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Messages - inuyasha1086

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Forum Games / Re: Movie Quoting Time!
« on: April 01, 2014, 04:05:51 pm »
The emperor's new groove ^^

"No, no, the kangaroo's right."
"What? I'm not a kangaroo mate."

Character Name: Kuro
Forum/Ingame Name: evilgummybear
Age: 3 years (about 20)
Gender: Female
Breed: Demon
Element: Shadows
Personality: Kuro is very accepting and understanding, despite the differences of the demons and angels she is willing to accept it. The young demon, unlike some, has fully opened up her powers and can control her element as easily as someone taking a breath. She is very loyal and honest but can be very rude against those who are not. Kuro tends to be stubborn with her decisions and very short tempered. She doesnt tolerate those who disrespect her or lie to her. Grudges will be held against them until they prove they wont do it again.
History: Kuro was born in The Cave but never really talked to anyone, she was always shy. Her parents left one day but did not come back, nobody knows where they went or what happened. Kuro grew up believing they had died, but in the back of her mind she still ponders about them. Her element came earlier than most and she took control of it with her quick wits and accepting personality, accepting herself and her powers.
RP Sample: Kuro flicked her banner and watched as both breeds of wolves had merged together in the boundaries of peace, the marketplace was one of her favorite places to be, to see everyone together like this made her happy. Her eyes glanced around, the diversity of demons and angels, and the occasional shadow, had brought amusement to the fea. I wish it was always like this...peaceful and friendly, these thoughts often danced around her mind. But as these thoughts grew, so did her questions. She stopped thinking and turned her attention to the sky, it was gorgeous. The sun began to melt into the ground, kissing the land goodnight. The stars began to twinkle and the moon surfaced, its soft glow stretched and greeted the dark sky. She decided it was time to go home. The ashen pelt fea padded away from her spot and looked back once more, she had a sudden ache. But ignored it and left, alone once more.

((excuse me if it is kinda of long or a bit illiterate, im working on literacy and its like 1am so i am a bit brain dead))

Actually, the length was perfect and you're plenty literate. Accepted with flying colors. Feel free to download the map. ^^
I'll be on in a few hours. The group name in-game is .:.Black and White.:. if you want to send a request and my user is InuLong.

Game Discussion / Re: What kind of role-plays do YOU like?
« on: March 29, 2014, 01:33:53 pm »
My only real requirement for a rp is that it's strictly on the high end of semi-literate or literate. I can't stand when people don't post with 3 or more sentences because I tend to go off with longer posts and get left in the dust when they all race ahead and post 5 single sentence posts >.< So yeah... Literate rp's for me.

Other than that, species and mapped/mapless doesn't matter. I tend to avoid Lion rp's as a general rule, but I've played other big cats, wolves, warrior cats, elementals, dragons, etc... I don't get very picky as you can see. My last dragon rp has just recently died because the members stopped coming after stuff happened irl so I'm looking for a new one of those. My other two rp's right now are an elemental wolf one and a maples pack in South Pole.

Forum Discussion / Re: Is FeralHeart your Secret?
« on: March 29, 2014, 01:19:59 pm »
1: Not really. My friends know about it they just don't play these kinds of games and don't care enough to bother with it and snoop in my business.

2: Definitely. Well not my sona's name, but the name everyone calls me in the game no matter what character I'm on, which is Inu (because the two main usernames I use are inuyasha1086 and InuLong which can both be shortened to Inu). I know because I Skype with some of my friends here (strictly voice call only) and they always call me Inu so I'm used to responding that. I would even be perfectly fine if people I know irl started calling me by that name. If someone I didn't know called me by that name... well I would respond but be defensive until I knew why they were using it and how they knew I went by that name.

Game Discussion / Re: OOC Drama and Twisting Words
« on: March 29, 2014, 01:10:29 pm »
That's why I never like to be mean like that OOC, even in a joking way. The only time I ever do that is with people I've known for an extremely long time, some of them for 2 years or more. We know when the other is joking by that point, and we'll often put -sarcastic- or -joke- at the end for clarity's sake if it isn't just our normal banter. We'll also often be going at each other in group or local while laughing and saying things like "ooh nice one XD" in whisper. Translation: For us it's all fun and games and we know it. We also only do it to each other, not other members of the pack.

I have had to deal with some OOC drama recently when the beta of our pack no longer wanted to be a member but had the courtesy to not just poof on us. Instead, he purposely did things to get kicked out, like abandoning his mate, attacking the alpha and myself, etc... The alpha knew what he was doing and we all went along with the storyline. The only problem was one of our high ranking members didn't realize he was trying to leave the group for good and is a close friend to him so she kept trying to make everyone be nice to him and pull him back in which caused a lot of OOC drama because after doing all of those things he was still around and that caused a bit of dissent. He's gone now and things have settled back into their storylines so we're all good again. Now I'm just hoping to take his place. -crosses fingers-

Game Discussion / Re: Effort in Roleplays
« on: March 29, 2014, 12:54:35 pm »
I personally prefer to join than start, but when I do start I keep myself at a strict limit of no more than 2 other rp's and only 1 other high ranking position otherwise I never have time to recruit and work with my own rp. There have been multiple rp's that I led and let die because it felt like I was babysitting all my members because they wanted to do unrealistic things in the plotline and couldn't come up with a creative post on their own to save their life... literally.

The current rp I'm running is doing okay. The hardest part is recruiting because it's an elemental wolf rp and some people mistake my wolf for a sparkle wolf instead of an elemental even though my main pelt color is grey. XD But this rp has been 2 years and coming because I've had that character for a while but couldn't find her a rp so I just made her one. It's got detailed elements but freedom when choosing powers. The rules are kind of generic rules but I do enforce them We are a literate group and people who aren't at least semi-literate are turned away or kicked. No offense to them I just don't like rping in single sentences with bad grammar. We have a beautiful detailed map, just big enough for the rp, and a site with everything on it. And I guess that's it ^^;

User; inuyasha1086
Dragon Name; Caine

Age: 19 human years

Gender: Male

Personality: Caine tends to live on the outside of the group. He prefers to work alone, but he's not stupid enough to turn down help when it is offered or cold enough to leave someone to die. He often observes and watches silently, making his own judgments, but he is not afraid to speak up when needed. He lost his sight at the age of 8, but thanks to a magic stone he can sense auras around him to navigate. It makes him an effective assassin and fighter because he can't be sneaked up on.

Can I get to SR? Definitely. I climb ascension all the time.

Forum Discussion / Re: Story Behind Your Username
« on: March 25, 2014, 12:44:14 pm »
The story behind my username started in middle school. My in-game username is InuLong, while I'm known as Umi on the forums.
I first started getting big into online games in 7th grade, rght around the same time I was first getting into anime. That first anime for me was Inuyasha, so my first username was inuyasha1086. I do still have and use that account, although it is no longer my main. The 1086 is just even numbers going down from 10. I was looking for something easy to remember.
I used that username all the way through high school, and my friends all started calling me Inu over the years to shorten it, so when I needed a new account I knew it would start with Inu for recognition purposes. The Long part is actually Chinese in origin. It means Dragon, so my username translates to "The Dog Dragon" lolz. I love dragons. I think they are just so majestic and I love to draw them. I even roleplay them. I now use this username across multiple accounts.
My forum user is really simple, it's just a nickname I used for 4 years in middle and high school.

Would I change either of them? Well, maybe I would change my forum username to Aerial Scar after my sona, but I have no need to change my in-game username. It's unique and easy to remember... and it fits me. So I may change one of them, but never both.

Game Discussion / Re: Realistic or Neon?
« on: March 24, 2014, 11:45:15 pm »
I prefer realistic to semi-realistic colors and markings based on the species. Obviously dragons and such are not going to be all browns and greys. I don't care much for using neon characters but I do have a few that I use on occasion.

I mean just look at my sig. That character is mistaken for a sparkle wolf/neon all the time and she's not even that bright! She's just an elemental is all. It really makes it difficult to recruit sometimes. And yes, my rp is literate. >.<

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