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Messages - Denio

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Game Discussion / Re: What's Behind the Username?
« on: November 26, 2012, 02:15:07 am »
Mines Denio, cause well I like it.  It makes me sound all professional and not a little kid. 
Also I read a book and it said Denio meant terrible in Greek or something; And I can be terribly shy in real life.~

This looks amazing.  I love rps with a solid plot, it makes me smile.  I was hoping maybe I could join too?

Yay :3
Thank you for the preset, and I just got the maps.  And I shall join the site later.

(Image. 300x300 please) ('Cause am a derp, I have no idea how to post a picture)
Name: Hellevi
Species: Culpeo Fox
Age: Young-Adultish
Gender: Female
Gifted or NonGifted: NonGifted
Rank: Isongama?  If not I'll take either an Warrior or Executioner.
Parents: None.
Personality: A high-energy, happy fox who loves to be around others.  All though say one wrong thing she will snap.
History: Her parents were normal Skulk foxes.  Being born it gave her parents hope, and hopes that one day she can make them proud.  She now lives a happy life and rather serve her clan before finding a mate and have offspring.
Mate: None.
Offspring: None.

RP Sample: The small fox moved along the shallow creek.  Standing at the edge she looked into the blue streaked water, and saw tiny movements.  She licked her lips and put a paw in the water waiting for one unfortunate soul to swim by.  With one quick movement she lifted her paw, and hit the ground with a thud, underneath her paw layed a minnow.  She grinned before picking up the delicate creature and vanishing into the forest of shadows.

Time/day in which Majory RPing is best for you: I have school, So I am not on during the week.  Monday-Thursay.  Fridays-Sundays are good for me.  I live on the east coast, so about almost all day am on the (computer).
Forum/Ingame Username: Denio
"I am loyal to the ones who prove it towards me.  I will defend my Skulk until the end"

I hope it's not to late to join~
Also I was wondering, If no one claims that second preset with the white dots, And IF I get in could I use it for Hellevi?

Finished Maps / Re: [V 1.13] The Highland Isles Map Pack
« on: September 29, 2012, 08:21:16 pm »
Hey, which map is Caved-In town in? I cannot find it.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: What is TEC?? LOOK HERE! ^.^
« on: September 15, 2012, 03:56:20 pm »
Fearless did you ask Dag about posting this?

Finished Maps / Re: The Grand Adventure: 30 + Map Pack (PUBLIC)
« on: August 23, 2012, 02:36:13 am »
THIS IS AMAZING!.  ErMahGerd. I love itttt, I love it when people make things like this, I mean I would but my dear old computer would die. <3.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement /
« on: August 03, 2012, 12:07:14 am »
This looks amazing. I have an hyena I would love to roleplay, instead of having her just stand thar.  Anyways this looks amazing. :).

Name:  Varinus ( Var )
Family: Rosepetal(Deceased, Mother)  Daku (Deceased, father)
Group/Loner:  / Kokoru Hyena Clan /
Species:  (Striped) Hyena.
Age:  4 years.
Gender: Female
Personality:  A quiet figure, likes to keep to herself.  She can be friendly, only if she knows you.  She is just like her mother, wise, quiet.
History: Varinus stayed with her mother until she died.  Leaving, realizing she had no reason to stay in the area which she was living in, Var left.  She found a new place to live, sharing this place with a new pride, and many other animals.  She also met a hyena pup? and they lived together, for a while.  The pup disappeard.  The lion pride left, and so did the other hyena's.  Varinus is just walking, trying to find a new home.
Picture:  -
And/Or Appearance:  She is a rosey color, her pelt is just a little bit grey, and her underfur is rosey-ish.  Her markings are black.   Her eyes are a olive green, and her mane is a red rose color, (Just not so bright).
Preset Download? : -
RP Example:  Varinus stood looking over the valley she once called home.  She let out a small sneeze before turning tail and moving away.  As she padded farther, and farther away the rosey colored hyena talked to herself; "Why me?"  "Why can't I just find some place to call home?".  As Varinus walked farther away she noticed how much -happier?- she was getting.  Varinus giggled when a blue butterfly landed on her nose, giggling she sprinted forward.

Finished Maps / Re: Kamiioa Territory ~4 Map Pack~
« on: July 18, 2012, 04:13:33 pm »
Yesh, DS too.  And am sure Dubby wouldn't mind..Am also working on many other Rps, But it's summer and I need to stay as busy as possible or I am sure I'll die of boredness.~ Lol.

Oh!, Grey some things are not showing up.  Like in the Letalis territory, the water material is all white.   And in Probus the mountains, there material is all white.  Also when I enter Letalis, the cave materials are all white, and I enter under the mappers.  Otherwise everything else is fine.

Finished Maps / Re: [v1.13] Official Warrior Clan Map .:.DOWNLOAD.:.
« on: July 17, 2012, 07:39:42 pm »
Oh so amazing :D. Maybe I'll bring my retired Med. Cat here, just hang around and enjoy this smexy map. Yanno?

Ohhh Maybe I'll start a new small Warrior Cat Rp. But on my other Account, I made just for Warriors.

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