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Messages - wolfierawr

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haha im almost done with 2 maps.. I had them all done before... but i didn't think they were good enough .3.

Yes that's fine. Accepted :P.

Idk how to post a pic .3. i'll put it up on deviantart .3. :::
Name: Tear
Gender: Female
Desired position: not sure atm .3. maybe scout or hunter maybe warrior .3. -shrugs-
History: Her parents were** killed** right in front of her on purpose, so she would leave. She left the other place she was in and came across this.
Personality: She is very quiet to a lot of people and doesn't open up easily. Her parents were killed in front of her which caused her to become distant to everyone. She will speak, yes, but if she doesn't know you t hat much it will be very quiet, almost silent. She hates being alone, but she won't tell anyone that. She has a split personality and can go very creepy at times, meaning she will be all evilISH.  --more to be explained .3.-
RP Sample(5-6 sentences): She ran from those she thought she could actually trust. She ran from her home, the people she called family. No, they weren't her family, they were monsters who only know how to kill. She looked at the sky and the moon was covered by the clouds and mumbled, "I'm not even going to try to talk to anyone if I find somewhere new...... unless... I must...." She came back to her senses when drops of rain started to fall. She then lay down and sighed in the midnight rain shower.
Other(optional):  Theme Song .3.: Devil May Cry (anime) OST - Track 9 -- The Reaper

Sacrificial Ritual-     Each member of each clan meets at whoever started the ritual(ie.Storm)'s crystal zone in their zone. The one's being put up for the ritual will be covered in the bones of the last sacrificed. The alphas are normally wearing skins of the first sacrificed in their Clan. The Rituals may last up to 30 minutes but are normally less than that. In the rituals, the alphas must address why they are being sacrificed and to what God/Goddess. They must also explain what they had done in the sacrifice did in their life, if anything. Sacrifices may often be of animals who greatly opposed their alpha or someone who trespassed and refused to become a member.

Praising Ritual-     Each member of each clan meets at whoever started this ritual's camp. They all then gather under highrock and wait for the alpha's to finish up their chat. The alpha's then address what this ritual is for, ie. someone passing away who did something to help one of the clans or the opposite, a clanmate being born when an alpha or shaman was told by the gods about that one animal.

---more to come---

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: ~.3 Clan Map :].~
« on: June 10, 2011, 10:00:53 pm »
Name: Patchpaw
Username: spottednose
Char's Age: 6 moons
Family: N/A
Clan you want to join: fernclan
Char's Personality: friendly, sort of shy, self-less
Char's Bio: was born a rouge and was abandoned by her family of rouges before she could even see, hear or meow, the day she was abandoned she was found by a fernclan hunting patrol and they took her in, now she is the medicne cat apprentice of fernclan and she as alwayse thought she was born in this clan too, she knows nothing about her real parents though she thinks her real parents r in fernclan with her.

can i be a medicne cat aprentice? and the map link leads to an invlaid or deleted file
and i have a preset in progress, i'll upload it to mediafire and post the link when it's done
Name: BubbleKit
Username: Nikila
Char's Age: Not born (if its ok)
Family: Dont know
Clan you want to join: Lake Clan
Char's Personality: Kind, funny, playfull, like romantic and nice boys/ males cats.
Char's Bio: Dont have any bio yet (Write it later, when she gets born and know her family)

((please post it on the other forum ::

@weffa yes you can be a shaman app. on the new one,
@nikila yes thats ok too :P

Lake Clan is now Stream clan, Fern Clan is now Storm Clan, and Crystal Clan is now Snow :P

Please join on the proboards Wolfie, it's linked on the front page.
So, I pmed[maybe two weeks ago] our Windclan leader and they haven't replied back. Sooo, we need a windclan leader, obviously lol.
I did sign up wolfiex3 is the name


In Game Username: Kittysauris
Char Name: Moonlights Day
Char Gender: Female
Char Age: 2 years
Char Species: Demonic Wolf
Char Power(if any): Control of Darkness
Char Rank: Alpha
Char Clan(you can pick when you seen the territories): Stream Clan
Char ThemeSong(Song that gives a little info on your chars personality): Devil May Cry 3 Soundtrack - Devils Never Cry

Username: alphafemale143
Name: deathfang
Age: 4years
Gender: male
Rank: alpha
clan: stormclan
Species: fallen angel wolf/shapeshifter
Power: shapeshift
Theme song: chop suey

In Game Username: Maryritai
Char Name: Hiddencrest/Midnight
Char Gender: Female
Char Age: 36 moons
Char Species: Shapeshifting Vampire Wolf
Char Power(if any): Shapeshifting
Char Rank: Beta
Char Clan(you can pick when you seen the territories): Streamclan
Char ThemeSong(Song that gives a little info on your chars personality): Nothing - The Script


In Game User name: Spottedlegs
Char Name: Dusk
Char Gender: Female
Char Age: Young Adult
Char Species: Vampire -x- Shape shifter (Into lion)
Char Power(if any): Dusk can weakly control shadows to protect and attack
Char Rank: Guardian
Char Clan(you can pick when you seen the territories): Streamclan mabey
Char ThemeSong(Song that gives a little info on your chars personality): Skrillex- Kill everybody.


In Game Username: IceDarki
Char Name: A.M.A.K.U.S.A (Alpha Model Armored Kreudov Ultin Special Attacker0
Char Gender: Presumed Female
Char Age: Oh Dear.....O_O;
Char Species: Okamitsune (Technological Type)
Char Power: Eight Mechanical Tails, though only some work. She also has heightened regeneration.
Char Rank: Shaman
Char Clan: Stream Clan
Char Theme Song: Nageki No Mori--Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni Matsuri


1. Download the file.
2. Stick it into FeralHeart > Presets.
3. Pat yerself on the back. XD






Name: BubbleKit
Username: Nikila
Char's Age: Not born (if its ok)
Family: Dont know
Clan you want to join: Lake Clan/ Stream Clan
Char's Personality: Kind, funny, playfull, like romantic and nice boys/ males cats.
Char's Bio: Dont have any bio yet (Write it later, when she gets born and know her family)


Artemis-Goddess of the Moon  = Every night, the animals of the Clans meet up at the Lake and pray to her that the Moon will not fade. (in this world, when the moon disappears at night it's a predictor of a bad thing coming. The moon is normally full)   Holiday: 1st of the Month -- Celebrate with a party
Apollo-God of the Sun   =Once every week, the animals will pray to him that the sun will continue to shine brightly and will not disappear. (When there is an eclipse of the sun and moon, the animals here will get all scared due to them not knowing if it will come back [history lesson])   Holiday: 10th of the month -- celebrate with party
Gaia- Goddess of the Earth   =Ever month, there is a festival of relaxing and games within the Clan's for her to remain strong and fertile, without that no one would survive.    Holiday: 13th of the month -- celebrate with party
Poseidon- God of Water   =Whenever it rains, or anyother kind of precipitation. The Animals will pray to him that the Lake's water will not dry up.   Holiday: 20th of the month -- celebrate with party

The Nesoi- The Goddesses of the Island   =Every night they gather under the highrock and pray to them that the island will not become flooded       Holiday: 15th of the month -- celebrate with party

Zeus- King of the Gods, Controller of storms   =Every day when they first wake up each cat will one by one go to the highrock and pray to him that no Storm will be too hard to handle     Holiday: 21 of the month -- celebrate with party

The Ourea- Gods of the Mountains   =Every afternoon they will gather beneath the highrock and pray to them that an avalanch will not come.          Holiday: 28th of the month -- celebrate with partty

MAP ---

1. No godmodding.
2. Respect your higher ups!
3. Don't start random fights with others.
4. If you must go somewhere for awhile, tell a higher ranking.
5. If you have an idea of a plot whisper it to a leader.

~~We follow the hierarchy of the Wolves but act like Warrior Cats! (meaning we have highrock and a Moonstone (for sacrificing to the gods)~~

ALPHAS  (2 per area)
The Alpha(s) are the most dominate and respected animal(s) of the Clan. If the Alpha(s) are not respected, there will be consequences, either demotion or death depending on the severity. The Alpha has the final say in whats right for the Clan and is normally the one who says whats going on at the moment. The Alpha(s) are also responsible to listen to the concerns of their members and must try to resolve that problem. They will also sometime reseve words from the gods on which something good/bad is going to happen. If that is the case, they normally tell their shamans and betas. [[Apply]]

BETAS (4 per area)
The Betas in the Clans play a very simular role as the Alphas. Betas are usually looked upon as second in command, taking over while the alphas are not present. They are able to make the same decisions and have the same amount of respect as the alphas. They answer to no one but their Alphas. [[Apply]]

ELDERS (5 per area)
The Elders are normally the oldest, wisest animal in the pack. They are often sought out for advice, even from the Alpha and Betas. [[Apply]]

GUARDIANS (10 per area))
They are usually the bigger, stronger, and more loyal animals to the Clan. Their job is to greet visitors, as well as chase them away if there seems to be a threat. [[Apply]]

HUNTERS (7 per area)
These wolves have been given the job of hunting for food to feed the Clan. Usually they bring along other Clan members acting as mentors on how to hunt.  [[Apply]]

SHAMANS (3 per area)
They serve as a doctor, and try to keep the Clan in a healthy stature. They also watch over the ill and elderly of the Clan.  They are also known as the one's who can see spirits. The gods may speak to them if someone is born into a prophecy. If that's the case they tell their leaders. [[Apply]]

The apprentice of a shaman [[apply]]

SCOUTS (5 per area)
Scouts are the ones who warn the Clan of any suspicious activity around the territory. They are also known by the neighboring Clans and are the ones who find out whats going on within those other Clans. If anything is wrong within another Clan, they will immediately report to an Alpha or Beta. [[Apply]]

PACK MEMBERS (10 per area)
The normal members in a Clan. They normally go out to hunt with the Hunters. [[Apply]]

APPRENTICES (4 per area)
The newly made apprentices of the clan, soon to be pack members. [[Apply]]

OMEGAS (3 per area)
The Animals new to the Clan, or the animal who was demoted. They are known as the Sitters and watch over the young and teach them how to act in the Clan. [[Apply]]

YOUNG (4 per area)
The Youngest members in a Clan. Aging up to 7 months. [[Apply]]

In Game Username:
Char Name:
Char Gender:
Char Age:
Char Species:
Char Power(if any):
Char Rank:
Char Clan(you can pick when you seen the territories):
Char ThemeSong(Song that gives a little info on your chars personality):

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