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Messages - Silvianna

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Now I added a Land fill, and a Valley with a small lake.. It still looks really bare without the mask in yet, I'll definatly be needing the 6 texture mask though...

Also, I will be including trees & plants that wave in the wind now :D

Other Mods/Creations / A Couple Requests...
« on: June 29, 2012, 09:34:39 pm »
Im searching for a boat mesh, A small wood boat, and a dock. I Already have a dock so its not so important, but I would like to have another one too.

Im also searching for the water particles that Wolfess had, Her post was deleted or something :/

Yeah... I Made a city map before and it was extremly laggy. Although my old computer got a virus and it deleted the map :P

Lol ok, I Decided to remake it, This time there will be two maps, A Seperate one for the city. I Didnt like how the other one looked, And I guessed that if I added the city along with forests and everything it would either be really laggy or crash.

Small Update:

Ok, So I Havent been working on it lately, I Actually completly poofed from FH for a while but im back. I Added some objects like trees, Rocks, Etc. But I wont be posting another screenie for a while because it still looks a bit bare... When there are major changes, Ill upload another. The beach was a bit small so I updated the terrain mask a bit, But Im still not really happy with it :P
Im also wondering, Should I put a wall up around the city or something like that?

Game Help / Re: Collisions not working in Map Maker.
« on: June 29, 2012, 01:17:44 am »
Ugh, Same thing is happening to me now
Its happening with the IT pine tree... I Never noticed it until now, But it also occurs with the default objects, Exactly like you guys said >.<

Edit: You know what you can do though, You can type BasicCube.mesh into the Mesh, Make it OwnCollision, Then turn the texture to "Invisible" and use that.

I love your water textures :D Im just wondering though... There are not any other images in the materials folder, do you put the png/jpg into the textures folder?  Also, When some body else downloads the map that you have the water tex in, where do you tell them to put it, The same folders? xD Sorry, Ive just been in a map that had a water texture of yours and it showed up base white.

Edit: Nevermind about the first question, Just noticed it was already asked Lol.

Other Games / Re: Feralia Aquius v2 - Minecraft Server (1.2.5)
« on: May 31, 2012, 01:37:20 am »
Hi, Could I join the server? :3
My Minecraft user is Silvianna2011


Hello! Im going to be starting on a map project, Sinvadre City. The website is not all the way made yet but it will give more information on the Rp when it is done. It will be about Dogs, but I might also allow other species.. I am not gathering members at the moment, I would like to wait until the map is closer to being done. I will not be accepting members on the forum, but in the game.
The map used to be... just one huge map with the city in the middle and a beach, forest, and lakes around it, But I didnt like it much. I Changed it so that there are now two different maps, One for the outskirts of the city which will include forests, lakes, an ocean/beach, and a tide pool. Another which will lead into the actual city.

Updated Screenshot (Outskirts of the City)

At the moment I just started on the heightmap today, This is what I got done so far. Its the Tide pool and the beach... No mask is done yet. This map is 20000 in width and 1000 in height.

Valley Screenie:

First object in the map! Well, One of the first, There was one other rock that I added somewhere else x3.

Please feel free to reply with any Ideas or suggestions!

I See so many different kinds of RPs with things like one pack of dogs Vs another pack, etc. I Dont really want this to be like another one. If you have any ideas on the plot for the RP feel free to share

Discussion Board / Name Idea's
« on: May 29, 2012, 11:34:53 am »
Im going to make a city map pretty soon here, but for now im just collecting meshes and also searching for names for the city, names for landmarks like rivers and lakes, names for beaches, Bridges, names for buildings/resturants, Anything at all! I already have a couple but I need your help. The only thing is that they cant be silly, or too common (Ex. "Golden Gate Bridge") Any help is appreciated!  :D

(Sorry if this is in the wrong thread, I wasnt sure whether to post it here or in the Game Discussions thread)

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