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Messages - OfficialSwifty

Pages: 1 ... 22 23 [24] 25 26
Characters / Re: All of My Characters. Image and Video Heavy!
« on: September 30, 2012, 03:57:51 am »
Signature hunting can be tedious
after 2 hours of searching I found mine on photobucket

Member Bio & Journals / Axraiel
« on: September 30, 2012, 03:16:23 am »
Salutations all.
I've decided to brief you all on who I am and what i'm about
I hope you enjoy.

The first thing you should know about me is that People scare me.
It's a silly thing really but people around my age 14-18 just make me want to hide in a corner
It's called social anxiety and it's a horrible thing to live with.
What it does is it makes social situations dreadful and unbearable at first you get sick and off-set, but once you get accepted into a group the bad feeling diminishes for the most part.
I've had SA for 3 years now, since it's caused by bullying over an excessive amount of time it's extremely hard to over come.  
Last year I was able to transfer to a different school (best thing that's ever happen to me) and start over.
I made countless friends almost instantly and school became something to look forward to instead of dread.
However. having friends is hardly enough to get rid of the sick feeling and the fear of losing them.
this feeling I get extends to FH as well although it's not as bad I still get a bit nervous and a little sick.
The reason I felt like sharing this on the forum is because I don't want you floofs to think that I'm not talking or sitting by you because I don't like you, it's just the SA =3

Now to get down to business.
I'm a really accepting person so don't be afraid to come up to me and start talking I enjoy conversations even though SA freaks me out it goes away right after the introductions are exchanged.
I'm a floof for music.
FH Radio is my addiction site, I can never have enough of it's music. lol.
As you can obviously see by my signature and avatar i'm a KH fan. ;u;
I'm more of a photographer then a cartoonist, In all honesty I think my drawing suck nuggets -x- But I'm pretty good at taking pictures and such.
8c I'm kind of a slow typer e.o It's an odd thing for  me since my life revolves around my laptop (Which has been acting up for the past week, I'ma replace it with a new one soon) but I suppose it's some thing that can't be helped
I'm a bit of a derp (HurrHurr) even though I appear to be serious and nonsocial ;3
I enjoy a good time and like to party (As long as it doesn't get out of hand)

Why Feral Heart of all places to be a member of?
Well, I simply chose to become a member of FeralHeart because it seemed like the best place  to start making friends and express ones creativity.
I'm pretty sure I made the best decision  of my virtual in-game life because FH is a blast and I enjoy every minute of it.

I may add more as time progresses, but this is all for now.
I may edit a few spots as well since I'm not feeling a hundred percent (Flu) and there might be some lines that are a bit sketchy.
Thanks for baring with me and reading my poorly thought out biography. =3  

Modifications :D

Likes: FH (duh lol), KH 1 & 2 (also obvious) Music, the FH Radio (<3) Party people, Friendly floofs, narwhals, books, writing, drawing (<- I'm getting better), Forums, ice cream, ducks, wolves, epic novels, some anime, vidoe games, sharing advice, and chilling with friends in FH
Dislikes: Bullies, stuck-ups (Gotta loosen up c:), people who think it's funny to be annoying and blah and well I really, really, really dislike planes. I hate them..with great passion.

Friends: (Note: I consider any who party to the FH radio my buddehs C:)
Reap Kouga
(You all know who you are x3, If I forgot you please do not rave at me 8c, just ask and I'll adds you okie? Thankies)

Screenshots / Re: LordSuragaha's Lessons for FeralHeart Floofs Screenies
« on: September 30, 2012, 12:14:12 am »
Fantastic Sceenies.
I'll make sure to be on my guard the next time I travel to bonfire. x3

Characters / Re: |-Ghost-|
« on: September 29, 2012, 09:31:37 pm »
I appreciate the amount of info.

Ask Me / Re: Ask the lady with the odd-colored fox
« on: September 29, 2012, 08:23:49 pm »
How intriguing.
Here's a question I hope you don't mind me asking.
It's a bit silly but Is your character a fox by chance?
I just thought your avatar looked sort of like one.
^^ Lol.

Characters / Re: All of My Characters. Image and Video Heavy!
« on: September 29, 2012, 07:50:39 pm »
Best one yet, I must say... It captured my attention when I was goofing off of Gifstache at school... I saw it and started laughing. I showed my friend, and we both started laughing... And so ended my laptop privileges for the rest of the week at school... XD
I see, well that's unfortunate.
=3 The new signature deserves an XD

Characters / Re: Mah awesomesauceh characters. ;3;
« on: September 29, 2012, 07:18:35 pm »
Great bio.
Xc except the big text..-shivers-
I kid, I kid =3 the huge text welcome was splendid
Anyway. well done.

Introduction / Re: Er. Hi ^^"
« on: September 29, 2012, 07:06:02 pm »
Welcome! Did you make the signature? If so, I really want to see your art!

Sorry I haven't answer your question ^^" I caught a smudge flu.
I'm feeling better now though
Anyway. I'm sorry to say that no I did not orchestrate   my signature
I'm more of a writer then an artist. lol
But if you want to know
I got my signature off of photobucket.
If that helps any : )

I would also like to thank you all for the floofs and the warm welcomez
They are greatly appreciated : )

User Creations Collection / Re: //Reds Corner//
« on: September 28, 2012, 04:15:16 am »

This is Awesome.
I can finally take part in the movie night I've heard so much about
Thanks Red


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