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Messages - Death_The_Kid

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Characters / My characters bio
« on: March 23, 2011, 02:19:21 pm »
Name: Death the Kid

Age: 17

Positions in packs:

Gender: Male

Mate: PAradiseManga13

Pups: none

More info: MY father is the grim reaper himself(otherwise known as shinigami sama to other) I have 3 white sanzu lines on the left side of my hair and none on the right(to my dismay) I have a OCPD Over symmetry which can be very obnoxious to others sometimes. Im always friendly to all species and never resorts to fighting unless absolutley neccasary.

In game appearence: Sometimes im a all black wolf with red scars. Sometimes im a black and grey wolf with white skeleton markings. Other times im using whastever color i feel like if im in the mood for something different.

RP fights:
Lost: 2
Won: 22

I enjoy making new friends so add me Death_The_Kid

Game Discussion / Re: Rude people.
« on: March 22, 2011, 10:10:25 pm »
I  truly agree with you on this im tired of the rude people...I mean if someone wants a cave they can get off there high thrones and politley ask me to leave they dont need to cuss me out and threaten me to kill me.

Ok i never played impressive title first of all so i know nothing about it but i love feral hearts

Ok i really love the game istelf i mean you can clearly see the hard work put into it people should appreciate that the game is free instead of coplianing about every little thing.

I hate it when you go into a cave and when a pack comes they try and kick you out. i mean there are other caves. Plus i kept a tally for 3 weeks on how many times i got threatened to leave a cave the total was 71. If they would ask nicley i would be more then happy to leave but if they just demand you to leave you really shouldnt i mean why let them bully you out of a place they dont even own? seriously guys you dont have to be rude to others even if its your rp characters personality try showing a little more kindness to strangers maybe theyll be a good friend to you.

Ok whenever a mod comes on everyone goes nuts this is funny/annoying/obnoxious. personally i dont think the mods should reply to everyone unless its a important question because it disturbs other players and when everyone tries to talk it makes the game lag very bad( no offense to the mods out there)

Ok the dance moves rock i must say but about the buttswing? it needs more...idk energy you should have a low buttswing(like the curent one) or maybe a more energetic one thats faster and adds more hip movement yknow? If any of you have played spore there are some dance moves on there that i think would be cool to add if all possible.

One thing that nannoys me most...MATE BEGGERS!! i mean jeez its annoying... seriously to find a good mate you should get to know him/her and get to know them better then ask them. or maybe theyll ask you ;)   I know i love the mate i have and im very happy to have her(ParadiseManga13) aka my rosie~

I must say my favorite mod is MOD84 and MOD75 you guys rock

I personally think that we dont really need more animals to be but it would be cool yknow? like if you edit the wolf model a bit it could be a fox or a dog you gatta use your imagination.

Presets in game would be cool but due to bandwith its not possible at this time. but maybe if we got rid of the markings and color customizations we could have enough for everyone but...not everyone can edit pictures.

I do think the game needs better marking systems like maybe have multiple types of markings like have toeless socks and something else on the body but be able to make them different colors. maybe for eyes you could have a missing eye option.


How can i download the meteor shower one?

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