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Messages - BlueKinTsukiko

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Game Discussion / Re: Number One Clan Problem.
« on: September 08, 2013, 08:46:40 pm »
I think alot of people are just going and looking for active clans or prides or any group for that matter, than say their always on, than leave...I've had this done to me like 20 times now. A group of mine gets people to come together and next thing ya know, poof. Where'd they go?! Its a magic trick now

Ps: Lindsay Im sorry for what happened, I read your topic, and I don't know about Deathstar, but for one thing I hope you know that a strong clan isn't one that brakes in tragedy, it only grows stronger. So yeah, hopefully you'll at least have a good group to grow and prosper with, without any more problems and such.

Game Discussion / Re: Hyper-Realistic Roleplays
« on: September 08, 2013, 08:32:38 pm »
Well, believe it or not but researchers of many found that animals do have a form of communication as well as perhaps even a speech pattern that humans may not understand or might ever be able too. So talking between the lions is maybe possible but we won't know cause well, we're not lions. However I do think that there is a bit of sense by what you mean as realistic and non realistic, for example, a Hyena and a Lion, never get along. In fact, saying they do or they can be friends is a bit....Well....I won't even go there. If we were to have super realistic roleplays anyways, what happens if one lion is trying to hint at something, like maybe to go hunting, and than the other doesn't understand it, or is unable to. Not to mention we're still learning how animals show their languages through simple body structure so it doesn't make it any easier when even specialist don't fully understand all their sign language let alone body movements for speech. So, although its probably not the best thing in the world for you, its still needed just to get certain points across.

Game Discussion / Re: Why does it always have to be "Kill"?
« on: September 08, 2013, 08:25:20 pm »
-Sigh- Sad part is, my lion got threatened the other day just cause I went to say hi to one of my friends whom was in a wolf rp, of course I didn't know I was interrupting till after I went there. However it was still quite rude but it went something like this.

Me: (Hey Friend, how ya doing its been awhile has it not?)
Friend: (Oh! Blueberry I'm doing good you?)
PackMember1: Lion!!! Move out of our clans territory or I'll kill you!
Me: (Huh?)
PackMember2: You better run, he's powerful and will kill you!
PackMember3: Ya, run or else.
PackMember1: Run you coward! Or I won't stop the inner demon thats about to be unleashed!
Me:....Whats going on?

And well, don't you love the people...x-x

Game Discussion / Whats the funniest thing you've seen on the forums.
« on: September 08, 2013, 02:03:08 pm »
There's been alot of moments in game, but what about the forums, now take note this isn't a thread to mock people, just the moments. So please refrain from calling people any form of insult, and just lay back and have fun. You can explain what happened if your in a topic thats posted in here, but please, nothing offensive. This is just for fun and to see all the silly things we have done.

First one up is me, I'll just post a link, the pictures is what made me laugh though xD.
Best part was when Oprah used to shake her head like "nah" sadly she doesn't anymore T^T

(Take note, this is a joke just to bring up some laughs, however I will avoid the offensives of course.)

Now, you want to be a good character, well alot of the times you can make a decent character so long as you explain your character, who it is, why their etc. (Etc = species, personality is how it is or anything of that sort.) Now than...DO NOT make your characters so OP, they always hit...Really, they don't miss, say what? Take note you can't EVER always hit someone, your not the only person in the world who can be OP. I hate it when this happens, or whats even more annoying is always, and I do mean, ALWAYS MISSING, their character all the sudden has a butt magnet that teleports and/or pushes them out of the way. Please...stop x-x just no...Otherwise, the rps will always be like this...

Whats even better...When their so amazing they know all, their physic, or a god, or something, and their forever perfect, even though and guess what, their humans. Who are imperfect, and humans can't ever...EVER be perfect in every way. So, don't pretend that you immediately see someone hiding every time. For no reason as well x-x...Otherwise, it wouldn't be fun, like this cat.

Now, I will add more for this "tutorial later if wanting to, but I like pictures explaining things, so until than, please enjoy.

Game Discussion / Re: Favorite Videos?
« on: August 01, 2013, 05:28:26 am »
Sorry, but the best video that I have seen over any of KovuLKD's work is Simba's pridelands / island map. The work and perfection over the map making that was much more difficult back than has inspired me to be a map maker now. So "Insert pokemon theme here" Cause I wanna be the very best *-*

Game Discussion / Re: How Obsessed Are You About FearlHeart?
« on: July 31, 2013, 06:13:47 am »
I think its safe to say that your obsessed with the fh forums when you check daily and also make your post altered from everyone else by creating a different font used by everyone, different color, and a signature with a profile picture different from everyone. Also if you check the forums and nothings new, but still check a hour later, just in case...

Game Discussion / Re: Creepy Game Encounters
« on: July 31, 2013, 05:51:16 am »
I think the scariest thing that has happened to me, or creepiest is when I lost a bet and had to go to bonfire island as a "Scar" character from The Lion King, it went to something like this.

Me: Oh hi how're you Vitani
Vitani: Do you love me? Love me Scar...
Me: ...Uhm...huh?
Vitani: Come on Scar, we have to make Nuka ;]

(Never again...)

Game Discussion / Re: Feral Heart Religion!!
« on: July 31, 2013, 05:29:27 am »
The sad part is I did a rp that involved characters fighting the hatred in fh xD It was only a rp but it was like, all the hate in between wolves and lions, we had a few "gods" and all too, so this reminds me a lot of it. Brings back good memories but I think that this is true for everyone, so what do we call the people who live in the forums with hundreds of post? Shamans?

Game Discussion / Re: What Do You Often Play As?
« on: July 23, 2013, 05:49:16 am »
So far whenever I get online now a days its usually a lion character, that or I will go as a yokai. Which is a demon based on a animal who must serve its master. I like doing realistic roleplays along with unrealistic as long as its with friends because I found that its much more difficult to role play with people who you don't know and can't really explain their characters that or are new to roleplaying rather than friends whom you can trust.

Same with realistic roleplays too, the friendlier the group the better, hence why I love very few groups whom can role play.

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