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Messages - lilyfairy

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....O_O No way.....You are making the Guardians of Ga'hoole and Pandora maps?! Yes!!! Yes!!! YES!!!!! I've been looking for someone to do them!!! I'm reading the Ga'hoole series right now (I just finished) and Pandora would be amazing! *Calms down* Thank you for making them. (Or started making them, anyways.)

EDIT: I edited it a lot. I was very hyper... Also, sorry for the double-posting. I seem to do that sometimes.

Presets & Markings / Re: Flyra's preset
« on: October 11, 2011, 12:23:30 am »


Presets & Markings / Re: MY first preset Jacob WOLF (kind of a fail XD)
« on: October 10, 2011, 10:29:16 pm »
I'm 10% Jacob and 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% Edward! LOL XD

Presets & Markings / Re: Thowra's Presets
« on: October 10, 2011, 01:48:34 pm »
...? Why is there a ruby in the middle of the left arrow? And were the arrows always gold?


I like this idea. :)


Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: The Moon, The Weather.
« on: October 10, 2011, 03:02:45 am »
I  SO love this idea. I'm so tired of the boring old night and day, always full moon, and no weather thing. They should add this.


Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: AFK Feature?
« on: October 10, 2011, 02:58:46 am »
I think it should have AFK/BRB above your name tag so people who use AFK instead of BRB will know that you are not there or the other way around...I think there should be an action that only happens when you are on AFK and i like all the other ideas too.


Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Horns/Wings/Accessories?
« on: October 10, 2011, 02:51:55 am »
I did like the idea of wings but i know Kov said no so.....I also love all the other ideas ike horns, antlers, ect. and i hope Kov says yes to those.


Presets & Markings / Re: Lemon tarts Preset's (2 New)
« on: October 10, 2011, 01:24:29 am »
Really? You think those are bad? Those are awesome! You should make more!

Species / Dire Wolves
« on: October 06, 2011, 03:11:51 am »
Dire Wolves: Dire Wolves were once real. Now my appearance and history of Dire Wolves are different. These Dire Wolves live in the Beyond the Beyond. For those of you that have read Kathryn Lasky's new book series "Wolves of the Beyond" or her old series "Guardians of Ga'Hoole" will know a lot about Dire Wolves and the Beyond already.

Personality: Dire Wolves are usually nice, mean, really independent, or sometimes fun and love to play. Lots of things happen to change a Dire Wolf's personality like: say a female Dire Wolf was one of the pack leader's mates. He abused her and wasn't nice to her at all. She also had a weird name. That female wolf ends up killing the pack leader and becomes a pack leader herself. She renames herself, starts a new pack, and becomes more dominant.

Males: Males are more dominant than females. They are usually the ones that start fights. They always know when a male is in a bad mood so they attack them sometimes. If they are attacked, they usually back off or give up, but some do not do that. When they sense a male is happy and they are too, they greet each other and become good friends.

Females: Females are the less dominant wolves of the pack. They will attack another wolf to protect family and friends though. Females are really nice to each other most of the time; they always greet each other and become friends. If they sense a male in a bad mood though, they will stay away until he is happy again.

Gnaw wolves: Gnaw wolves are wolves that gnaw writing in bones to tell stories. Here I will tell you how a wolf becomes a gnaw wolf. If a female has a litter of pups and has one pup that is deformed (a splayed paw, missing a leg or an eye, ect.), a female wolf who can't have pups, otherwise called an Obea, will take the pup that is deformed and leave it in a place where it will die. If the pup survives and comes back to the pack it will become a gnaw wolf. Now i will explain what happens after that. After a while, if the wolf's gnaw bones get good enough, it will become a guardian of the Sacred Ring of Volcanoes where the Ember of Hoole is. Soon they will get even stronger than other wolves and when they die, they get a chance to come back to earth as whatever they want to be.

Hunting (a byrgss): When hunting takes place, all the wolves (if in a pack) will chase the elk (or whatever they are chasing) and try to find a weak or elder prey. Then they try to brake it off from the herd and wear it out with the females because they are faster and have more stamina than males. Finally they hide from the elk and let it just sit there and graze. Then all the wolves jump out at it biting and nipping at its flanks to get it to fall. When the elk finally falls, a ceremony called lochnevyr takes place where a wolf and the prey lock eyes as if the prey was saying that its life is worthy and it has had a long life.  A wolf kills it then a few wolves of high ranks eat first then the lower and lower ranks until it gets to the gnaw wolf who eats last and doesn't eat much.

Mature Wolves: All Dire Wolves reach adult age at 2 years and 6 months. Anything under that is considered teen or pup.
Females are in gestation for about 6 months. After she gives birth, she will keep her pups on milk for a couple weeks. Later she starts bringing them meat. Their father starts teaching them how to hunt and survive alone. Once at 1 year they go off by themselves.

Enemies: Only enemies are Vyrwolves.(I will describe those later.)

Appearance: All Dire Wolves' top coats are usually black, grey, and cream. You may use the body marking "German Shepard" and make it a little darker than the top coat. Markings that you can use for a Dire Wolf:   Head: Mask, German Shepard, none   Body: Underfur, German Shepard, none   Tail: Highlight, German Shepard, none         Colors:   Face marking: A little darker or lighter than pelt   Body marking: Same as face marking   Tail marking: Same as face and body marking   Bottom coats of Dire Wolves are either the same as the top coat, white, or a little lighter than the top coat. The eyes are always green but not too light or not too dark.

Anything Else I Should Know About This?: Well, I have a pack of Dire Wolves now (I redid it so whoever was in it before needs to rejoin it). The leader's name is Fengo so if you see him and the username "lilyfairy", it's me.

Here is a fourm for your Dire Wolf if you want to join my pack now(You may still make a Dire Wolf whenever you like):

Nickname(if any):
Gender: male/female
Past pup(s)(if any):
Past mate(s)(if any):
History(don't have to fill out):
(picture or detailed description but i prefer a pic.)

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