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Messages - NuclearParadox

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 11
Characters / Re: .warning. |Paradox's Characters| .radiation. (WIP)
« on: June 03, 2011, 08:49:05 pm »
Oh, thank you!  They're still in progress (obviously), seeing as final exams sort of distracted me 8D;;  BUT.  I shall finish these biographies soon.
You see that, you board lurkers?
(To rp with me)
I hope.

Game Discussion / Re: Rant about idiots thread
« on: June 02, 2011, 09:22:02 pm »
As Garg up there said, I think the hyena prejudice stems from The Lion King 8/  Hasn't happened to me yet, thank God, but I wouldn't be surprised if it did eventually.
("What, Paradox, you're posting here without a several paragraphs-long rant?")
Haha, yes.  Because I need to study for my last final exam tomorrow, which is rumored to be impossible >n>

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Prey,Pets,& (OCCASIONAL)Mounts
« on: May 29, 2011, 09:13:03 pm »
Is it just me, or does the image of a quadruped wolf/lion riding atop another animal seem a little odd to anyone else?  Same with animals being the masters of other animals.
*thinks of the millions of black wolves and their pet ravens*
O-Oh God...I think I need a moment...
The cliche isn't there, the cliche isn't there, the cliche isn't there...

(Prey has been suggested countless times, by the way.)

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: a little idea or two
« on: May 29, 2011, 09:09:23 pm »
1. This has been suggested, and it's very unlikely to happen.  It's a lot of trouble to add, and I personally think it would just be an overall hassle.
2. Actually, I'm not really against this, and I don't think I've seen it suggested before.  However, there's a good chance of it getting out of hand, and might add to the lag.
3. If it's been said before, don't suggest it 8P
4. The pick up action has been mentioned numerous times, and right now, it doesn't look like it's going to happen.  Maybe someday, though.
5. Too much like WQ.  FH is not made to teach you about how lions/wolves live, it's about rping and hanging with friends.
6. Suggested before.
7. Suggested before.

This would certainly be a better alternative for me.
As in, you know, morally better.
Than, say...making fun of bad rpers.  All the time.
It is so hilarious when-
Yeah, I think this would be a good idea.  Likely to take off?  Eh, 50/50 chance.  But, if it does, it could really be beneficial.

Characters / Re: .warning. |Paradox's Characters| .radiation.
« on: May 21, 2011, 08:45:47 pm »
. |F E L I D A E

(Whose colors are apparently hard to make gradients with)

Name: Plague
Gender: Male
Species: Lion/Panther mix
Age: Adult; equivalent to a human in their mid to late 20's
Powers: Power to be normal
Mate: Hahaha!  Oh, wait, you were serious?
Family: N/A
Personality: One look at Plague will tell you that he does not like to be talked to.  Indeed, he's the more isolated, standoffish type, preferring to do things his own way and when he wants to do them.  Unlike a certain other character, Plague does not have a strong sense of morals.  He sees the world as black and white: you're either guilty or innocent.  And frankly, everyone is guilty in his not-so-visible eyes.  This doesn't mean that he's set on destroying the world, but it does mean that he's prepared to dislike anyone he comes into contact with.  Plague has killed several times before, each time because he felt the victim deserved it.  Some may call him evil, others confused.  Either way, this feline is one you most likely do not want to come into contact with.  His only soft spot is for those who are younger- he views them as innocent, yet to be corrupted by society.  Still, the hybrid sees no reason to keep anyone's company.
Brief History: Lalala
Availability: Roleplay with this character is OPEN

Picture goes here!


Name: Cygnus
Gender: Female
Species: Cougar
Age: Young adult; equivalent to an 18 or 19 year old human
Powers: Probably not
Mate: Wheeennn the moon hits your eye, like a big pizza pie, that's ammmooorreeeee
Family: Other cougars!
Personality: Flat as a board!  Needs to be developed.
Brief History: alalaL
Availability: Roleplay with this character is

Characters / Re: .warning. |Paradox's Characters| .radiation. (WIP)
« on: May 21, 2011, 08:24:59 pm »
. |C A N I D A E

Name: Lorne
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf/Jackal mix
Age: Adult; equivalent to a human in their late 20's or early 30's
Powers: Manipulation of shadows/darkness
Mate: Mated once; currently single
Family: N/A
Personality: To be blunt, Lorne is a cold individual.  Ever since the death of his mate, his heart has grown stony, and a frown has become an ever-present expression on his face.  Even after being around another for a while, Lorne rarely ever "warms up", so to speak.  In general, the only indications that he trusts someone would be unwavering loyalty and an explanation of his past.  Aside from that, Lorne is most certainly not evil; he believes in justice, and will almost always help someone if they're in a dire situation.  Of course, as soon as the situation is dealt with, he leaves immediately, any offers to travel together flatly turned down.  More persistent creatures usually leave of their own accord after all questions are met with determined silence or one-syllable answers.  When forced to be in the company of others, Lorne prefers not to speak, and will only comment when he feels it's absolutely necessary.  In terms of temper, he has never been known to blow up at anyone, instead becoming quieter when angry.  Rarely will Lorne smile, but when he does, it tends to light up his entire face, if only for a few seconds.
Brief History: Lalala
Availability: Roleplay with this character is OPEN


Name: Isaac
Gender: Male
Species: Coyote
Age: Equivalent to a human who is about 16-17
Powers: None
Mate: None
Family: Mother, two younger sisters
Personality: As can be told by his usual smile, Isaac is quite a friendly coyote.  Having an almost child-like innocence, it's incredibly rare to see him depressed or unsmiling in any way.  He loves helping out others, regardless if there's a reward for him.  However, Isaac is also quite gullible, rejecting only the most obvious lies when they're told to him.  In addition, he's not very bright (or perceptive, as can probably be guessed), as can be expected from not obtaining a good amount of schooling.  Despite this, however, the young coyote has learned how to be incredibly resourceful throughout his life, a skill that's come in handy plenty of times.  One principle Isaac has learned to live by, though, is the old saying of "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me."  He ceased to be affected by insults long ago, contrary to what his innocent personality may imply.
Brief History: Lalala
Availability: Roleplay with this character is TEMPORARILY CLOSED


Name: Esther
Gender: Female
Species: Thylacine
Age: Young adult; equivalent to a human in their early 20's
Powers: Maybe?
Mate: Blah
Family: I assume parents are involved somewhere
Personality: Being developed
Brief History: Lalala
Availability: Roleplay with this character is


Name: Fallacy
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf/a canine of some sort
Age: Young adult; equivalent to an 18 year-old human
Powers: None
Mate: None
Family: Mother, who is currently in a mental institution | Father, died of sickness
Personality: Will be written
Brief History: Pretty messed up.
Availability: Roleplay with this character is CLOSED

Characters / .warning. |Paradox's Characters| .radiation.
« on: May 21, 2011, 08:11:08 pm »
As the title implies, this is where my character biographies shall be going~  This first post will probably be more of a directory than anything, as well as some information about myself in case you feel like you want to rp with any of my available characters.  Also, I often think of my characters as anthropomorphic and in more human-like settings.  Hopefully that helps with understanding some of the more unrealistic hybrids/human-like histories.

. |T H E  P U P P E T S
|Lorne - M - Wolf/Jackal mix|
|Isaac - M - Coyote|
|Esther - F - Thylacine|
|Fallacy - M - Wolf/some kind of canine-thing|

|Plague - M - Lion/Panther mix|
|Cygnus - F - Cougar|

. |A B O U T  T H E  P U P P E T M A S T E R
Username: NuclearParadox
Literacy: Literate
Style: Paragraph roleplayer
Forum or In-Game: Prefer forum; mixture is fine
Roleplay Rating: R for some adult themes and violence
Forbidden: Illiteracy, bad rpers, flat characters, instamaters, "action rping", Mary-Sues, and cliches
Permitted: Supernatural creatures, unrealistic colors, and minor powers

Game Discussion / Re: Rant about idiots thread
« on: May 18, 2011, 11:57:58 pm »
3. Trolls. Now, I have trolled the game.. once. It was pretty darn fun, too, to go into a den and disrupt peoples' illiterate fun. I know, you reap what you sow, but still. I don't mind people that do it, but just do it with class. All I ask. ;) Sorry if you hate me, just my opinion. And I personally have the right to voice it. :3.

...I do this.
Like a boss.

Game Discussion / Re: good in game times?
« on: May 17, 2011, 10:24:50 pm »
Hanging around with a few people in Bonfire...and criticizing the hell out of the (majority of the) FH community* xD  Fun times, fun times.

* = Mate beggars, godmodders, and illiterate morons to name a few.  Please don't kill me.

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