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Messages - kitkatgirl

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Ask Me / Re: Ask Ms.Thrillex
« on: December 15, 2012, 01:57:31 am »
Random question xD Do you watch abc during the Christmas old movies... ;u;

Ask Me / Re: Ask Ms.Thrillex
« on: December 15, 2012, 01:50:16 am »
XD gotta love them anyway~

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: In the Forest {Wolf Rp!} Now open!
« on: December 15, 2012, 01:48:59 am »
Why thank you c:

Ask Me / Re: Ask Ms.Thrillex
« on: December 15, 2012, 01:32:50 am »
Are chu a fan of Skrillex? Ouo (just guessed by user and FFFF I love them so xD)

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: In the Forest {Wolf Rp!} Now open!
« on: December 15, 2012, 01:30:58 am »
YayayayYayayayay XD <3

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: In the Forest {Wolf Rp!} Now open!
« on: December 15, 2012, 12:08:27 am »
Name: Nima
Age: 21 in human years
Gender: Fea (Female)
Personality: Conservative, and sassy. Does what she can to survive and thrive.
History: Nima was raised to not trust wolves, always being with her father who died. The rest is up to the challenge of getting to know her.
Crush: No one
Mate: N/a (Never had one)
Other: Survive extinction. She is a pure white wolf with a sapphire eye and a emerald one on her right. Bi-colored eyes. She is also surprisingly beautiful for how ugly her personality can be sometimes.

Characters / Re: Angelray the Maid~
« on: December 14, 2012, 11:06:21 pm »
1: Dat praise. Thank you XD
2: FFFF Thank you again c:
3: -Petpet.- I know exactly how you feel, and nah... these are some markings I got from a roleplay i'm in xD :3 andshelookingforamastersohurrhurr.. o8<
4: Yay~ nuzzles ouo
5: Daww awww daww... SHUCKS Thankies c:<

Forum Games / Re: Not-Enough-Details game
« on: December 14, 2012, 03:56:28 am »
I saw a nice-dressed killer turtle with a black top hat and black sun glasses trying to look though at the FBI headquarters, resolving a murder problem that he discovered that Elmo secretly commited while kissing unborn babies in the South Pole by using a knife and a Lightsaver. (like starwars... Bam I8<)

Characters / Re: Angelray the Maid~
« on: December 14, 2012, 03:32:03 am »
Updated dears~

Characters / Angelray the Maid~
« on: December 13, 2012, 11:46:29 pm »
Female of 18 years (Human terms)
Masterless wolf

Theme song: TBA

Angelray was born into the life of slavery. Her mother was a maid, her father mated with her to make her into a speed master; yet strong pup. She was born with unique and beautiful amber like eyes, her fur a dark hazel with chocolate colored markings. Unique stripes cover her ankles, her eyes rimmed with white on both the bottom and top. Her face has little markings on each cheek, a sign of her being a maid, one to be owned and not be treated with outmost respect.

As the young fea grew, she was practically raised by fellow maids owned by three strong male wolves. One was named Aman, another Yohi and lastly, Elric. Aman was the strong and serious one, seeming to be in a bad mood most of the time, and even beat the maids when the time called for it. Yohi was the youngest, always quiet and conservative and always thanked the maids secretly. Lastly there was Elric, often drunk from human alcohol from the nearby town; sometimes he would try to take advantage of the beautiful feas, most of them trying their best to act sweet and ignore him when that time came.

When she became a teenager, finally Angelray became a full blown maid. She was taught the basic duties of taking care of their masters, taking a lead role as her mother died as she protected them from a bear along with two other maids. There was only her and Alina left. Her name seemed to be just as unique as the rest... her mother always said that she was the light to her life when she was born, almost like an angel. Thus Angelray. But she couldn't think about it, since she would tear up... and the second rule to the masters was to never get them involved with personal matters. Yohi was probably the only 'master' that was her friend, always sweet to her and always offered to help when the others were gone.

One day came when a bear returned to them, killing Yohi and then Aman. She was devastated... she didn't want to be left with the abuser that she knew only had one thing on his mind for the two feas. Alina told her to run away, she denied... but Alina practically forced her too. When the bear went away, Alina returned to her only master, telling her Angelray had die also, fending off the bear to protect the two. He actually didn't take it well, the beautiful hazel fea being her favorite, but he just nodded. Never again did he take advantage of any feas, or even get drunk again.

Now Angelray is searching for a place where she can do the only thing she was ever taught to do. Obey. She is looking for a new master... or just a place where she belong. (Yep, if you comment Angelray could be an active members maid~ Doesn't have to be even a wolf!)

Extra imformation

Scent: Roses and fresh water, very natural.
Fur type: She has very soft fur, almost velvet to the touch. It looks like a soft sea current when a slow breeze blows through it.

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