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Messages - Jegrde

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Finished Maps / Re: Feral Lands [ Public / New! ]
« on: November 27, 2012, 04:55:17 am »
Thank you ovo

Finished Maps / Re: Feral Lands [ Public / New! ]
« on: October 06, 2012, 01:57:35 am »
50 downloads. -v- Thank you!!!!

Game Help / Re: Map Sharing
« on: September 23, 2012, 08:36:24 pm »
I've found if you download objects to your map, they sometimes glitch and crash your FH.
Now I'm not overly smart about these things, but; I make a copy of my FH and rename the folder.
This way, when I export my map the game is saved like a back up in a second folder.
Original folder = Fh
Copy folder onto desktop = asjfhws

Before exporting my map I always delete all my exported files in asjfhws from the folders so not to confuse them with previously downloaded or modified exports. I then open asjfhws and go to my map maker, export my map. The files will compress into files in the export folder you previously cleared. When you go back to your exports after 'exporting' your map, you will have all the files you need.

Compress all the files now in your export folder (right click, send to, compressed file) and move the file from the folders directly onto your desktop. You can now delete the copied FH game as the job it served is done. You now have a file package to upload and share.

1. Make a copy on your desktop of FH & rename it
2. Clear your exports in the copied file
3. Export your map in the copied file
4. Compress exports to a zip folder and move to desktop
5. Delete the copy of FH you used to export
6. Upload your map to a file sharing site and distribute

Jegrde's Mapped Adventures

Welcome to my little thread. 8D
You may call me Jeg, Jeggy, or equivalents.
This small collection of maps that I'll be displaying here will all be for public use.
Please share the maps, no fighting over territory.
If you have any concerns, please find me here.
DA Page

Adventure Log; Oldest > Newest

F e r a l   L a n d s
Over view;
Size // Medium-Large
All terrain // Snow, Beaches, Waterfalls, Caves, Grassland, Mountain, Sandbars.
Animals // Prey + Bears
Features // Single Map /w Tunnels. Climbable Fir Trees. (Stand under and jump)

Layout, placement of items, and height/ colour maps were designed by myself.
Objects were donated via users in the forums.
Day cycle was given to me via bcagalli18.

Links; Feral Lands Gallery // Feral Lands Download

D r e a r y   W o o d   V i l l a g e
Over view;
Size // Small
One terrain // Rainy dark town.
Animals // None
Features // Building perches for winged animals. Fenced lot.

Layout, placement of items, were designed by myself.
Objects and textures were donated via users in the forums.

Links; Dreary Wood's Gallery // Dreary Wood's Download

M y  H o m e  D e n
Over view;
Size // Small
One terrain // Realistic Forest.
Animals // None
Features // Background boarder + realism.

Layout, placement of items, were designed by myself.
Background picture was photoshopped by me. More credits in galley.
Objects and textures were donated via users in the forums.

Links; My Home Den's Gallery // My Home Den's Download

C i t y  E s c a p e
Over view;
Size // Medium
Dual terrain // Interstate forest and City
Animals // Limited Bear + Deer
Features // Open Homes - Buildings - Building Tops

Layout, placement of items, were designed by myself.
Objects and textures were donated via users in the forums.
Gas Station was made in object maker by hand.

Links; Promo Preview // Map Download

H o w   t o   d o w n l o a d .
1. Click link and save download to your desk top.
2. Open your FH program folder to Exports (Usually found under 'My computer' > FH > Exports)
3. Open downloaded files.
4. Copy all individual files into Exports and "keep both" files if necessary.
5. Close all FH and Downloaded windows.
6. Restart FH game and search the Cape Map for a portal.
7. Share the map with friends.

If you can't open the files with what your computer supports,
you may use this free online link to access all those files you weren't able to before.

M i s s i n g   o r   w h i t e   o b j e c t s ?
At each step, go back to see if the map/ objects will work for you.
1. Close FH and restart game.
2. Leave map and restart game/ re-enter.
3. Re-add the files, clicking replace files / close game & restart.
4. Re-download map and repeat installation.
5. Post in DA Page

I'd love to hear your comments on the map, any improvements for future use?
Hope to see you inside! o vo

Game Help / Re: Map's sudden lockdown
« on: August 23, 2012, 04:59:22 pm »
I was afraid of that. x'3 Thank you.

Game Help / Re: Map's sudden lockdown
« on: August 22, 2012, 12:51:15 am »
I know of the export particles and I successfully avoid this issue. Usually FH with 'crash' and stop working if it's the particles, but it's saying 'can not connect to map' while all the other custom maps work. Even if it was my exported files, it shouldnt effect the exported files I give to my friends, right?
Basically what is happening is no one can connect to the map, while other custom maps are working, just not that one. So Im not sure what to do. I'll try re-exporting it I suppose.

Game Help / Map's sudden lockdown
« on: August 21, 2012, 03:27:26 am »
Hello, I was wondering what was happening to my map?
I've been using it for over a month now with out problems and two weeks ago I updated it, adding new items and saving over the files. I handed out the new export files and out of the blue it suddenly stopped working.

Things I've noticed;
-All reg maps work (For me and others)
-Other private maps work (For me and others)
-New character going into the map are lost
-Chacaters inside the map previously cant be logged onto
-I the map maker cant even log in using the raw files
-I tried resaving the files and entering
-When trying to log in it displays the 'can not connect' issue

Reluctant to try;
Re-exporting and making a new map/download

Anyone else with this problem?
Also I noticed that the server went down a few times, could it be that my map is glitching?

Rules and Application

-No wings
-Items/ Presets allowed
-Optional bundle downloads available

-Must have group tags on all times
-Map turned off (V)
-Character names off
Encourages more suspense!

-Literate or Semi IC
-Limited characters with in a single group
-May change alliances
-OOC everyone is friends!!!
-No powerplaying/ respect is everything
-Group Rps in calendar/ scheduled times

For more information, apply with the following!

Send your application to; [email protected]

Character Name:
Roleplay Sample:
Ideal Group: (Bel/Plant/Angau)

A/N - Your ideal group doesn't effect eligibly, I can redirect you to the group leaders of desired alliances to gain more information! Cuz the more the players, the more the plot thickens!

Game Help / Re: FH crashes
« on: February 08, 2012, 11:07:55 pm »
I'm crashing in Plains, but in my private map I'm having no problems. If it's in the Plain's I think a lot of people are having this problem. If you can't even get to the map, then you might have a file that's crashing the game.

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