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Messages - Wizardmymom

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Species / --- The Hera ---
« on: January 27, 2013, 03:07:40 pm »
~The Hera~
A Hera is also known as the 'Death Trap' or 'Deadly Beauty' It is a winged wolf with odd markings
and the ability to hide it's wings from veiw.

A female Hera


Hera where started when a human took the blood of a bat and placed it into a (beautiful) female wolf. The result was the Hera. The old human managed to make a male, and Hera went free. They soon covered everywhere, and where getting in the way of a lot.
Humans soon started to kill the beasts and sell their pelts for high money. Few are left, but they are still managing to live in the skies and deep forests.


Hera look like large bats from far away. But as they get closer, you can tell they are not. Even in their black color, their markings are dark blue. Under female's eyes is a blue line, which is how you can normally tell gender. Females are also more skinny then males. Males are more bulky and strong, while females are willowy and not-so-strong.
Markings are often swirly, except on the tail. The tail often has lines, not swirls and spirals like the rest of the body.

They have large claws and paws, but kinda small heads. This makes it easier to land, and to attack. Their skull is weak, making a single blow to a young one deadly.
Males have large tufts and manes on their back, used to attract a female. Females have longer fur, though.


Hera are very social creatures. They used to live in packs of over 100, but now as they are in smaller numbers, the largest pack known to still live has 15. Hera males and females alike have a 'game' they play that has something to do with their beauty (Yes, even the males are beautiful). The wolves use small magic and make their wings turn invisible, so they look like your every day wolf with odd markings. They then find a wolf pack, and lure out some of the opposite gender. Being quite dumb, the Hera kill the wolf right after they show their wings.

In a pack, when the time for mating season (Late summer early fall) comes, the males puff out their back frills and dance around the female they wish to mate with. If the female lays on her back, that means 'Yes, I will let you.' if the female lays with her head down or curled up, it means, 'No, I won't let you.' Some Hera mate for life, while most never mate with the same male more then twice.

When it comes to territory, Hera are very sensitive. They will mark the same tree two times a day by urinating or scratching it. Most males use their magic to set up a kind of alarm system, that tells the male if friend, prey, or foe pass it.  Females cannot do that.

When a female gets pregnant, the male she mates with has nothing to do with her. Other females who won't give birth help with the ones who will, by hunting for them or cleaning the area. When the time for birth comes (Late spring early summer, depending on if they mated in the usual time), all the wolves ready to give birth enter the same den. Two other females stay in there to help, but no males stay in. They are normally out hunting for the new mothers.

Born blind and deaf, they cannot do much. At two weeks, they can leave the mother's safe fur and wander the den to meet other pups. At one year, they can leave the den and wander in a nearby area when watched. At two years, they are fully grown and start the mating cycle.


To communicate, the Hera use barks, whistles, howls, growls, snarls, and whimpers. Growls and snarls are use as a warning to other intruding Hera. Barks and whistles are used for day-to-day 'conversation' with other pack members. Whimpers are normally used by pups who want attention, to show fear, or by a lower rank welcoming a higher rank (like beta or alpha).

Making a Hera Character

Size: F) Short, long, skinny | M) Large, bulky
Head: Large eyes, Smallish ears, Short muzzle, F) no cheak | M) little cheak.
Markings: Body + Head) Swirly | Tail) Lines
Items: Bat wings, Any gemstones or leaves.
Colors: Markings) Gray-blue | Main body) Black or dark gray

Species / Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
« on: January 27, 2013, 02:18:59 pm »
-Just noticed post above- AWW DARN IT.

Species / Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
« on: January 27, 2013, 02:18:23 pm »
In Game Username: Wizardmymom
Pony you are applying for: Thunder Dance (Custom)
Small RP sample: Thunder Dance flew through the clouds before landing on one. She nudged her way to the softest part before falling down on her side. She had spend the whole day racing her sister, and her wings ached. To top it off, she had to go cloud-busting in a few minutes.

I haven't taken a pic yet, but she's a dark blue (a bit darker the RD) with lighter blue stipes. Cutie mark is a storm cloud with a normal lightning bolt on it.

Request/Find Meshes / Some meshes XD
« on: January 27, 2013, 02:10:13 pm »
I once had these A.MA.ZING dragon meshes (I think they were converted from another game) that I got from someone.

Well... I had to restart FH, and I lost all those meshes because I had to use an older restore file I made for the game. Here are a few screenies that I found from my old map >:|

One of many croc sneak attacks of deer XD


Some dragons in the valley

Hydras XD

The dragons' cave

I kinda copied-pasted it from the other forum... But can anyone help me find those meshes? I think they are converted from World of Warcraft, not sure tho.

I'll give nuzzlez if u find them :D -LeLovesThoseMeshes-

RP Form:Wat is dis.
Charrie Name:Flight
Ingame/Forum Name:Nachomeep
Personality:Blind, paranoid, jumps to answers.
RP Sample: He heard footsteps, and immediately thought "LEG WOLF!" and ran. He ended up running into a tree, but got up and continued running until he ran into a cave, and he started screaming. The wolf came in and said "Hi flight!" It was actually skyla. Flight said "Hi skyla, i thought you were bad..."

XD Flight, no need for this, I met chu in the game. But thanks anyways :D

~.: Angel Wings :.~
     Many years ago, the ancient sea wolves separated due to misunderstandings and war. One half, was given wings. The other half was given legs. The legged wolves hated the winged wolves, and killed most of them when they got the chance. While the land wolves only traded fins for legs, the others got wings and legs. They killed them off, but forgot a few. That is where the Angel Wings comes in.
Ok. The map? (Will post pictures later) is here:
Please get it if you want to join this RP.
Just post a bit about your charrie and an RP sample, and I'll let you go.

Alphas (Male and Female)
Beta (1 male)
Warrior/Hunters(same rank)

Loners are NOT a part of the pack. They are kinda just that rank so you are in the RP, yet you aren't really in the pack. REALLY confusing

Other stuffs will be posted later XD

RP Form:
Charrie Name:
Ingame/Forum Name:
RP Sample:

Fill that out, and you may join! (Maybe MWAHAHAHA)

Request/Find Meshes / Re: I need Stuffs
« on: January 24, 2013, 01:01:35 pm »
:D Thanks!

Request/Find Meshes / I need Stuffs
« on: January 24, 2013, 12:46:44 pm »
OK! I need some things for this map I'm making.

  • Poison Texture for water (or just green)
  • Bones or stuff like that (I have default ones)
  • Dead trees

If you can get me those, :D

Request/Find Meshes / Re: Fire Den please
« on: January 21, 2013, 10:14:09 pm »
I'm NO expert (I have the same problem) but maybe you should try getting a fire particle (I forget where I got mine XD) and placeing it all around a cave -LeShrug- Just a FAIL idea, but it would work. Maybe manage to get a transparent cave to make it better...

        The fail,

Request/Find Meshes / Simple Request ;D
« on: January 21, 2013, 01:06:06 pm »
Ok, my simple request is these:
-Floating Island
-Eagle Creature

That's it. I told you simple!
But I think that my request has kinda hard-to-find things... so...
If you can't find them, that's my problem, not yours. I'M the one making the map!

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