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Messages - Stargatefan

Pages: 1 ... 19 20 [21] 22 23
This is a creepypasta that I thoroughly enjoyed, Star. You did a marvelous job with it.
thank yew.

Stories / Re: N- E V E R - Feral Heart creepyasta
« on: August 27, 2013, 07:33:19 pm »
O_o wow, good cp! Last Cave is really glitchy and creepy. I personally haven't been there, but I read about it. I think a person can get glitch-controlled by another person. Can't it "eat" a character, too? Oooooh, Sky what'd you think?
Sky: *makes tiny whimpering noise and hugs budder* I need a muffin and a Jason so I can tell him I'm startled.
And you know why you wrote that cp? Tell 'em, Ty!
Yep. Can't go wrong with cookies!
Grumpy Cat: No.
Great cp. I should write a Last Cave cp, if you don't mind that is. BTW, I can't find the portal for it. Whe is it in Atlantis?
         8) -Stargate
Sky:  :o :o owo

Stories / Re: FeralHeart Creepypastar~
« on: August 27, 2013, 07:02:39 pm »
I give you thumbs up.

._. Unfortunately I won't sleep tonight, but still nice work.
Pinkie, this is like your cp. Duh, this is like a Pinkamena cp. but good job, it's great. Pinkamena: Friends? Sky: JASON HALP MEH PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Stories / Re: "MOMMA?" - Creepypasta By Tariri
« on: August 27, 2013, 06:51:16 pm »
Good cp, 'Riri! Rate: 4/5. I too wrote a cp. This is a good one. Sky, what do you think?
Sky: Um...I'm startled...*le cuddles budder* Jason, help me...
Okay...Ty, what about you?
Deadlox: I LIKE IT.
What? Um, okay? (I've been wanting todo the cookies thing. That's actually from a video, you know).
Welp, nice job! Keep it up!
Grumpy: Meh. *le falcon punches Slenderman*

Media / Re: I can has meme?
« on: August 27, 2013, 03:51:28 am »
Pff, MoonMoon. Definitely MoonMoon for me. The minute I witnessed the birth of MoonMoon was the day I couldn't get enough of that meme.

Oh and a bit of advice, or a tip, for ye' Star. Ye' know ye' can always modify your post so you won't have to double or triple post all the time, yes? The 'Modify' option is always located at the top right of your post. If you've already known of this, then pardon me, though better point it out now then never, ja?
Ja. I think I'll add MoonMoon.

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Mai Bio - It's dumb
« on: August 27, 2013, 03:50:04 am »
Ahh, so ye' are a bro? c: I see a lot of things in which we have in common. I, myself, am a part of the Sky Army and Audience, as well as a Bro.

And stated many times, your bio is not dumb at all. Vesp made a good point that it is nice you are getting more involved with the community. Your bio is amazing, and don't think otherwise. 'Tis unique in its own ways. c; -Brofists.- Stay sexay, lass.

Aye, I like Toby too. I can't really watch YouTube anymore (parents...) but I can still watch TV...ANNOYING ORANGE, TIME TO WATCH THE HECK OUT OF YOU. *le swoons over Toby* I don't have a YouTube account, but I am a fan of Sky and Toby and Pewds. *Pewds is so funneh, OCTODAD and you know, I don't know if I've ever watched a full episode of his...I think I did though).
-Stargate 8)

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Mai Bio - It's dumb
« on: August 27, 2013, 03:35:58 am »
Oh look, another bro. -Brofists.-
Like stated before me, your Bio is far from dumb. You shouldn't belittle yourself, floof. Tis' good to see you getting involved with the community however.
Also, nice avatar. Tis' grumpy cat.
Aye, seems as if we are talking in ye olde English. *Returns brofist* Anyway, I know it's not dumb, I know, I know, I know. I should get rid of that :3 So, I shalt befriend you, Vespian. Good English, BTW, and cool signature and avatar. And 'tis Grumpy Cat indeed. Let us see what she sayeth about you, no?
Grumpy Cat: Another one? No. Just no. Meh. Go away.
Um...okay, then. Welp, see ya 'round! *gives butter*
Sky: MY BUDDER!!!!!!
Uh oh. Bye! *Le run*
-Stargate 8)
P.S. check out my CP, it's in the Stories section of FH Media. Beware the Killers. Enjoy! MUHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH*cough cough GASP WHEEZE*

You my friend, have officially creeped me out owo Amazing story Star, I really do enjoy creepypasta stories :D Keep up the good work!

Aw, thank you :3 I'm glad you like it. If you wanna read more stories, they're not cps but go on dolldivine and look for blackwolf4779. Knock yourself out. Or just Google it, I have 2 blackwolf4779 accounts, though. Or something. Anyway, thank you again. And Sky wants his butter muffins back.
Sky: Seriously, can I have the muffins back?!
Warrior: No. *Noms muffin*
Sky: D:<
Grumpy Cat: Meh, no.
*Listening to Rascal Flatts yayyyyy*
Fax machines do NOT sound pleasant.

W-O-W. I can't wait! This looks so awesome. 20% cooler! It'll be free, right? And I'll probably be old enough for an account when it's done...Great job!

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Mai Bio - It's dumb
« on: August 27, 2013, 02:50:58 am »
Nuu I don't think your bio is dumb what so ever. I find it to be interesting and I get to know a little more about you which is what I like.
Lovely bio here I must say
Thanks! I'm so young...and stuff...but forums are fun.

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