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Game Discussion / Re: Feeling a Little Out of Place Here
« on: April 06, 2014, 02:30:35 am »

Don't worry. c: I wasn't planning on giving up. I did try Bonfire Island, actually. It was the first place I went to. From what I saw, it was jam packed and yet people were still trying to roleplay, lol... I'll have to go see the Northpole though. I'm also starting to wonder if getting on at a certain time of the day matters.

Yah that will definitely help.

Game Discussion / Re: Feeling a Little Out of Place Here
« on: April 06, 2014, 01:31:36 am »
Yah, I feel the same way, when I returned to FH, I was bombarded by nothing but RP, a good place to look is northpole or bonfire island, as rp there is damn near impossible with the amount of players there. But don't give up on us, there are still some of us who remember the good old days ^_^

Stories / Re: Land of the Black Ones, Decay's Plot.
« on: April 06, 2014, 01:17:13 am »
Le bump

Hey guys, This is a very Dark RP, and there is never a bright side, just dark and horrendous madness. want to be a part of it? Then go ahead, this is an open RP for any one to join into, and great RP will be put into the story.

Introduction / Re: heyyy C:
« on: April 05, 2014, 06:04:36 am »
Hai, welcome to the forums, you should love it here, (so long as you don't mind really active members) The community is really great and i know that you will find some nice friends along the way!

Stories / Land of the Black Ones, Decay's Plot.
« on: April 05, 2014, 05:49:57 am »
Prologue (So before we start, if you haven't read the character bios for the listed names please do so.) Within the dark forests of An'teros, there are seven packs of pure sin, each just as terrible as the one before. They all fight for one creature, an immortal being that has nearly no fighting power within him but has been known to heal any wound simply by touching them. For many years they have fought, seeking immortality, but such a gift does not come free! Since he was bestowed his power, Decay has felt nothing but pure wretchedness from all of those who surround him. The story begins in the pride pack, one of the most powerful packs of them all, mainly due to Decay's power.

Chapter OneIt was dark, that was all he could think of through the unbearable pain. He could remember strange thing about his life, he remembered hymns that his mother used to sing to him as a child, but most else was a blank. but he could remember one thing, one thing that was very important My name...... what is it? He racked his brain, constantly on the tip of his tongue. He looked up, or at least, what he thought was up, and he could see little sparkling dots upon the horizon, he realized that it was night, which explains why he couldn't see. He attempted to walk, and found that his legs would hold him, but were very weak. Where am I? was all that he could think at the moment, he was in a completely new place, so different from the strangely twisted landscape of his home. He heard a rustling, and noticed that he was no longer alone. Three wolves emerged from the brush, two of them dragging a wolf who was badly wounded, his throat  gashing blood, the mark of a Gnasher. How do I know what that is? He had so many questions, and no answer to accompany them. Without thinking he approached the wolves, and the immediately rose their hackles.
"S-stay back!" the wolf who spoke seemed young, much younger than him, and he seemed scared.
Forgetting that he had the ability to speak he spoke up "I do not seek to harm you, I just want to help." his voice was rough, almost painful to hear, like he wasn't used to talking.
The other wolf spoke up this time "Yea'? And Whaht can Ye' do fer him eh!?" his voice had a thick accent to it and was smooth on the ears.
He couldn't really explain it himself, but he felt like he HAD to save him, and that he had the power to do so "I-I Don't really know, but I feel like I could help" he paused for a moment. "Please?"
It was the foreign wolf that spoke up, obviously the one respected more "A'ight, Ye' have tree minutes, if Ye' don't save him, I'mma skin you live!" He said this with a grin, knowing full well that the wolf was long dead, and only allowing this to feed his own blood lust.
He walked up to the dead wolf's corpse, and touched his wet nose to the corpse's dry one. What happened next cannot be truly explained; the spilled blood began to literally flow backing into his throat, then the neck began to seal back up, but as this was happening, the brave wolf who offered to save him began to have his own throat opening, as if by magic, then when the dead wolf finally was whole again, he began to stir, just as the blood began to flow out of the courageous wolf. He convulsed on the floor for about twenty minutes, then his own would healed, and he returned to consciousness.
The formerly dead wolf was looking over him, not one emotion shown by his face. "What is your name?" His voice was cold steel, betraying no emotion.
This was a question he had asked himself many times, but a single word floated in his mind, and he chose that for his name. "My name is Decay" His scratchy voice making the name sound almost sinister.
"Well 'Decay'" began the wolf "My name is Ska'lun and you shall be our honored guest!"
The two wolves from before grabbed him and dragged him for what seemed to be miles, then he was thrown into a stone cage, in which he gave up on the life he lived, and fell into a deep sleep that lasted for five days.

Thank you all for your support on reading this, this is only a chapter for my first character Decay, I already have two other coming soon (Guardian and Agony) and plan on releasing many in the future, this is only chapter one of Decay's story, it will continue. Please leave your comments bellow!

Characters / Re: Decay
« on: April 05, 2014, 03:30:30 am »
I like it! I've never heard of a character like this before! It's neat and awesome jumbled into one wolf
Thank you, im currently writing my character Bios for my book ill be writing. Any floof support will be greatly appreciated.

Characters / Agony
« on: April 05, 2014, 03:28:30 am »
No one really knows where Agony came from, but it is said that all the pain and anguish formed a single entity, and that being was Agony. Anyone who has ever heard a whisper of this monster fears his destructive force, you see when he gets angry, or feels pain anything around him becomes his deadly tool. He uses his blood as a whip, and uses them to reach trees, and if he isn't bleeding, he can unleash a mail-storm, a destructive bass filled sub-sonic sound that destroys whole forests within a square mile. But Agony is actually a kind hearted creature, he hates the fight, but cannot control his powers, he has a split personality, and when threatened, it completely takes over, and will slaughter anything in his path. He is completely broken, he is scared of himself and others, but there is one who he trusts with all his soul, his polar opposite, Guardian who protects him when ever he can.

Characters / Decay
« on: April 05, 2014, 03:15:53 am »
Decay, The name is quite misleading. His job is caring for the wounded of the Pride Pack, a pack of the infamous seven sins, the way that he got his name, is his ability to absorb the injuries of those around him, making him a valuable asset to any pack. Attempts on his life and his home have been made many a time, but how did he actually get those powers of his? When the Nuclear ware began, he was only a pup, and he was exposed heavily to superconductive Radiation, which had caused all growth in his body to completely stop. Around fifty thousand years later he still has not died, but has ages about two years. His life is now a complete hell, the packs of sin fight over him like he is a tool, one of which will help them destroy other sins. But Decay has a secret; for every wound he absorbs, he gains the ability to inflict said wound upon any one at any time,  thus he will create his own pack, one of mutants, known only as the Anaxios.

Characters / Re: Guardian
« on: April 04, 2014, 08:37:33 pm »
Thank you guys! this was written in about 5 minutes, and i wrote it years ago xD I really appreciate all the support, and if you really want it, i will write a short story with all my characters, and maybe some of yours.

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