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Messages - FinalFantasy564

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Game Help / Re: Cape of Distant Worlds problem
« on: January 12, 2012, 04:22:21 pm »
Mah lawd :OOOOOO IT WORKED! Thankyouthankyouthankyouuuu :DD

Game Help / Cape of Distant Worlds problem
« on: January 12, 2012, 06:07:51 am »
Hello fellow FH friends. I am having a BIG problem here :(

I have a character who is stuck in Cape of Distant Worlds, and whenever I enter the game as her, it crashes :( This happened several times, I tried hurrying to the map I wanted to get to, but it was impossible. ANY chance of help?

Edit: Also, I can't get through the portals, I try but it shows no text, I just go through the portal O.O...

Welcome to the pack, Ke$ha and Steak medium rare (odd user but oh well lol). Hope you're encouraged to stay active on the site and make new contributions :D!

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Wings-the only thing i ask for
« on: January 19, 2011, 08:50:53 pm »
I'm completely up for these wings! Back then at IT I used to love wings. But all I liked to do is hover around and I would move to places with old fashioned walking. I mean I didn't mind the people hovering over me either. It just made me happy to see that Kovu's work on the wings paid off since people were actually using them. I don't really mind if they look like folded up paper... At least there were wings.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: ? Twisted Fury Pack Reborn ?
« on: January 18, 2011, 11:29:14 pm »
Name: Vildana
Animal: Wolf
Age: Almost a year old
Pelt: White (Mostly covered by markings...)
Pelt markings: Right legs are dipped in a strange shade of dark purple, as well as her under tail and her paws on her left legs. Her whole face is a light hue of purple, then the thick line going along her back to her tail. On her face is only a white line on her nose bridge.
Eyes: A dark dull gray
Gender: Female
Rank wanted: Recruiter
Mother: Crystall
Father: Tex
Sisters/brothers: Ariana, Vedrana
Abilities: Yet to be revealed
Personality: Vildana is usually nice, but if she is provoked she may get a tiny bit mean. Of course she loves to scare other people and 'bully' them, but she does it by no other reason than just joking, which she admits later. She can be very easily scared, and is kind of clumsy and naive. Is very polite in public but knows how to have a good time with her friends. Very respectful to high ranks.
History: How Vildana came to be alone in this world is unknown, for she had always been with her mother. Somehow, though, something or someone had 'separated' them, and Vildana came to be alone since. Vildana lived with no siblings, no parents. Finally, she found an old building, reconstructed and renovated it, thus making the perfect Luxurious Castle to herself. Her story is weird, but one to keep. She met Mihawk, finally, and they had become sorts of 'neighbors'. So far their paths have crossed around four times, but she hasn't seen him lately at all. Vildana now roams around, alone. She had recently broke a leg, but it has been healed. As of right now, she is looking for someone to live with, like a step sister or non-biological sibling or something like that, in the meantime helping Mihawk handle his young.

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