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Messages - FighterWolf399

Pages: 1 ... 22 23 [24]
Characters / Re: Kaya F FWMaster
« on: October 15, 2012, 06:59:15 pm »
Thank you for the advice, and she didn't take her sister because she went back to living alone and did everything to keep herself safe in case one day her sis might possibly need her and also because Kaya wanted her to have a mom and family when Kaya knew very well she wasn't going to have the same pleasure of that kind of life.

Characters / Re: The Lions of Altumbria: The Royal Family
« on: October 15, 2012, 06:53:26 pm »
Awesome family I would feel honor to join this family and be accepted. Ps I also need a mate my name is Kaya and I live wondering the king of this pride I will whisper you but won't join unless some of the pride are active members. 

Characters / Re: ~Shallow~'s Characters
« on: October 15, 2012, 06:47:51 pm »
Good work on the bio. I really enjoyed reading it. Keep it up. Great writing skills.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: How about an android app?
« on: October 15, 2012, 03:32:54 am »
I don't think that would work at all, and not saying it is a bad idea but think for a moment. How would you do emotes? How do you click on the ground to move around? How about screen size? How about bug fixing and other thing. How much work do you want to give the FH creators. Unless you would help with viruses and bug in the game to make it mobile.  ???

Characters / Kaya F FWMaster
« on: October 15, 2012, 03:24:55 am »
Name: Kaya
Demon: Never
Age: 22 wolf years (1.5 human years)
Fighter: Heck Yea
Fight wolf: Yea
Fight Master: Yes
Fight Legend: No but I'm training to be one
Sibling: Kia F FM (deceased)
Mate: None
Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Theme song: Monster by Meg and Dia
Kaya was only 2 weeks old when her parents abandon her and her twin sister, Kia. They left them in a forest near the largest fight dog/wolf arena. Kaya again the eldest heard about the arena and couldn't see her sis possibly killed in one of those fights so she took her sister to Ficho Tunnel and dropped her off there so she could have a better life than Kaya knew she would have. Kaya grew up fighting and defending herself away from her sister. She watched her sister always from afar watching over her, but later she just stopped coming to watch Kia because she saw Kia had found a mother, Eclipse. So Kaya went off on her own. Years had passed since she watched her sister and she found out her sis killed herself after being heart broken by a mate she really loved dumped her. Kaya lost the will to go on and fell into a coma and woke up in Ficho
Kaya realized where she was when she broke from that coma, but still sad and no motives anymore. After long a dragged weeks of no eating, sleeping,or fighting she got to her paws and started to fight again.

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