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Other Games / Minecraft anyone?
« on: March 10, 2011, 12:44:06 am »
If you are reading this it means you play minecraft or you're just lurking.

Alright you forum people who are either on a laptop on their beds/chairs or people who are playing on desktops. How many of you play minecraft?

Tell the random users what your building or your habits on it. If you have screenshots of what your building and you want us to see then show us ;3

My bad habit is building houses where I see large-ish caves. It's less work than building it from scratch cause theres already a few walls. Lol I'm soooo laaazy.

For those who don't know what Minecraft is it's a game where you are a block person who goes around and either builds stuff or digs under ground. You can build your own stuff and if you don't know how you could always google or youtube it. The animals give items too so don't be shy to punch a cow or beat a sheep.

I like coloring the text.

Discussion Board / Re: What is your strong fear?
« on: March 04, 2011, 08:36:32 am »
My biggest fears?

Being in a small place. Reason being is I was locked in the bathroom when the lights went out. I freakin flipped out D: I kicked a hole through the wooden door...

Anything getting near my face. Reason is I'm not sure but anything gets near it (Other than food and drinks) it starts to tingle. No clue why. o-o

Moderators on the interwebs (No offence) I've had very bad experiances with some which leaves me completely silent if I'm on a chat site. The ones here are nice though :3

And my dad when he's angry. I feel like he's gonna come at me with a knife and stab me

Don't use them against me.

Discussion Board / Re: Are you addicted to something silly?
« on: March 04, 2011, 05:13:42 am »
*cough* Would typing randomly just to hear the sound of clicking be considered a strange addiction..?

Forum Discussion / Re: Time Logged In?
« on: March 02, 2011, 10:56:42 am »
Updates mine: 5 days, 2 hours and 21 minuts o-o how did that happen? D:

Characters / Re: X~My bag o characters~X -WIP-
« on: March 02, 2011, 03:47:55 am »

Characters / Re: X~My bag o characters~X -WIP-
« on: March 02, 2011, 03:47:35 am »

Characters / Re: X~My bag o characters~X -WIP-
« on: March 02, 2011, 03:47:09 am »

Characters / X~My bag o characters~X -WIP-
« on: March 02, 2011, 03:37:20 am »
Gulumser ravenson
Gender: Male
Spiecies: Werecat
Personality: Calm, short tempered -At times-, and creative. Gulumser has his dumb moments more often than he used to due to an animal mauling him about a year ago. Since then he as gotten much stranger over the months. Human form: He is about 5.9 in height and is often wearing some neat clothing along with a tie and ALWAYS wears an eye patch with an emerald diamond shape on it. On certain occasions he does wear baggy clothing. He doesn't look too strong but he is. his eyes are a pale blue-ish grey color and he has dirty blonde hair with one bleached stripe running down the left side. There is rarely a time that you'll see him frowning. He has a cat tattoo that looks like it's clawing through his skin and he is missing his left ear.
Were form: This form he is a cougar with rust colored fur with one spot lighter than the rest. His left eye looks mis-shapen but is the same color as the right. He stands about 6.1 as a were and same as human he is almost always smiling. He is missing the left ear and if you shave his right arm you'll just barley see the cat tattoo from his human form.
Family: All dead exept for older sister who's location is unknown
HEALTH: 40% due to a recent fight and due to rabies.


Apperance:Jet black with only a small patch of white on her chest, Her paws are small, and she has deep green eyes, She still wears a diamond collar that she got from her first owners
History:I had a good home for most of my life until those people had to leave. They put me up for adoption in a shelter and a new family adopted me, their kit was nice but it's father Hurt me many times a day. I often was not fed so I left that wreched place to find a new home, and mabey new friends. I had often heard about cats that lived in so called 'Clans' so I chose to see if I could find them.
Clan:None she's a Kittypet
HEALTH: 99% Slightly overwheight


Name: Sazoma Joanna Sakiro
Nicknames: JJ, Anna, Saz, Ann, Zoe, Sometimes responds to antlers
Personality:Shy, Anti-social, Creative, Blunt, Headstrong, and Is very emotionally unstable
Important Dates:Birthday - Jan. 1st
Room Number:B-1
Looks:*No image*
Power Class:Anthro <3
Power: Water-bender
Weakness:Allergic to apples, scared of snakes, her own power
History: She was 5 years old when her parents abandoned her due to her Deer-Like looks. She's been living on her own having people turn her down and run in fear from her.
Crush:We'll see as she goes
Other:Her two talents are singing and drawing.
Family: Unknown
HEALTH: 89% punched a whindow and cut her hand


Name:Nenomalen (Neh-no-mah-len)
Nicknames:Sometimes called stalker. Otherwise whatever you can think of
Important Dates:B-day March 15.
Room Number:B-1
Looks:Click here
Power:Body swapping
Species:Chatter beast ftw :B
Weakness:Hugs,scary people,and ofcourse his powarz
History:He got here while following sazoma around. Before that is unknown to him.
Other:He. Is. A. Stalker. Hide yourselves ono; 'cuz he might follow you home next. He also has a mental age of a five year old 8'D
Family: All alive
HEALTH: 100%


Still Wip.

Forum Discussion / Time Logged In?
« on: February 24, 2011, 02:58:55 am »
My time logged in is this

Whats YOUR time logged in?

Take a screenshot and throw yer time at me :D

(Not below the belt D':)

Other Games / Re: QWOP, anyone?
« on: February 19, 2011, 11:15:00 pm »
o-o;; 50. I'm still going too lol. I'm only pressing q & w

EDIT: I fell at 56.3 .-.

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