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Messages - MoonDance586

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Game Discussion / Re: Evil Characters?
« on: September 22, 2011, 11:22:06 pm »
I think you should only make evil characters for an rp that you got permision to. No one likes an outlaw running around killing people, i used to be a Police Dog patroling Bonfire before i retired, i still ocassianly go on her, but when i patrol bonfire, i am not looking for stupid outlaws trying to killl people, i look for pups who need parents or people who are hurt.

Game Help / Re: SErver issues
« on: September 22, 2011, 04:32:56 am »
im fine with the servers being down, as long as it is for everyone X3 i dont wanna be seeming inactive in the RP im in, so if they arent on, im technically not inactive :P *ish very complex....more or less...*

News Archives / Re: Stepping down.
« on: September 22, 2011, 04:08:32 am »
Well, i hope your animated movie turns out well =3 its very mature of you to step down instead of being in the same position but being bad at it, not saying that you were bad, you were awesome, but since your busy and get da point X3 anyways, do you know why the game server is offline and when the internet is working, FH wont connect to the main front server? .3. srry if i sound wierd or rude

srry, nvm XD i found out how to

o3o im having trouble trying to download the animal meshes. Can yee help me plz? if u cant, thats ok

:D yay! *huggles*

I love all your maps, presets, meshes, so on!  ;D i was wondering if the IT meshes could work on FH .3.

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