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Messages - Goon

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You may join as a lion, but a lion leader you'll have to have something to lead, and if you just join with nothing to lead then you're not really a lion leader. In any case unless you have a group of friends or something that you currently lead join as well then you wouldn't really need to sign up as a lion leader. Though you can join the rp and as the story goes find a pride to lead. Or in your history be separated from your original pride or something I don't know.

Sorry if I sound like a broken record. xD I'm not the best at explaining.

[also this isn't blocked on my education tablet PC weee]

Username: Goon
Character name: Sirahlivai APV (Seer-ah-lehv-eye)

Species: Serval
Gender: Male
Age: year and a half
Description: Tall, long-legged serval with lots of scruff and fuzz along his neck. Huge ears with white spots like most servals do, which he uses to communicate when hunting. Short, fuzzy tail, as well.
His voice doesn't really suit him well, being rather deep and smooth sounding.
Personallity: Sirahlivai is a very... Derpy serval. Despite the species being great problem solvers, he sometimes lacks the ability to think things through, often finding himself in situations in which he's going to get eaten by lions. Even so, he can still act as a quick thinker when needed and is actually very loving, and would rather be a lover than a fighter. Saying that... He can act like a huge flirt and charm his way into things, or a vicious feline when in danger.
He can't resist small moving things and will chase them and play with them often, mostly in a sadistic game of swat-the-tiny-creature-to-death. Even with all his energy he still has horrible moodswings and can go from loving to antisocial in seconds, sitting alone for long times to think.
Watch your fuds/hearts too, for he's a sneaky bastard. <3
History: He fell into a truck. It just happened to be driving by here.
Mate/Offspring: nope
Yuta likes fishies.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: loner, social but not social enough for general pride/pack/group/etc.
Your character is best at?(Optional): tracking and falling into trucks. Also hunting snakes, fetching/receiving, and acting as a look-out.
RP sample:
Sirahlivai trotted along the tree branch, the limb bouncing lightly and shaking its leaves with every one of his steps. The metal creature below him was at a halt, its loud purring echoing through his large ears. But, he didn't care, for in the back of it was a large, dead animal, and he was a small, alive hungry animal.
Nodding at his logic, he hopped to a lower branch, then another, soon enough nearly touching the top of the odd, rumbling machine. It had its back turned, so he pawed at the kill, testing its awareness.
"Stupid thing," He murmured at it, "You can't even hear over your own growling."
With that, he pawed at it again, and this time lost his grip.
As if hitting the cold metal wasn't enough, the creature growled louder, obviously angry, and the side of it slammed shut. Something inside moved about it, perhaps its tongue? He didn't care, just pressed himself low as it started jolting forward.

I hope my screenshot is fine. I couldn't help but to draw... D;

Yaayy we finally get an Aardwolf, adorable little things.

And I love how great she looks! =D

Rumors spread like wildfire and confused the brain dead like I. I'm glad items aren't, since now IT is all about item grabbing.

Prey is totally fine with me, just the thought of wings urks me. Sure, they could look pretty but I still like the thought of sticking without them.

As we all know, one thing Feral Heart is lacking greatly is more actions. Sure, there's lots of great expressions, but some more actions would be wonderful for the sake of communication and role play.

More fun actions can include more dances [some that can't be used in sexual ways would be preferred, mainly the Moonwalk. Who here that has played IT can say that they honestly don't miss the Moonwalk action?] and a "playing stance." You know, how dogs raise their rumps in the air and such. And maybe some swatting actions, like play swatting mainly. I know I've wanted to paw at people plenty of times, perhaps that's just me.

If anything, a fighting stance would be mighty nice, just to set a mood instead of having your lion/wolf stand and glare the enemy to death. Perhaps when in the fighting stance, a lion can unsheathe its claws, then retract them when back in their regular stance.
But as for actions, licking [despite this possibly being abused it's still a cute action to have with friends. We all know actions are going to be abused one way or another anyway] and nuzzling... And a tilted head. Not just a simple head tilt, but a tilt you can turn on and off. Perhaps a tail swishing action to show anger/aggravation, and a growl/bark/hiss action, because not all felines roar and not all canines howl. It would be nice to communicate with other felid/canid sounds, anyway.
And for the sake of role play: drinking/eating actions would be a nice add. In no way should this be seen as complicated, it would just at least be a simple animation so we could specify we were omming foods or sipping at the water.

A series of growls and yelps and yowls could be added so you can chose sounds to make according to your situation. :] Other than that another needed action is ear twitches/movements. This way if your character is a generally silent one you can show you're listening to the world around you with your eaarrrrs. /cheesy

As for other ideas, if anything more objects for us to use, possibly moving ones, which would be fun.

The game obviously has some ways to go, but I'm still unsure myself if I'm excited to see items and wings come out, I somewhat like the natural feel when I'm not around blinding rainbow characters. xD However the need for more tails [some possibly shorter, like how a serval has a short tail, and etc etc] and ears and such would be nice. <3

I doubt we can get the whole rude people and mating junk out of the way, there's no real way to do that unless some one wants to mod around the game everywhere constantly telling people to stop.
Feral Heart does probably need more coders and meshers, though, that way things could get done quicker and easier without so much stress on a certain number of people. <3

Brain died before I could properly finish this topic.

I also meant to ask if spotted genets could be added to the list? I don't know if I'd make one but it would still be a pretty cool animal to have around. :]

Hope you get accepted. =}D I was going to enter with a serval but went along with the jackal <3

Posted my App through dA, though I have to say I tend to be quite the detailed writer when it comes to gore, kind of disappointed to see I can't use my full skill on that, but other than that I'm completely excited.

I hope my application isn't that bad, being that it's like 2:30am and my brain stopped working~ I've also advertised this rp to a few friends so keeping fingers crossed that they join.

BLAME CLASS reuhgerh <3

Also I can attempt to make a few maps. :U Just gotta get off my bum.

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