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Messages - Gingera

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Finished Maps / Re: "Wilderness" (FIXED) [Public, with screenshots]
« on: September 28, 2012, 04:29:53 pm »
where did you get the fire?? and cool map

Download bonfire mesh, i think there should be one on forums.
EDIT: I found similar one here, but it is probably not the one I got in map.

Finished Maps / Re: "Wilderness" (FIXED) [Public, with screenshots]
« on: September 25, 2012, 07:52:25 pm »
i love your map its great but i went on fh 5 mins ago and there were mean people telling me to go away saying the map was private and i did say it was public (cause it is) to them they kept saying privet and go away and all i said was hi it upset me alot :(

Aw I`m so sorry to hear that. This map is public and I allow everyone to situate their groups here. Unfortunately I can`t control everyone who use this map. Probably they just got link some other way and haven`t read forum thread. The only solution I can suggest is to block them so you won`t see them and their chat. That would be good if I could block these kind of people from entering my maps, but as far as I know it is not possible.

Finished Maps / Re: "Arctic creek" public map + pics
« on: September 20, 2012, 06:33:47 pm »
I see why the portal is a problem... Imma download it this is the perfect map for my rp please can I use it?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?:D

Sure you can use it, I made it so everyone can play there! ^^

Finished Maps / Re: "Wilderness" (FIXED) [Public, with screenshots]
« on: September 20, 2012, 06:31:53 pm »
Thank you!!! :P

Finished Maps / Re: "Wildlife"
« on: September 03, 2012, 08:13:52 pm »
How do you get in?

If you put all archive files in exports folder, map portal should appear in Cape of distant worlds map, then you just find the right portal and you are in. :)

x3 Love it. Quite resemblant of Fluorite in a way, though it might be just me. o.o

Hehe, really? Maybe there could be some similar details. :P

Finished Maps / Re: "Wildlife"
« on: September 01, 2012, 09:05:56 pm »
Thanks! :)

Finished Maps / Re: "Wildlife"
« on: August 25, 2012, 04:30:19 pm »
Thank you! ^^

Finished Maps / Re: "Wilderness" (FIXED) [Public, with screenshots]
« on: July 12, 2012, 03:00:23 pm »
@Freya Webb - Yes, sure you can. Enjoy! ^^

@Raphi - Thanks, it is very nice to hear someones opinion. These butterflies are not animated, that would probably make this map laggy. And yeah about platforms - I admit that they are a bit too high, but with a little practice you could manage to do that. It was tested before uploading, so it is possible to climb them, and I will try to make platforms better for my future maps. ^^ Happy playing!

Finished Maps / Re: "Wilderness" (FIXED) [Public, with screenshots]
« on: June 19, 2012, 06:37:48 pm »
And I have a feeling that you are totally right. :D

And thank you Tatah and Grace.

Finished Maps / Re: "Wilderness" (FIXED) [Public, with screenshots]
« on: June 18, 2012, 12:54:39 pm »
Thanks for support. ^^

EDIT: Map works for me today. ^^ I think it was caused by the amount of players on FH servers. This may happen again in "rush hours" (afternoon and evening). At night it works fine. :D

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