, be kind and respectful to everyone
?This map is for everyone to use, however they must abide by MY rules and the pack
?Swearing is allowed every now and again, but no really cussy wolves

~Pack Rules~
?Respect the Alphas at all times.
?Only Alphas may have pups unless the pack is low on members.
?Alphas may only mate with each other
?Pups born outside the pack will be killed unless numbers are low. The parent will also be demoted
?Never leave pack members to die. You will either bring them back to the den, or stay with them until they pass on
?Pups are NEVER to be left alone. You will be demoted a rank if you leave a pup alone.
?The Alpha's pups ALWAYS take first priority. In lean times only these pups will be fed.

Is there going to be an Outlands added?

@Secrets: It would be nice :3

@iElectricFish: Accepted. Love the profile pic btw XD

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