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Messages - LupusK

Pages: 1 ... 19 20 [21] 22 23 ... 25
i knew someone is bound to do DJ-Pon3 and Octavia presets lol.

them TRON presets look so epic. it be so brill if they were glowing.

thank you for showing me them. i tried getting that pirate ship but it crashed my FH so i took the files off. the gravestone i do like but the two broken ones dont show the proper colour but the others work so ill have them. the human corpse i thought was really funny of you toshow and pretty wierd of the picture but still good. but i wont be using them. sorry bud. the carcass thingy. i may use ill think about it. and i dont think mii demon spiritual pack would like love hearted pillow coushens XD hah hah but i really thank you for making an effort.

Meshes / Re: .:Tetsu's Converted/Handmade Meshes: 2 new packs!:.
« on: October 20, 2012, 04:20:44 pm »
i love this. some good stuff i can use for mii maps cx. especially the ship.

okay so first im deleting all my charecters on my account cause im getting annoyied tryna find characters. 2nd illl be so thankfull to those who help me out with this. first startin with signs.

SIGNS any colour you want. you choose aslong as you can see it. and it GLOWS. can i have some of them on a slant please. any sign you want to slant please do c;. this is optional you dont have to.


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[Dont walk on the graves]

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now some other meshes.

lava trees [ red leaves and lava vines swirling down the tree. animated please.]

nothern lights [i have]


dead animal with blood

graves with gravestones

a wrecked pirate ship

bean bags [Different colours. Not rainbow.]

Ghoust Souls



lava tree's with red hammocks [ red leaves and lava vines for the vines connected between the trees. animated please.]

once again i will be very thankfull for who helps with this. please make a sign mesh with your username on it so we the whole pack can thank you for this. and please i need them ASAP THANK YOU. Wolfykid. PS the capital letters i meant to put so on the signs please put them. a real big thank you. i know some of these meshes are allready done but i find it real hard to do mehses manually by going on the map maker or somthing and it does my head in. please help

Finished Maps / Re: TEChno Dance Bar! Map Released To Public
« on: October 20, 2012, 02:03:26 pm »
Dagos this map is such epical. it's a petty i cant load it up x'c the map wont work or anything. im sorry buddy. should have some UK garage songz to lol. just an opinion. check 3 that i like lol.  i put [ ] in order by number to show what one i like most cx

craig david ft Artful dodger - rewind [2]

nightcrawlers - push the feeling on [1]

sweet female attitude - Flowers [3]

howd i get dem nothern lights on the map maker ting. i tried doing the ting with the partical creator but i couldnt find it ;c big let down man. help me please. Thank you. Nothern lights are the biggest ting i wanna get c; i luff it and i love the particals you made glave. well done with them cx

Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / Re: Planet Earth {Coming Soon}
« on: October 20, 2012, 01:46:51 pm »
Karee if you have nothern lights meshes i be really realy gratefull if i could use them for my spiritual map for mii pack c; pwease lol

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Mega Action Idea Thread
« on: October 20, 2012, 01:44:08 pm »
can we have an action where wolves our lions can twitch their ears.

Request/Find Meshes / Re: big request for my pack hope you can handle
« on: October 03, 2012, 11:37:50 am »
something like red leaves and like lava texture viens going down the tree like in one of the maps in pathways. and yes beanbags like chairs lol and cool cant wait to see them kiddo c:. Wolfy.

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