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Messages - JustDance23

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Awesome, all are accepted! Anyone can go ahead and start us off. I may be inactive due to computer issues, schooling, and other things. Anyways like I said go ahead and begin. ^.^ (Still accepting people.)

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / ~When The Sun Goes Down~ (Apocalypse Roleplay)
« on: September 18, 2013, 02:52:35 am »

The world lays in ruins, everything that was once so familiar is now so foreign... You haven't seen another living person in months, the animals that wander are disfigured and mutated. Can you survive what looks to be the end of the world?

The year is 2017, just a few months ago a nuclear war broke out leaving the entire earth dead...or so it looks. You've been living off of what little food you can scavenge, the scent of death and decay burns into your head. The people you have seen are not normal, they're skin is rotting..eyes fogged over, and they thrive for flesh, human flesh. You must fight to survive, find others if they're out there...and attempt to bring earth back to what you knew so well.

Hey, hey! So basically in this roleplay you'll be playing a human. You can be infected, un-infected, disfigured from the radiation, or whatever your little heart desires. Your character will have to wander about the destroyed city in search of other survivor's, beware you will encounter many beasts!

~ Application ~

Siblings(Alive or deceased?):
Parents(Alive or deceased?):
Reason you survived:

  • ~ Rules ~
    -No Mary/Gary sues
    -Minimal Cussing
    -Be realistic!
    -Hate the character not the person
    -Not to much drama
    -Try to post more than one liners
    -Use () [] {} For out of character talking and "..." for in character speach
    -Write Huzzah in the Other: of your app if you've read everything
    -Boopa Doop Have fun!

~ The City ~

~ Zombies ~

~ My Character(s) ~
Name: Arianna (I use this name a ton...because I can..xP)
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian/White

Companions: N/A
Siblings(Alive or deceased?): A sister and brother(Marissa&Kyle) She assumes they're deceased.
Parents(Alive or deceased?): Jennifer(Mother) and Darrel(Father) She assumes they're deceased.
Bf/Gf/Husband/Wife/Crush(?): N/A
Personality: Arianna is cocky, ignorant, and tends to keep to herself. She used to be a whole lot sweeter, but since the disaster she has become distant. Arianna has her soft sides, and if she gets to know you well enough she may change her attitude to give a helping hand. She plans on helping only herself survive(so selfish) unless you have something to provide to her. (Weapons, food, shelter.) This spitfire does however have a weakness for children, her rude and inconsiderate side with quickly turn into a motherly, loving one.  
History: Arianna lived with her parents, and two siblings, she was a perfect student, never caused any chaos, and was usually in a bright smiley mood. When she was eight, her, her mother, and her father were in a car accident. Her parents were left with minor scarring while Arianna was left with a large scar along the inside of her left arm. She doesn't like to talk about the accident and tends to rub that arm whenever nervous, or irritated. Besides the accident there was nothing else really worth mentioning in her past.
Reason you survived: Arianna isn't really sure why she survived, she believes maybe it was just luck...or bad luck.
Extra: Arianna has bright sky blue eyes with the mutation called Heterochromia which caused her eyes to be more than one color. So Arianna's eyes' base color is the sky blue but near her pupils are a light green.
Arianna is fairly small, she is kind of short for her age and is also petite but can handle herself.
Height: 5'5-5'6"
Weight: 112 (Skinnier than normal due to lack of food.)
Other: Huzzah!

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