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Messages - preshus30

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Game Help / Why is this so screwed up D:<
« on: June 02, 2012, 05:42:16 am »
OK So I've made this Custom map for rescue personal (K9 units, rescue units, etc.) and thus so fast access to all the FH Default maps is necessary so I added a portal to every Default map in FH but Something has gone wrong.

When you step through the portal It takes you to the map everything is there except for two things in all of them, other players and working portals. Like for instance In my custom map I went through the portal to the temple of dreams got there, there wasn't anyone around (not that abnormal) , but when i tried to step through the portal back to the Flourite Plains it popped up and said "Map not found!" and so i used my home thing and I went to all the other maps and all the portals inside of them where Doing the same thing, And what really tipped me off was when I went to the Flourite Plains through the portal in my map there was absolutely no one there.

So is there a reason that its doing this? If so, why? Is there anyway to fix it?

Game Help / Re: Two Layers of water?
« on: May 12, 2012, 03:15:55 am »
One is added via the "Ocean" tab, (probably the lower) and the second for the waterfall is added via the "Add Water" option in map maker. I believe it may be the third tab. You can change the height, width and depth can be changed with the xyz like you can for any mesh.

Thanks that was it :3

Game Help / Two Layers of water?
« on: May 12, 2012, 02:51:18 am »
SO I noticed in the ficho tunnel they have two layers of water one at the top of the water fall and one at the bottom to the portal of the Fluorite Plains. But i not sure how it happens. Can anyone teach me how or point me to a form that teach you how to do it?

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Looking for some Conversion Help
« on: May 09, 2012, 10:29:50 pm »
If they are .blend files then sure, ill convert them for ya ;)
Thanks I should have some for you soon :D thanks Ma'am! :3

Other Mods/Creations / Looking for some Conversion Help
« on: May 06, 2012, 04:15:49 am »
OK so after countless hours of bashing on my laptop, beating and abusing my desk, and a lot of screaming, I've come to determine That I'm just not gonna get blender and all these Ogre Application things to work SO.... I was hoping that If I make the object and save the file if someone would be willing to Covert them For me T.T


If you can help please comment below!

Modding & Meshing Tutorials / Re: How to: work with Blender
« on: February 19, 2012, 08:36:58 am »
Ok I scanned through all 8 pages of this thing and still can't find the answer i need D:
OK from the top old chaps! I have 3ds max I find it super easy to use compared to this atrocious thing called blender. Anyhow, as the only way to get  objects made for FH I got blender ugh..*shivers* I've imported my design into blender; now is where the trouble starts. I have all the components you said were needed, blender recognized Python but here what i have:

This is what i have under the windows tab for options

I'm figuring That python console is what i need here...

Well here it is... (Circled in blue is a thing from the Oger add-on) below boxed in RED is the bar for the now active Python Console, there is no script button as stated there should be...

I'm so lost it's not funny anymore... Any help greatly appreciated :3

Game Help / Re: Need A Little Help Making Feral Heart Objects With 3DS Max.
« on: February 11, 2012, 09:18:39 pm »
Thank you very much! yes blender can work with .obj files from 3DS

Game Help / Need A Little Help Making Feral Heart Objects With 3DS Max.
« on: February 11, 2012, 08:39:13 pm »
OK so today I got 3DS Max and I started working with it. I made -in my opinion- an awesome looking piece for a build-able bridge. Problem is... I don't know how to export it to a '.object' file that FH uses, does anyone know how I would go about doing this, or if I need a plug in? Any help is really appreciated!

Game Discussion / Re: Custom Objects?
« on: January 13, 2012, 11:07:10 pm »
  I beleive I moved your topic to game help, because it certaintly didn't belong in game discussion XD It didn't dissappear. Just like THIS one doesn't belong in game discussion.
What is the answer i might ask?

Yeah I'm not used to these forums x3 and i figured i would've got something telling me it had been moved :P
Google sketch-up doesnt work for it x3

Game Discussion / Custom Objects?
« on: January 13, 2012, 03:24:29 am »
Lets try this again since it randomly disappeared lets try this again. I love the game BUT i wanna add my own personal flare to it. So I want to make custom objects. I've seen some tutorials but they use blender. So IM going to Use Sketch-Up, anyone know what file format it has to be saved as?

Found the answer to my own question x3

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