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Messages - Stargatefan

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Media / Re: I can has meme?
« on: August 27, 2013, 02:48:33 am »
What about fandom memes? Those are the best ones! Hmm...Out of what you have, Im going with rage.
Lol there are so many moonmoon memes now!
...Too much Dole. I was like drunk on it today and me and some friends made a posse of sorts: THE PINEAPPLE POSSE!!!!! Good times, good times...

Media / Re: I can has meme?
« on: August 27, 2013, 02:45:16 am »
I'd have to go with LOLCats from the options you have here, but my favorite meme (not just group) would absolutely have to me Moon Moon c: *sigh* Someday, my sweet Moon Moon, you will get the thing.
What's Moon Moon? And I found out about LOLCats from a book (or three). I have all three LOLCat books, haha. SO FUNNEH. Kittehs u r so funny and cute...

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Mai Bio - It's dumb
« on: August 27, 2013, 02:42:52 am »
Aye, your bio is not dumb at all! I find it very interesting. c:

I like music, playing the piano, drawing, and writing too. I also love cinnamon! ^o^
Yeah, I guess it's not TOO dumb. But oh well. :3 So, I like cinnamon rolls with frosting. Cinnabon, anyone? And if you live in WI, I think they have some in Madison too, but if you ever find yourself by a Colectivo (previously Alterra) try the cinnamon rolls and tell them to heat it up. They're. Awesome.
Check out my Creepy Pasta on the Stories page of FH Media! (Beware the Killers)

You my friend, have officially creeped me out owo Amazing story Star, I really do enjoy creepypasta stories :D Keep up the good work!

Aw, thank you :3 I'm glad you like it. If you wanna read more stories, they're not cps but go on dolldivine and look for blackwolf4779. Knock yourself out. Or just Google it, I have 2 blackwolf4779 accounts, though. Or something. Anyway, thank you again. And Sky wants his butter muffins back.
Sky: Seriously, can I have the muffins back?!
Warrior: No. *Noms muffin*
Sky: D:<
Grumpy Cat: Meh, no.
*Listening to Rascal Flatts yayyyyy*

Media / I can has meme?
« on: August 27, 2013, 02:28:56 am »
Hi, just a little poll. Enjoy and vote! It's only up for 20 days, so cast your vote now!

Stories / Re: .:Feralheart Creepypasta:.
« on: August 27, 2013, 02:11:52 am »

Stories / Beware the Killers - A FeralHeart Creepypasta by Yours Truly
« on: August 27, 2013, 01:59:11 am »
Hi! Thanks for reading this. It's a little Creepypasta I wrote today. I'd like your feedback and such. Mods, if you find anything you don't like or seems inappropriate, feel free to make modifications. But could you tell me first? I don't wanna think a hacker hacked into the story. Or, post a note here and I'll know. Thank you!
WARNING: Blood is in this. But it's not a real story (or is it? MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH *cough cough*). It's not, don't worry. I might post another story soon...keep watch!
I jumped onto the computer as soon as I got home from school. Opening up the FeralHeart game, I logged in and chose one of my wolves: Tinae F PotW, meaning Tinae Female Packs of the Wild. My group was in a map made by the leader, so I spawned there and began roleplaying. After a while, a group of 5 or so strange wolves arrived. Glancing at the chat box, what I saw chilled my blood:
Wreth M PotW: Wreth paced the den floor. "This is insanity!" he barked. He swished his tail. "You are dismissed."
BloodSpillR has arrived.
Assassin has arrived.
MurdeR has arrived.
TheRipR has arrived.
your_deth has arrived.
Those usernames weren't like any I'd seen before. I didn't know how they'd managed to slip by the admins with those names. Suddenly they appeared, all wearing presets that I could see. The biggest one was jet black and spattered with blood. He wore claws that were red, and his front legs were caked in blood. The eyes were a startling bright red that seemed to glow. It looked so realistic, it was amazing. I was about to compliment him on the preset when suddenly, something happened. My fellow role-players disappeared from sight, and the chat box was flooded with "has lost connection" messages. But the group and myself were unaffected. I began to get a little afraid, but told myself they were just hackers. I was about to type a message to them when the chat box suddenly wavered and disappeared entirely. The music playing cut out and was filled with an eerie static. Then, a voice filled my headset. It was deep and rough. "Hello, child. Welcome to your death," it said. I was stunned. The largest wolf's lips moved with the voice. It sat, and the others followed.
"Oh, don't be afraid, young one. We won't bite," it continued. The wolf speaking flashed an evil grin. The others followed suit. "What's wrong, my dear? Cat got your tongue?" It laughed, and the chat box reappeared. It was clear of the "has lost connection" messages and looked as if it were spattered with blood. In the backdrop, a blood-spattered axe was looming dangerously. The text spoken by the wolf was in bright red text, something I'd never seen before in the chat box. "Speak to us," the wolf said. It stopped grinning, and shot a glare at the others. They instantly stopped smiling and instead stared with cold, dead eyes. I shakily reached for the keyboard and typed a slow message. The strangers were patient, waiting with blank expressions. I finally finished typing and pressed the 'Enter' button. It showed in the chat box as the normal white text for Local chat.
Tinae F PotW: Who are you?
It was an agonizing few moments before the voice responded. The text appeared in the box.
Tinae F PotW: Who are you?
BloodSpillR: We are the Killers, my dear. We are your nightmares, your deepest, darkest fears. We are the Grim Reapers. And we are your doom.
I was speechless. Before I could run, BloodSpillR, the leader, emitted a bloodcurdling howl. It seemed as if demons were shrieking in my ears. I yelled and tore off my headphones, leaving the computer open. The FeralHeart screen went static, and BloodSpillR came closer. It repeated until the face of the wolf was extremely close, and the red eyes seemed to stare into my soul. "Run." I ran as fast as I could downstairs and panted for breath. I put a hand to my forehead and decided to watch some cartoons to cool down. I switched on the TV and began flipping through the channels. Every one was static and displayed the message: No Signal. Finally, I found a channel that was working. It was playing a cartoon I liked, so I began to watch. A few minutes in, the sound was replaced by a sound similar to a fax machine's. The character's lips kept moving, but the sound was the only thing playing. I covered my ears and screamed, "MOM!" My mother came into the room and said, "What's wrong?" "The noise! Make it stop!" I shrieked. My ears were beginning to bleed, though my hands were pressed firmly to them. "I don't hear anything," my mom said. She left the room, and suddenly the noise stopped. My eyes had been closed tightly, and I slowly opened them. I jumped. The character from the cartoon was standing close to the camera, with the same red eyes as BloodSpillR had had. "Run," it said in the same voice. I blacked out.
When I awoke, I felt different. I got up and shook my head. Suddenly I realized I was standing on four legs. I crossed my eyes and realized I had a muzzle. I felt like I had a tail, and spun around in bewilderment. The landscape looked oddly like...the role-play map! I was in FeralHeart! I was terrified, yet relieved at the same time. I didn't see the Killers anywhere. But when I spun around again, I was standing muzzle-to-muzzle with one of the Killers. He grinned viciously. Suddenly he whimpered and backed off, tail between his legs and ears back, as BloodSpillR stepped forward. He shook his head and made a tsk, tsk sound. "I warned you, my dear. Now you must pay the price for ignorance." He lunged at me, jaws open wide and blood-stained teeth exposed. I heard myself whimper and everything blacked out.

Where am I now, you ask? Why, I'm fine, my reader. I'm absolutely fine. In fact, I have a new family now. And we're out to get you'd better start running.


Stories / Re: Beware - FeralHeart Creepypasta(May be very scary)
« on: August 26, 2013, 09:37:13 pm »
EPIC STORY. Wow. Just, wow. Of course, I went to iTunes and looked up the Skrillex song (they're an awesome band). But seriously, that creepypasta is really good. It wasn't the scariest I've ever read but it wasn't exactly innocent either. Smile dog on the creepy pasta wiki made me refuse to scroll down the page - I didn't want to bump into his picture. I didn't even read the story! Just the little part at the top made me stop on Smile dog! But I congratulate you. Great job, keep writing! Grumpy cat is even grumpier now. But oh well. Now I need to write a CP myself...
          :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
And of course, I go on Bonfire and in the chat, behold: an official Nala. Sleep is overrated.

Stories / Re: Beware - FeralHeart Creepypasta(May be very scary)
« on: August 26, 2013, 09:35:41 pm »
EPIC STORY. Wow. Just, wow. Of course, I went to iTunes and looked up the Skrillex song (they're an awesome band). But seriously, that creepypasta is really good. It wasn't the scariest I've ever read but it wasn't exactly innocent either. Smile dog on the creepy pasta wiki made me refuse to scroll down the page - I didn't want to bump into his picture. I didn't even read the story! Just the little part at the top made me stop on Smile dog! But I congratulate you. Great job, keep writing! Grumpy cat is even grumpier now. But oh well. Now I need to write a CP myself...
          :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Stories / Re: A Feral-Heart Creepypasta.
« on: August 26, 2013, 09:27:09 pm »
Wow. Creepy, and cool at the same time. Nice job!

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