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Messages - Gypsy Soul

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Everything's the same except shadow clan instead of river clan and I need the map link

Can I be terrible and actually switch to Shadow Clan??

Name: SkysStar
Gender: She-cat
Description:(you can use a picture or using words like i did): Snow white she-cat with green eyes
Clan:(put rouge,loner or kittypet here if not in clan) River Clan
Mate: N/a
Kits: N/a
Rank: Leader
Skills: Fast thinker, intuitive
Age: 20 moons

Hai der! :D

I'm going to start a Warrior Cats rp but I need to find a map that's willing to add another clan. I would be willing to join in an already established role-play.

Here's what I can tell you about the clan so far:
Name: Ivy Clan (Willing to change)
Leader: SkyStar
Rp level: moderate to advanced
Rp: Sample required.
We will be active and accommodating.

Anyone interested in letting us on your map:
Map name:
How many clans on the map:
General rp skill:
Any requests for us? (name change, ect.)
Information about the rp (if applicable):

Anyone interested in joining:
FH username:
Breed/ physical description:
Family (kits, mate, parents ect.):
Rank desired (Do not ask for Deputy):
Activeness (0-10):
Time zone:
Rp sample:
Anything else you'd like us to know?:

REALISTIC maps/rps/characters only, please!

Thank yew, and have a nice day! :D

Game Discussion / FeralHeart, "New Years Resolutions"
« on: January 30, 2012, 08:31:51 pm »
Four hours from now, FeralHeart will be back! I'd like to see this as sort of a... new beginning; a chance to make amends and changes. So I'm curious, what are some things you personally would like to change when the servers come back up?
PLEASE NOTE: This IS NOT about changes you'd like to see to the game, this is for changes you plan to make.

I'll start: When the servers come back, I'm going to make an effort to ignore the trolls instead of getting annoyed and arguing with them.

Your turn! 

6 more hours T^T

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Re: Experienced feline artists only!
« on: January 30, 2012, 06:10:21 am »
I like it! But is there anyway you could use a different lineart? I know too many people who have the same one :/ sorry! and her name's Silvermist

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Re: Experienced feline artists only!
« on: January 30, 2012, 03:50:34 am »
Really? Thanks! So it needs to be full body, and either the pose in the photo or something feline-like, i'm not picky, with the same coloring except blue eyes. I don't suppose you have any examples of your drawings do you?

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Experienced feline artists only!
« on: January 30, 2012, 02:26:18 am »
So i'm looking for someone to make a siggy of my character, in whatever pose you can manage. Experienced feline artists only please, thanks :)

Forum Games / Re: The Wishing Game!
« on: January 28, 2012, 09:49:55 pm »
wish granted, but it's too much and you're buried alive! I wish for a panda!

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