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Messages - Fightilldust

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Making maps is so hard D:

Game Help / Re: Mouse pointer not showing up! Can't do anything on game!
« on: August 03, 2011, 10:53:11 am »
Same thing happening to me the mouse keeps flashing and i cant see it it mostly does it when i create maps and its really bugging me ,I Nearly finnished my map but couldnt save it beacuse the mouse please help.

Game Help / Re: Terrain error!
« on: July 24, 2011, 01:24:50 pm »
Is not the picture its the flashing mouse and saying unable to load a certain terrain.

Game Help / Terrain error!
« on: July 23, 2011, 06:13:19 pm »
Ok well ive started making a map for my group and ive drawn a picture an put it on it.Ive edited today then the mouse wouldnt show up!Also another problem is that i had reopend my fh games with nothing else open.I Then went onto the maps creator and tried to go onto my unfinished map.It said "Unable to load Terrain.cfg for (Mapname)" Its happened to two of my maps and ive found out that the picture wont show in my media> terrains folder.I Havent touched it i havent deleted enything!Plz help me i need to finish my map as soon as possible! :'(

Hey ive made a green blue and red image to go onto my map what do i do now? Also i dont have a export folder. :-\

Nope sorry i still dont get it :S

I Will try allthought whats the website for again? Sorry for the caps and bieng dumb :s

Hey ive made a map and ive exported it .I Can see it in the place with all the portals.I Just dont know how to get people into it and how to ger music and weather.
Its really confusing and i would like to visit some new places.
Please help me  ??? :( :'(

Ok thank you and i will try that

Ive downloaded it it worked a few times but now its not working

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