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Messages - Red4775

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Okay, just wanted to know. :3

Uhm, I hate to bother you. But I havn't got a message about my preset. :3 Is something wrong with my Da or have you not been able to get to it?

It says the server'sback up, but I can't get on. Any ideas why this is happening? Is it happenoing to anyone else? And lolwut. A TACO? That is crazy.

Its been like that for me the whole time "Game server is online with 3 users playing" Thats what it says for me, it has never said offline.

I saw one person roleplay.. A


Can't wait until I get it! I'm on devain art now. :3

Can you Pm it to my devain art too? Its

Thats awesome! :D Now just wondering, is this just to look at or can we download it and wear it in FH?

Game Help / Okay.. This is getting slightly annoying
« on: September 23, 2012, 03:05:09 am »
At lease once a day the chat says

Blahblahblah joined .

And I'm in no group  called .

Why is it doing this?

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