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Messages - YowlingYeen

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Screenshots / Re: A Feral Movie Night! -FeralHeart Cinema-
« on: June 24, 2012, 06:10:17 am »
Thats the most Epicly Beast thing I have ever seen in my entire life O.O

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Mountain Wolf Pack
« on: June 24, 2012, 06:06:35 am »
Shadow opened her eyes and took her paws off of her face-"Lightning! it was horibble! It was the memmory of my dead baby brother!" Shadow cryed throwing her head into Lightnings chest fur crying hevily puting both paws on eaither side of her mate wile she did.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Mountain Wolf Pack
« on: June 24, 2012, 05:50:59 am »
Shadow Looked at Lightning as he pulled away from her and walked away-"Lightning?" Shadow whispered confused as she walked over to him but right befor she could reach the bush where he was a flash of white light stoped Shadow sa it then put befor her a long narrow path that was renched in darkness and shadows. Shadow walked along it slowly for a wile befor lightning struck showing sompthing that made Shadow freez with terror, There, lay the head of a pup that looked like shadow exsept with blue eyes and next to the pup lay a crying pup that looked exsactly like shadow-"No! Why bring me back to this memmory! why!" Shadow howled slaming herself to the ground and qwickly clamping her paws over her face and shaking her head intell she came back to reality the rain drenching her fur as she still lay shaking her head her arms still over her eyes and she still shook her head whimpering.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Mountain Wolf Pack
« on: June 24, 2012, 03:14:29 am »
"Hmmmmmmm" Shadow said then walking up and touching noses with Akeila again making another flash between them both giving The she-wolf the power of sneeking-"Akeila you know have the power to hide yourself when ever you want like I do" Shadow said aking a paw sep back and wagging her tail happily.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Mountain Wolf Pack
« on: June 24, 2012, 02:58:32 am »
"Yes and yes my friend" Shadow chuckled.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Mountain Wolf Pack
« on: June 24, 2012, 02:32:47 am »
"Oh that? That was nothing, But you now have the abilitty to summon me with just a howl but not just ANY old howl no, A special howl and I will be able to hear it no matter where I am And I will be by your side in a matter of moments to help" Shadow exsplaind leaning on her mate and smileing.

 ((Omg I forgot to say yesterday I got my first kiss! XD This is what happend so I gave my Bf a hug good bye, got my first kiss, Ran up staires told my sister, Walked back down staires, Sat on the couch, And fell asleep lol XD))

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Mountain Wolf Pack
« on: June 24, 2012, 02:05:50 am »
"Lets go my love" Shadow Smiled grabing her mates scruff and making sure to hold on tight as she ran faster than fast itself ((Lol XD)) And disapeared runing swiftly straight up the mountain side limping the whole way up though and then when they reached the top Shadow let go of her mates scruff and qwickly kissed him giving him the power of Shadows speed and agility all the wile she was running and smiled as Lightning kept perfect pace with Shadow stride by stride. Once they ran for about a minuet or two they came up to Akelia and her friend and Shadow stoped right next to them and qwickly pushed her muzzle into Akelias neck fur-"Thank you Akelia for trying to help me It was not your fault I fell it was the ghost of my brother who had slit my arm open and making ower paws slick with blood" Shadow then pulled her muzzle away and showed Akelia her paw showing the cut on it then lifted up Akelias paw showing the blood staining the fur around her own paw-"I shall allways be greatfull for what you have done and I Shadow the Alpha of the forgotten pack long ago lost to history The pack Of Shadows will be glad to allways come when needed and shall allways promise to protect you and your friends just gice me a howl when My asistance is needed" Shadow Promised geting down on one knee and bowing her head then Licking Akelias ankle making all the blood disapear then licking her own doing the same and healing the cut then Shadow got up and touched noses with Akelia making a flash go through both of there minds as Shadow Gave this wolf the power to summon Shdaow whenever she is needed. Shadow then ttok a step back, bowed her head, looked back up and smiled at Akelia-"Mind If me and My mate Lightning join you two?" Shadow asked smileing as she licked her mates cheek happily.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Mountain Wolf Pack
« on: June 22, 2012, 07:16:15 am »
Shadow let out small high pitched yips of pure happyness as tears streamed down her face and the rain soked into there fur-"I will never leave you Lightning I will allways be by your matter what happens" Shadow whispered happily licking her mates chest fur repeatedly.

((Sorry if I pressed any rong letters its dark in my room and i cant really see the key bord lol XD))

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Mountain Wolf Pack
« on: June 22, 2012, 06:30:29 am »
As the rain fell a light glowed on the two wolves faint at first but stedilly grew brighter and the rain falling on the two started to glow aswell and even sparkle a bit and as it landed on Shadows dead body the wounds on her neck and paw started to close up and once they finished healing the light vanished allmost as qwick as it came and the rain went back to normale, And after what seemed like eterninty Shadow gasped her eyes flinging open and she raised her head and staired into Lightnings eyes her own starting to tear up-"Lighning you saved my life" Shadow barked befor thrusting her head into her mates chest fur and licking his hurt ankle making it heal the moment her toung touched it.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Mountain Wolf Pack
« on: June 22, 2012, 05:55:32 am »
When Shadow hit the sand the shadow appeared again wanting her dead and qwickly befor she could get up ran at her then another white flash and a yelp and when the flash finished shadow stood having aparently got up onto her hind legs during the flash to try and scar the figure away was now standing frozen jaw gaping a bit as a trickle of blood left her lips and more blood ran down her stomach and a singgle tear fell from the she wolves face as her eyes rolled back and she fell neck slit half in and half out of the water the water now turning a scarlet red as the blood ran into the water and was carrued out.

((can Lightning live please?! And come back to Shadow? dont worry she will come back loL XD))

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