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Messages - Shikoku

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*GASPETH* Look at that huge distraction!

Am I the only one distracted by Gekk's, Kyu's, and Kerri's siggys?

Zowie's death approaches :O


SO heres my crappy posties

Xaverier~ Xave listened to the two voices snarling at each other in her head. One said fight, the other said submit. She had to deal with them constantly, but the sudden explosion of war within her was overwhelming. They would kill her if they didn't stop the senseless feuding..

Zowie~ (Yes, she's still going to die D8<) The young demigod padded across the road, her ears perked and eyes wide open. She was familiar with what was down the road of Manipulated Hill. Every corner, creature, and building was burned into her memory. Yet she knew not of the dangers that could escape her mother's mind. Things she had never seen. (GASPETH, MAJOR APPEARS)

Oh my o.o
LOLFAIL...or is that a win?

Characters / Shikoku's Demonspawns
« on: April 09, 2011, 05:08:03 am »
So, I got bored. And I'm tired of having to rewrite my characters' bios all the time HERP
I'll get pictures when I feel like it >:E


Name: Xaverier Hestia
Gender: Female
Specie: Demon (was a dog at one point)
Parents: Seth and Marie Hestia (both deceased)
Siblings: Jared (deceased) Macy (deceased) Alteir (missing)
Mate: Xuchilbara
Offspring: -refer to Family-
Personality: Xaverier appears to be a stubborn, aggressive, and powerful tiny demon. She is strong, physically, but is truthfully terrified of just about everything: strangers, being alone, anger, etc. She grew up as an underdog, being the least favored of her siblings, which sparked Major inside of her. She can also seem jealous, protective, and slightly strange. She has her reasons. Xave isn't the gushy love mush sort, but cares deeply about her mate, Xuchilbara, and tries to take great care to keep on his good side. However, Minor likes to screw that up by making her save lives. >U
Extra: Major and Minor are her inner demons that have the possibility of killing her. She can spit up blood as a defense mechanism (LOLIMDEAD).
Pack/Clan: The X Family ~>

Name: Artyom
Gender: Female
Specie: Canine > Wolf hybrid
Parents: -unknown-
Siblings: -unknown-
Mate: -none DERP-
Offspring: -none-
Personality: Artyom is a friendly little pup who loves nothing more than to make friends. She appears to have been in fights and witnessed the death of her mother, but shows no trauma from the events. Arty seems to not recognize danger when it's staring her in the face and is often shoved to safety by one of the many she's managed to befriend.
Extra: Artyom often speaks in the third.
Pack/Clan: -none-

Name: Xavious
Gender: Female
Specie: Demigod Canine
Parents: Xuchilbara and Xaverier
Siblings: -refer to Family-
Mate: -none-
Offspring: -none, hates the little buggers-
Personality: Xavious is basically her mother's bad side. She's hateful towards just about everything and spits on her family's name, especially her parents'. Xavi won't admit that she misses them and will often snap with rabid rage at anyone who mentions The Family. She was Xuchil and Xave's first child and was somewhat ignored. At a very young age, she learned that it's survival of the fittest, but Family is everything....
Extra: Xavious has made an attempt to kill her mother, but failed (LOLOBVIOUSLY). Neither of them have ever spoken of it.
Pack/Clan: The Children of the Raith Sidhe  ~>


Name: Izzy "Scarecrow" Marks
Gender: Female
Specie: Canine > Mix breed
Parents: -unknown-
Siblings: Zeta -deceased member of the Children-
Mate: -none-
Offspring: -none-
Personality: Scarecrow is a depressing and tired dog. She doesn't care to socialize and prefers being isolated from others. Despite sleeping most the time, Scare is very muscular. Lazy muscle.
Extra: Not much about Scarecrow. She's a pretty flat character.
Pack/Clan: -none-


Name: Vendredi
Gender: female
Specie: Voodooian Lion
Parents: Salego and Kyrea
Siblings: Krystal, Kaya, Savage, Kileo, Unnamed
Mate: -none-
Offspring: -none-
Personality: Vendredi is quiet and rarely has anything to say. She can often be found just staring into space, and when asked what she's thinking she will reply "Nothing." She does mysteriously manage to pick up various skills.
Pack/Clan: Voodoo Pride ~> -will get link- lD

Name: Foxtrot 13-F
Gender: Female
Specie: Cloned war-dog (Type: Foxtrot)
Parents: -none-
Siblings: Foxtrots 1-(newest Foxtrot here)
Mate: -none-
Offspring: -none-
Personality: 13 is a typical Foxtrot. She is isolated, quiet, powerful, and almost always grinning. Like most Foxtrots, she is a spy that doubles as an assassin. 13 won't get involved with most conflicts, and it's usually pretty heated when she does get involved.
Extra: Typical of a Foxtrot, 13 has a tracking chip in her head along with communication chips in her ears and muzzle skinz. >P
Pack/Clan: -none-

Xaverier's Demons
They need their own section.

Name: Major
Gender: Genderless, prefers to be called female
Personality: Major is Xaverier's assertive and hormonal side. It's the one often getting Xave into fights. Currently, Major is weaker than Minor, but still fights constantly with it. Without Major, Xaverier is weaker physically. With Major, she is stronger, but puts herself in more danger.
Name: Minor
Gender: Genderless, prefers to be called male
Personality: Minor is Xave's emotional and extremely kind side, and often gets Xuchilbara upset with Xaverier. Minor has more influence than Major, explaining Xave's overemotional outbursts. Without Minor, Xaverier has a stronger guard over her emotions. With Minor, she can quickly become a sobbing mess.

Name: Xaverier Hestia
Gender: Female
Personality: This Xaverier is a manifestation of her selfishness and fear. It appears as a young pup, what Xaverier looked like as a youngster, but with a ghostly aura. She carries a nightshade with her at all times.


Fallout Characters
I love Fallout <3
Most of my FO characters start out pretty flat.

Name: Rocky Boone
FO: New Vegas
Faction: -Hurrdurrr-
Gender: Female
Specie: Canine > mix breed dog
Parents: Craig and Carla Boone
Siblings: -unknown, and she frankly doesn't give a crap-
Mate: -none-
Offspring: -none, doesn't want any-
Personality: Rocky is an aggressive, assertive, rude, small sniper-dog. What she lacks in size she makes up for in aim and strength. Rarely is she ever pleasant about anything, and she doesn't care to be nice. She grew up rushing into her problems head-on without a helmet. Rocky isn't fond of pups/cubs or others just interested in making friends.
Extra: Rocky has a pair of shades. Be jealous.
History/Events: Rocky was happy about her mother's death, and was quite upset with her father disowned Manny Vargas as a friend for feeling the same way. She left once she became sick of Craig and regrets leaving deeply.


Name: Zoe "Omega" Richard
FO: New Vegas
Faction: New California Republic
Gender: Female
Specie: Canine > Wolf hybrid
Parents: Benny and "Lucky"
Siblings: -unknown, probably lots of them-
Mate: -none-
Offspring: -none-
Personality:  Zoe is quiet and isolated, even around other members of the NCR.
Extra: Zoe wears the NCR Ranger Combat armor and helm.
History/Events: Zoe had a bad run-in with a Legion-freak. That one encounter gave her a deep, personal hatred for them.

Name: Emlin
FO: New Vegas
Faction: Enclave (remnants)
Gender: Female
Specie: Canine > Wolf hybrid
Parents: Valkyrie and Bane
Siblings: -non-
Mate: -none-
Offspring: -none-
Personality:  Emlin is very laid back and calm. She won't often argue with someone, but will never miss out on a chance to say "I told you so." She won't often miss a chance to show off her skills either.

>3 Why yessssss -stealz?-

>3 No I didn't -stalkerplz- LOLJK lD

HERP. Did I miss anything epic while I was gone?

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