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Messages - Crusoe

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Game Discussion / Do you think there is SweetFX for Feral-Heart?
« on: September 14, 2015, 10:19:30 pm »
Recently, I have been messing around with ENB and SweetFX with some other games. Then the question came to my mind:

Do you think there is a SweetFX preset for Feral-Heart and can SweetFX work with Feral-Heart? We all know that ENB works, so possibly SweetFX may work as well?

To me, it seemed like a pretty interesting question. Have any of you tried out SweetFX on FH. If you haven't, do you think it can work?

Hello everyone! Been a while since I posted anything, but here I have returned with a tutorial on how to install FH on Linux. Let's get to it!

First, you're going to need to install Wine on your Linux. What is Wine? Wine is an open source program for Linux and Mac that allows you to run executable files (.exe files) on them. This tutorial will show how to install Wine as well as how to install FH on Linux.


1. First, open up your terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T On most Linux distros)

2. Copy and paste the following commands in this order:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y wine1.7

3.  And there you go! Simple! You just installed Wine on your Linux Distro. (Note: May be different depending on your Linux distro. I have tested this on Ubuntu, Lubuntu and Linux Mint.) Now we'll get into running FH.

4. Download the FH Game Setup from the site and open up your terminal again.

5. Type in the following command:

cd home/YOURUSERNAMEHERE/Downloads

Then type this: wine FHsetup

Hit enter and the FH Install should pop up. Go through all the install steps. When you're installing DirectX, it will tell you the installation has failed. No worries, you will still be able to play FH using the OpenGL Renderer.

6. Once FH is done installing, find your virtual C drive. It is typically found in you home folder. Look for a folder called ".wine" If it is not there, you may need to enable View Hidden Files in your settings, or you can press Ctrl + H and it should show up. Once inside the folder, go to the folder called drive_c. If you did not change the install destination for FH, you should see a folder called FeralHeart. Open it and launch FeralHeart.exe and there you go! You may now play FH on a Linux distro. Sometimes, you may need to right click on FeralHeart.exe and set the Open With properties to Wine Windows Program Loader.

TIPS: 1. As soon as you launch FH, I suggest you go to the video settings and change your rendering subsystem to OpenGL renderer.

2. I also suggest configuring Wine's application settings to launch most applications in Windows 7 Compatibility. You can do this by typing in this command in the terminal: winecfg

Then, Wine Configuration menu should pop up. Under the applications tab, choose Windows 7. This reduced some of the lag I got when running FH using Wine.

3. If you're having some problems with running FH, try this command: sudo apt-get mesa

This should update your OpenGL Driver.

And, that's it! If you're having problems, please PM me and I'll try my best to help you. Later, I may or may not do a tutorial on how to install DirectX on Linux, for those who want to use the DirectX Renderer, which I do not suggest using, as it is a bit laggy.


I have tried this out in Linux Mint. Everything works well, and I was able to launch some Impressive Title servers as well! If your Linux distro isn't Ubuntu or a derivative of Ubuntu, then check and find a tutorial on how to install it for your specific distro. I may add a tutorial for Arch Linux users soon after I test it.

Alright, Dani. You're accepted. Ashyak, take your time.

Introduction / Re: Back from the dead
« on: December 17, 2014, 03:27:47 am »
Thanks JimMoriarty! Part of the reason I wanted to return is to see the great community members like you. : )

Introduction / Back from the dead
« on: December 17, 2014, 02:40:16 am »
Hello everyone, and I probably have a bit of explaining to do. First off, I am sorry that I haven't been as active and ran off on you all like that. Now for my excuses...
I had to take a break from Feral-Heart so I went back to some older games that I played like Quake Live, Warframe, Ect.
I also was busy with schoolwork and I recently had a project so I didn't have time to check up on everything going on in this awesome community.

I recently built a gaming computer with my dad for me, so I should be able to get on more often now. Other than that...

Discussion Board / Re: What if there was a Feral-HeartCon or FeralCon?
« on: December 17, 2014, 02:22:19 am »
Great to see this topic still alive! Indeed the problem that many members of the Feral-Heart community do not live in America can affect the possibility of a FH Con, but still there are many Pro's to having a FH Con.

Definetly going to join.
Name of character: Crusoe
Age of character: 3 years
Gender of character: Male
Rank of character: Loner
Personality of character: Crusoe is not very social and is usualy quiet, and does not speak until spoken to. He is obediant, quick, and smart
Good at: Medicine/Healing, staying silent and unoticed
Bad at: Lieing and socializing.

Game Help / Re: I can't download the game...
« on: November 14, 2014, 12:11:24 pm »
Well, if you want a program that can download torrent files there are a couple. A popular one is uTorrent. Like Kiues already said, it might be because your pop up's are disabled.

Game Help / Re: Map not working
« on: November 12, 2014, 08:58:42 pm »
Nvm Sorry about that. Map is working now. I had to re install game.

Game Help / Map not working (Please Lock)
« on: November 11, 2014, 09:10:28 pm »
I recently downloaded a map and I put everything in the exports folder but when I get on Feral Heart and go to Cape of Distant worlds it does not show up. Could anyone please help?

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