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Messages - Alpha Sky

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5
Game Help / Re: Item Problams Glitch?
« on: February 24, 2012, 05:57:29 pm »
yes thank u so that be hard to fix really so i guess they isnt a fix?

Game Help / Re: How do i use the impressive title items on fh ..?
« on: February 24, 2012, 01:47:12 pm »
in the end a friend helped me but thank u anyways x

Game Help / Item Problams Glitch?
« on: February 24, 2012, 01:27:18 pm »
Hiaa i was wanting to no if anyone can help me with this.? my friend has helpfuly got me loads of items to work on fh but when we both put items on she see's diffrent items to what i clicked to use is this a glitch and is they a way to fix it ??

thank u katie x

Game Help / Re: FH kicks me out of my groups every week!!!!
« on: February 24, 2012, 01:22:44 pm »
Same Happend to me i have the patch v1.13 i no for sure the leader of the group wouldnt kick me out and is there a fix to the glitch.?

Game Help / How do i use the impressive title items on fh ..?
« on: February 11, 2012, 12:31:58 pm »
Hiaa am a little confused on how i use the impressive title items in fh... :-\

I have found a link that tells me to how to get them not coming out white.??

Witch i have'nt seen any of the items what i have added ..

I did what the link said and then opend fh to go to pick a chara and went to the bit were items and wings are and i only have that santa hat.?

Have i done something wrong.??
Oh and i did this with impressive title reborn does it only work with the first Impressive title.??

Welcome Back Fellow Feral Hearter's <3

Is the server going to be back on as soon as midnight? Or like... something during the day it comes back... *Confused at the 0:00*
yes midnight  :)

Oh darn! I'm going to have to go only an hour before it comes back on :/

Mate of mine has asked me to come over. Oh well I reckon it'll be fun XD

And I will see you all tomorrow :3
bye bye have fun XD

I can't wait to get on Feral-Heart  :D , I've been waiting to get on & hopefully I'll get the chance to like actually play this time... Instead of those Login Issues  >:(
make sure ur up on the patches i think the latest is 29th of dec version v1.13 but we all have been having the same problam but also been able to get in to the game?
Idk, I think I did download it, though before the server went offline, I'd put in me Username & Password & it would say it was wrong... But if I put it on here, It logs me in with no problem...
ermm.. all i can say is check your patches, make sure u are putting things in right or rember your passwords if nothing changes make your own post and mods will help u :)

You guys should probably move this chat now, I have a sneaky suspicion it is no longer on topic. *helpful smile*
i was kinda thinking the same sorry just trying to help them thats why i added at the end for them to mark there own post and agian sorry for going off topic.. :)

I can't wait to get on Feral-Heart  :D , I've been waiting to get on & hopefully I'll get the chance to like actually play this time... Instead of those Login Issues  >:(
make sure ur up on the patches i think the latest is 29th of dec version v1.13 but we all have been having the same problam but also been able to get in to the game?
Idk, I think I did download it, though before the server went offline, I'd put in me Username & Password & it would say it was wrong... But if I put it on here, It logs me in with no problem...
ermm.. all i can say is check your patches, make sure u are putting things in right or rember your passwords if nothing changes make your own post and mods will help u :)

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